airtab.les 2817 03-10-97 03-10-97 bethe.txt 5488 03-10-97 03-10-97 7305 04-09-95 03-10-97 chitab.sgx 8704 03-10-97 Periodic Table cgsunits 2379 03-10-97 03-10-97 dims 4277 03-10-97 03-10-97 hamgeo.cp 18596 03-10-97 03-10-97 mobility 6559 03-10-97 03-10-97 mobility.gz 2375 03-10-97 Electron Mobility Equations niveaua.lib 722 03-10-97 Electron energies parallel 7314 03-10-97 03-10-97 peridctb.gz 2814 03-10-97 A periodic table with atomic weights etc pertable 18183 03-10-97 03-10-97 phyconst.48 12949 03-10-97 03-10-97 phyconst.gz 5934 03-10-97 Physical constants library psych 7285 03-10-97 03-10-97 pte 34905 03-10-97 03-10-97 quantume.chs 5939 03-10-97 03-10-97 speakerd.sgn 11222 03-10-97 03-10-97 speakerv.gz 13040 03-10-97 03-10-97 speakrdc.gz 20468 03-10-97 03-10-97 spkr_3.2 71958 03-10-97 03-10-97 spkrdsgn.1 27534 03-10-97 03-10-97 tablo2.per 4547 03-10-97 Periodic Table of Elements for S/G (French) tablo.sem 7185 03-10-97 Periodic Table of Elements tablochi.mie 4174 03-10-97 Periodic Table of Elements unitconv 5608 03-10-97 03-10-97 watr.gz 9929 03-10-97 Water proerties v1.0 watr_cf 25095 03-10-97 03-10-97 wigner3j.gz 2137 03-10-97 Glebsch-Gordan & Wigner 3-j symbols program xunit 9604 03-10-97 03-10-97