*** SYSOPS please forward for widest distribution *** 6M Packet Radio METSCAT Operation during ARRL VHF SWEEPSTAKES ------------------------------------------------------------- A robot 6M packet radio METSCAT station will be on-the-air in central Iowa during several VHF operating events in 1988. Stations within 2000Km will be able to test the feasibility of automatic contest operation by attempting a QSO. During the January 23-25 ARRL VHF SWEEPSTAKES, the W0RPK-robot will operate in EN31 on 50.505MHz FM feeding 160W into a 5-element yagi. During Saturday morning, the antenna will be slowly swept from the northeast through south and on to the northwest to take advantage of post-sunrise conditions. Schedule requests are encouraged for any time during the contest. Attempts to work the robot will start with distant stations sending continuous CONNECT REQUEST packets. When one is detected by the robot, it will return a single packet containing a CONNECT ACKNOWLEDGMENT, a QSO SERIAL NUMBER and a DISCONNECT REQUEST. This packet will be retransmitted until a DISCONNECT REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGMENT is detected. Up to ten simultaneous QSOs will be possible. HEARD STATION beacon packets and WORKED STATION beacon packets will be transmitted. Robot QSO functions will be provided by SAREX-II TNC software developed by Howard Goldstein, N2WX, as part of a project lead by Dr. Tom Clark, W3IWI, to fly packet radio capabilities in the Space Shuttle. Additional 6M METSCAT operation is planned for grid-square DXpeditions during the June and September ARRL VHF operating events. For more information, contact W0RPK at his callbook address, at home on 515-961- 6406, at the office on 515-224-7440, on the W0RPK-AMSAT BBS 515-961-3325 or via packet radio @ WA0JFS-1 via the N0AN HF gateway. Ralph Wallio, W0RPK and Gene Ellis, WM5Y/0