From: Fabio Kimura Escola Politecnica da Universidade de Sao Paulo Brazil ( I don't have Internet address, but try: ) This is the first time I upload something to HPCVBBS, but I am always connected, downloading programs (I think I have almost all programs). I hope you have received this OK. And sorry for my poor English. This is a small program that has become a classic here in our college, because everyone that has a HP48 (and almost everyone do), has or had this program. No one has any idea of who wrote this stuff, but I think it really was a Ayrton Senna fan, because the first time I saw it was a few days after Ayrton Senna's tragic death. (the anniversary of his death is May, 1st). The program is very simple, written in system RPL. It begin showing Ayrton's autograph, and then an animation of Senna's car, with him holding Brazil's flag, with the words "Da-lhe Senna !" that means something like "Beat'em up Senna !". After the animation, it shows Senna's F1 helmet, and the words "Valeu, Senna", something like "Thanks, Senna". Then it plays the tune "Tema da Vitoria", "Theme for Victory", that may not cause any reaction from someone who's not Brazilian, but it certainly reaches all the Brazilian hearts, 'cause on Brazilian television transmission of the Formula 1 races, this music was played whenever Senna won. It is also known here as "Song for Senna". I hope you enjoy this, as the first Brazilian (I think) program sent to HPCVBBS, I know it don't show our software potential, but only Brazilian love for Ayrton Senna. Ayrton Senna will live in our hearts forever. Thanks, keep up the good work.