========================================================================= | ////// /// /// ////// | * The Internet Pirate SWL Newsletter *|| | // / // // // | Keeper: brewer@ace.enet.dec.com | | // ////// // ////// | For info, subscriptions or | | // // // // | to post, send to: | | // // // ////// | Pirate@anarky.enet.dec.com | ========================================================================= | Date: 1-31-91 | Ahoy! | ========================================= [ Hello again, and my apologies. As most of you know, this machine [ devoured a hard drive containing most of the back issues, the [ distribution list, and a whole lotta work files too! A new disk [ has been installed, the night sys manager buried, and a new backup [ scheme enabled so that (knock knock) this wont happen again. [ [ This will be a thin issue, but with your logs, we'll be back on the [ air in a more regular fashion.... [ [ Speaking of this, has anyone been hearing much lately? I have logged [ Radio Mexico, KUSA and WKAR in the past two weeks, but have not [ heard much of anything else. It is apparent that the war, and [ the threat of harsher-than-normal FCC activity is keeping folks [ off the air. There seems to be a bunch of pent up energy, as [ I frequently keep hearing folks tuning up on the frequencies, but [ perhaps wisely avoiding broadcasts. [ [ Some other scuttlebutt... Hope Radio is sending out QSLs... MJ is [ HUNDREDS of cards behind however, so there may be a wait... [ [ It pays to listen carefully... I almost passed up R.Mexico (again) [ because it sounded for a while like many of the other Spanish-speaking [ SSB stations that haunt 41m. At least 'till the comedy program started! [ More stations seem to be using SSB, so check out those funny sounding [ squaks between 7380 and 7430 too. Boy does music sound lousy on SSB! [ [ The new "Pirate Radio Directory" should be published by Tiare in the [ next week or two. I have the last two editions, and in addition to [ some interesting reading, there is a lot of station information. A [ good buy for under 10$! [ [ Only a couple of logs survived the great disk crash: Thanks Jean, for [ sending them in: [-------------------------------------- From: DECWRL::"jburnell@kean.ucs.mun.ca" To: anarky::pirate Subj: Newfoundland logs Not too much to report from last week-end: UNID (Probably Jolly Roger Radio), 6229.0 kHz, 2058-2102, 26 Dec, SIO 232 Hard rock then Irish mx, signal faded really fast, ID at 2102 poorly heard so this can only be tentative! UNID 7414.9 kHz, 0135-approx 0144, 27 Dec, SIO 333 Played the little tune from (I think!) "Close Encounters Of the Third Kind" over and over, and also whistled the same tune. There were a few words in a squeaky voice at 0139, I think: "I want to thank the world" (??) Anyone know who this is? Please QSL! Midlands Music Radio (England) 6220.0, 0806-0830, 27 Dec, SIO 242-1 Old pops, mostly IDs as "MMR", ID and address in phonetic alphabet by woman at 0820: c/o 135 Barkes Drive, Norton, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire England, ST6 8EX. Here is a follow-up on my European UNID station on 6275.5 kHz heard on 30 December: Stefan Prince in Sweden had informed me that this was probably Radio WBI (=Walvis Bay International), a Dutch pirate that is very rarely on the air. jburnell@kean.ucs.mun.ca Jean Burnell, Chemistry Department, Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada A1B 3X7 [----------------------------- From: DECWRL::"jburnell@kean.ucs.mun.ca" To: anarky::pirate Subj: Xmas-New Year Logs E-mail suffered a serious disruption here since just before Xmas, [Believe me, I know how *that* goes! /john] so here are my belated logs for the Christmas-New