Amateur Radio Emergency Service Newsletter for April April brought us the start of the tornado season and with our annual tornado drill. This year we covered eight schools instead of the usual six. The drill was on Wednesday April 5 at 10:10 AM. The middle of the work week is always difficult to get volunteers, but we managed to have 13 Amateurs to participate. I would like to thank the following people. Steve NO8M George W8PJN Fred WB8UDA Dan KB8A Robert K8TTZ George K8SGM Paul N8HOB Harry KB8DRC Chuck K8RSH Tim N8KBM Jack N8HVQ Rick K8SCI During the drill over 3500 students were supervised. The information that was collected was the number of students per school and the time it took to move the students into positions of safety as determined by the schools emergency tornado plans. The information was transmitted over the 145.29 repeater to net control (N8IDA) and then relayed to County Emergency Assistance and Planning. I felt to drill went extremely well with no hang- ups. Everyone had a very good signal into the machine. Many people were able to use their HT's inside the buildings. There were other activities also this day. LEARA had a test call-up for the weather net on the 146.76 repeater. They had over 50 checkins. CARS also participated with the American Red Cross at one of the schools. They had a dozen Amateurs involved. I am very pleased at the turn out for the day. It sends a signal to the agencies we serve that we care and will continue to support the efforts of safety for our county. Membership totals are up to 70 Amateurs. If anyone is interested in joining ARES please contact me at 844-3059 or leave a message via packet on NO8M-1 or KB8CI BBS. 73's Joe Molter N8IDA EC - Cuyahoga County 1