chngchrc.txt 4055 03-10-97 Miscellaneous ml string functions charmenu.txt 2139 03-10-97 A menu of untypable characters cht_s.txt 301 03-10-97 03-10-97 client.txt 3436 03-10-97 03-10-97 colfromt.txt 3514 03-10-97 Extract a column from a matrix contdltd.txt 3496 03-10-97 03-10-97 4436 09-28-91 03-10-97 datastrg.txt 6486 03-10-97 Routines to do compact data storage displst.txt 6118 03-10-97 Display a full screen list to select from ds_48.txt 105 03-10-97 03-10-97 flagtool.txt 2151 03-10-97 Flag management utility fmt48_c.txt 36393 03-10-97 03-10-97 frutils4.txt 9649 03-10-97 03-10-97 ftl.des 4780 03-10-97 03-10-97 getkey.txt 2557 03-10-97 Get key assignments hidbjcts.txt 4233 03-10-97 03-10-97 hide.txt 7307 03-10-97 03-10-97 hide2.txt 4161 03-10-97 03-10-97 hidenots.txt 3336 03-10-97 03-10-97 hp48_ir.txt 7503 03-10-97 03-10-97 hyde.txt 8636 03-10-97 03-10-97 iferrii.txt 5379 03-10-97 03-10-97 ir23link.txt 7598 03-10-97 03-10-97 kermtstf.txt 945 03-10-97 03-10-97 keyasign.txt 1232 03-10-97 03-10-97 kysysvls.txt 2988 03-10-97 03-10-97 lbyte_48.txt 87 03-10-97 03-10-97 lisp_48.txt 131 03-10-97 Simple lisp interpreter for HP48 listlvrs.txt 2777 03-10-97 03-10-97 local.inf 448 03-10-97 03-10-97 2487 07-14-95 03-10-97 lopbreak.txt 4417 03-10-97 03-10-97 lusag_48.txt 67 03-10-97 03-10-97 mdef.txt 8810 03-10-97 Macro Definer to speed up programming memutil.bin 514 03-10-97 03-10-97 mlscan20.inf 356 03-10-97 03-10-97 6816 09-02-95 03-10-97 mpe_zip.txt 32161 03-10-97 Multi Programming Environment V1.0 mtl.txt 5405 03-10-97 Error messages in own libraries mv_48.txt 231 03-10-97 03-10-97 newiferr.txt 5416 03-10-97 03-10-97 obj_pos.txt 7189 03-10-97 Find an element in a list quickly openhowt.txt 9587 03-10-97 03-10-97 pack.txt 5572 03-10-97 Pack SYSEVALs in a program paswstck.txt 1589 03-10-97 03-10-97 patterns.txt 961 03-10-97 03-10-97 pct.lib 7813 03-10-97 03-10-97 pcto48.txt 7346 03-10-97 03-10-97 prcl.txt 1944 03-10-97 03-10-97 prg_to.txt 1859 03-10-97 03-10-97 prgrmrsk.txt 7784 03-10-97 03-10-97 pxadd.txt 344 03-10-97 Add graphics points quickly qsort.txt 3896 03-10-97 Quicksort program qsortfst.txt 4865 03-10-97 03-10-97 qsortmor.txt 6982 03-10-97 03-10-97 quckqsrt.txt 4918 03-10-97 03-10-97 rcldefky.txt 1742 03-10-97 03-10-97 ren_48.txt 95 03-10-97 03-10-97 rev_48.txt 117 03-10-97 03-10-97 revrstxt.txt 2686 03-10-97 03-10-97 scrolmen.txt 12335 03-10-97 03-10-97 seq_48.txt 204 03-10-97 03-10-97 sercrepl.txt 1878 03-10-97 03-10-97 serialkt.txt 2763 03-10-97 03-10-97 serviccl.txt 5154 03-10-97 03-10-97 sim1.txt 38637 03-10-97 03-10-97 sorcescr.txt 15586 03-10-97 03-10-97 sort_c.txt 7488 03-10-97 03-10-97 strip.txt 8294 03-10-97 Strip << >> from programs strngrvr.txt 2757 03-10-97 03-10-97 strtolwr.txt 2544 03-10-97 Convert string to lower case strtonam.txt 1144 03-10-97 Convert strings to names svc.txt 5137 03-10-97 Allow system calls to global routines sysrpljh.txt 11090 03-10-97 03-10-97 testmenu.txt 2588 03-10-97 03-10-97 tf_asc.txt 1320 03-10-97 03-10-97 ti_48.txt 86 03-10-97 03-10-97 ticks_je.txt 14387 03-10-97 03-10-97 to_prg.txt 3940 03-10-97 Build and split programs togleflg.txt 4147 03-10-97 03-10-97 unasc_pl.txt 360 03-10-97 03-10-97 up.txt 3783 03-10-97 UP for built-in programs waitfrky.txt 1459 03-10-97 03-10-97 wicked.txt 7119 03-10-97 03-10-97 wrkspcmn.txt 14563 03-10-97 03-10-97 xhp.lib 2240 03-10-97 03-10-97