Year period. These are in a much abbreviated form, as I suspect that most of these were widely heard/reported. Indeed, I have seen most of these in PiPa #43. Reception was not from my home QTH of St. John's, newfoundland, but from my in-law's place in Fredericton, New Brunswick. The receiver was the Icom IC-R71A, and the antenna was a 15-metre external wire. At the outset I should mention that the DX highlight for me was not the large number of pirates as much as a decent opening to Asia on 31 December that brought nice audio from Myanmar on 4725, Mongolia on 4995, and Bhutan on 5023.1 kHz. However, the pirates were a lot of fun! Logs have both time and dates in UTC: 24 December tent. Jolly Roger R., 6229.0, 1954-1959, SIO 141 Hope R. Inter., 15050.7, 2108-2137*, SIO 344 Liberty R., 7485.3, 2115-2116*, SIO 343 R. USA, 7416.6, 2202-2211, SIO 232 WORK, 7413.4 & 7414.0, 2319-2347, SIO 332 25 December East Coast Beer Drinker, 7414.9, 2210-2212*, SIO 321 UNID, 7415.0, 2237*, SIO 232 Action R., 7415.6, 2244-2328, SIO 232 26 December CSIC, 7412.0, 0159-0205*, SIO 232 Hope R. Inter., 7423.2, 0337-0355, SIO 333 Pirate Freaks Broadcasting Svc., 6285.6, 0405-0411, SIO 333 Live Wire R., 6276.8, 0412-0441, SIO 243 Weekend Music R., 6239.8, 0419-0425, SIO 322 UNID 7141.0, 2109-2200*, SIO 221 (perhaps not a pirate!) 27 December UNID, 7412.0, 0239*, SIO 221 29 December tent. Voice of Love, 6202.8, 0021-0041*, SIO 343 WLIS, 7415.0, 2039-2100*, SIO 333 RFM, 15051.8, 2115-2120, SIO 141 R. Fluffernut, 7415.0, 2132-2213*, SIO 333 R. Beaver, 7415.1, 2215-2219, SIO 333 UNID, 7415.0, 2226*, SIO 333 (sports talk) "Overdrive Trucking News", 7415.9, 2231-2236*, SIO 222 30 December Voice of Oz, 7415.0, 0020-0025, SIO 333 QSO on 7415.6 (approx), 0034-0150, heard Action R., Samurai R., KNBS, Voice of Pancho Villa, KGUN, Liberal R., Voice of Oz, R. Garbanzo, Canadian Bootlegger, WHDA, KLVS and (weak thus very tent.) WSHV (?) WLIS, 7412.1, 0202-0212, SIO 231 Live Wire R., 6291.0, 0337-0346, SIO 232; at 0759-0835 SIO 243 UNID, 6275.5, 0808-0812, SIO 131 R. Mauser, 7489.1 & 7494.9, 2035-2132, SIO 343 31 December WFRL, 6315.8, 1955-0119 (1 Jan!), SIO 222 UNID, 6300.0, 2156-2200, SIO 131 Voice of Intoxication, 7413.9, 2259-2304*, SIO 232 1 January UNID, 7489.1, 0210-0212, SIO 322 Live Wire R., 6317.0, 0224-0236, SIO 131 Northern Ireland SW Relay Svc., 6272.4, 0240-0927 (various times in this range), SIO 232 Best wishes to all for 1991! Jean Burnell Jean Burnell, Chemistry Dept., Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland [------------------------ [ Since the resto of the logs were trashed, that's all I have saved for this [ time... a couple of other notes: [ [ I've heard several recent transmissions of VoAnarchy... this stn [ (Identifiable by HEAVY echo on IDs announces a Illinois qth. [ This is evidently NOT the same statvon as R.Anarchy which qsls from [ the Blue Ridge Summit address. Unfortunately I have no QSL info on [ the VoA. Anyone know? [ [ Speaking of Blue Ridge Summit, I'd recommend the book "Pirate Radio [ Stations" by Andy Yoder, and published by TAB Books. This is a [ good overview and is relatively timely. TAB, by the way, is in Blue [ Ridge Summit PA as well. The remarks in Popular Communications [ "Pirates Den" section indicating that the Blue Ridge Summit [ address is phony, is most certainly *wrong*, by the way. POB109 [ is alive and well. [ [ Enough for now, again I apologize for the disk flush... if you know [ of anyone who might be missing from this list, why not forward a copy [ or let the folks know to drop a note so I can sign them up again. [ [ Keep your ears open and your head down! [ 73 and DX /john [ -------------------------------------------