installing KAMterm...the SHORT VERSION. this file will make several assumptions: 1) you are well versed with dos-based computers and their operation 2) you are one who (like me) generally doesn't read the instructions until you're forced to 3) you know how to edit ASCII text files, and have your editor of choice handy and ready to cruise 4) you're ready to stop reading all of this drivel and get to playing with your new toy! ok. quick installation of KAMterm goes something like this: 1) extract the ZIP archive. if you haven't done this, you probably aren't reading this file yet. :-) 2) edit the sample copy of the configuration file, kamterm.cfg, to customize the configuration (mostly optional). the sample file included contains lots of documentation, so you should be able to cruise right through it. *) also set it up with YOUR communications port's parameters, etc. (can be set from within the program, too, but not saved) *) set the MYCALL parameter to your callsign. this has no impact on the KAM's parameters, but is used when logging text to a file when KAMterm identifies who said what. if this is not set, KAMterm will identify you as ``YOU''. *) check out the other options. there's a lot you can set from in here, and you may like things better after you go through here. you'll know doubt want to tweak things until you're really sure it's perfect. 3) make sure your serial port is connected to the KAM, and then run KAMterm. when you get the opening screen, press a key to go on. NOTE: KAMterm is SHAREWARE, but it is ***NOT*** crippleware or nagware. my hopes are that upon using this program, you will feel that it is WORTH the registration opposed to feeling like you're being forced into it.