REMINGTON NUMBERS SCHEDULE Remington is a U.S. (!) military installation in the Wash. DC area. It is one of the few sites that transmit numbers codes that has been physically located. The purpose of numbers transmissions has yet to be proven conclusively by anyone, but a whole branch of the shortwave listening hobby is devoted to this task. They are supposedly a code that can be translated by a method such as a "one-time pad" into useful information, such as (some say) directives to spies operating in the field. Until recently, all numbers transmissions were thought to originate OUTSIDE the U.S. - the Remington facility has proved otherwise. Advice: draw your own conclusions, but don't take it too seriously ! times are in UTC , frequencies in KHz "TYPE" is in the format "XXY" - "XX" ="SS"(SPANISH), "EE"(ENGLISH) "CW"(MORSE CODE), "Y" = (# DIGITS), "*" = (EVERY DAY), "#"= CEASED TIME FREQ.S DAYS TYPE TIME FREQ.S DAYS TYPE 0000 9074/11532 TWThF SS4 1300 #5090/6840 SuWSa SS4 5090/6840 TTh CW5 10570/13808 W SS4 8418/11532 Sa SS4 0100 6802/9074 T SS4 9074/11532 WThSu SS4 1400 9074/11532 TF SS4 9222/11532 F SS4 8418/10665 Sa SS4 6802/9074/ 5090/6840 WTh EE 11532 Sa SS4 14750/15810 T SS4 0200 4670/5812 MSa SS4 1600 8418/10665 Su SS4 6802/9074 TTh SS4 11532/16450 WTh SS4 5812/8418 F SS4 13808/14750 Th EE 5090/6840 Th EE3/2 1700 15651/16450 MF SS4 0230 6840/9958 * SS4 11532/16450 WTh SS4 0300 4307/4670 MTh SS4 1730 9958/18737 * CW4 9074/11532 TWSu SS4 1800 10665/13452 MTh SS4 0330 6840/11605 * CW4 11532/16450 F SS4 7836/9958/ 0400 8418/11532 M SS4 13808 Sa CW4 6802/9222 TF SS4 9222/11532 W SS4 1900 9222/11532 T EE 9074/11532 Th SS4 15810/17693 Sa SS4 5812/6802 Su SS4 2000 4670/6802 SuT SS4 0500 8418/11532 M SS4 11532/16450 M SS4 6802/8418 WSa SS4 11491/16310 TThSa SS4 5812/6802 F SS4 10665/11532 F SS4 #5090/6840 * SS4 0600 4670/6802 MW SS4 #8412/9074 Th SS4 2100 11532/16450 W SS4 #5812/6802 ThF SS4 18621/16450 W SS4 #5090/6840 * SS4 2200 15651/16450 T SS4 0700 5812/6802 T SS4 9074/14421 W SS4 11532/13452 Th SS4 1000 5238/6802 M SS4 #5090/6840 * SS4 5812/6802 T SS4 5238/6802 Th SS4 2300 9074/11532 TTh SS4 15651/16450 F SS4 1030 7725/10324 * SS4 1100 11532/14421 Su SS4 5238/5812 MTh SS4 9074/13452 TF SS4 9074/10665 W SS4