1010 - The K4HAV 10-10 Contest Logging Program Written by James D. Hardy - K4HAV - 10X-17605 306 Frances Street - Sylvester GA 31791 (912) 776-3583 Copyright (c) 1990 by Hardy Data Systems Unauthorized copying is prohibited (except DEMO COPY) MAIN MENU **************************************************** 1. New Contest: The New Contest SET-UP asks for the starting date of the contest. Then a list of the existing contest files ( *.QSO) are displayed. If more than 15 are present - then use the cursor keys to see more of the list. For a new contest you are asked to choose a name that hasn't been used before. Some suggestions are SUMMER91 or WINTER91 - it's your choice. After these two entries corrections can be made by using the edit commands if you made a mistake or changed your mind. 2. Resume Contest: Unless the band is open for 48 straight hours or you decide you need some sleep - you will probably exit the program and turn off your equipment. Use this option to restart the Contest. You will be shown the existing contest files and by using the cursor keys highlight the current contest file and hit ENTER. The Contest file and the DataBase file will be read into memory and the last 9 QSO's will be displayed. A header file - which includes the starting date - score - total operating time - operator's 10-10 number and other identifying info was written to the contest file whenever you last entered a QSO. The list of existing contest files is limited to the first 30. If you have more than 30 - then move the oldest ones to a floppy backup. 3. Print Log/Dupesheet and Utilities: This option runs another program which will print the log and dupesheet - and has DataBase utilities. This operation will be described later. 4. Help: By typing "H" the program documentation will be displayed on the screen. By using PageUp or PageDown the user can view the entire file. A print-out can also be obtained by typing "P". 5. Search: By typing "S" the Search Program will be run. This is a complimentary program included with 1010 that searches Gerry Gross - WA6POZ's 10-10 DataBase for 10X numbers or calls. It also displays the silent keys. Gerry's DataBase was condensed for this application. The DataBase on the DEMO disk is limited to the first 5000 10X numbers. The instructions are in the Search Program. CONTEST OPERATION **************************************************** DATA Entry: The data input routine automatically makes all entries in capital letters. The 10-10 field will only accept numbers up to 6 digits. This allows for 6 digit 10-10 numbers which will happen sometime in the future. If the station has NO 10-10 number then "0" (ZERO) must be entered into that field. If the 10-10 number is "0" then the score is one point. If it is anything larger than zero then the score is two points. There must be an entry in all fields before hitting to file the QSO. If a field is empty you will be alerted to that fact. AUTOMATIC DX COUNTRY Recognition: There is a database included of DX Prefixes and Country names. The program checks the prefix and if found the country will be entered for you. If the prefix is not in the database then the QTH field will be left blank. There are over 600 prefixes included - many for the same country. You can add new prefixes or edit the country names by using a text editor and saving as an ASCII file. There is a maximum number of 650 in this file. This feature does not work on portable stations such as K4HAV/VK9. The DX prefix must be in the first part of the call. STATE DATABASE: This database has all the Post Office two letter state abbreviations and full names. The correct two letters must be typed in - the computer will then expand to the full name. If you entered a wrong entry then you will hear a beep and see the 'Invalid Abr' message and you can try again. These state abbreviations will be used to keep track of the states you need to make 'CONTEST WAS' and to make sure that everyone uses the same 'approved' list to make all logs and future DataBases compatible. ON-LINE Duping: When a call is entered and the or SpaceBar is hit - the log is checked for a Dupe. If the station has been worked before then the QSO number - Time - and the contest info will be printed and a double-beep will be heard and a message will be displayed to alert you to the dupe. After hitting any key to continue the field will be erased. If the DataBase feature is on and there is a DataBase file - then it will be checked next and if the station is in the DataBase file his information will automatically be entered. It can be confirmed or corrected as the station is giving the info. After several contest are worked and your DataBase file is built up this feature will save much "wear and tear" on the contest operator. This feature is optional and can be turned off at any time by hitting F3. ON-LINE Editing: By using the Up-Arrow key any of the nine previous QSO's can be edited. Hitting will re-file the corrected QSO. Then come back down to the current QSO by using the Down-Arrow key or Control-G. Other editing features are described later in another help section. RATE Window: This gives the hourly rate based on the past 10 QSO's - the past 100 QSO's - and the overall contest QSO rate. The past 10 Rate is not displayed until 10 QSO's are on file from the current operating session. Same applies for the 100 Rate. The Overall Contest rate is always displayed after the first QSO. The Total operating time is updated after each QSO. COMMAND KEYS: **************************************************** F1: Set Time and Date. All logs should be kept in GMT. The Time and Date can be set here if it was not set from the DOS prompt. The data must be entered in the format shown. F2: This is the detailed Help Screen. At the end of the display there is an option to make a print-out. The help text was written without any commas. All text after the comma would have been printed on the next line - thereby wasting display space. F3: Data Base ON/OFF. The default is ON - but can be changed at any time by toggling F3. The purpose of the DataBase if used is to check the DataBase whenever a call in typed in -- if that station was worked during a previous contest - then his info is automatically entered. If any of the info has changed then the contest operator can change it online. Also the partial call search (F-8 and F-9) checks the Data Base. Also the Check 10-10 (F6) and Check Call (F7) functions checks the DataBase after it checks the log. Toggling F3 to "OFF" will bypass the Data Base during these operations. F4: Displays the DataBase file on the screen - 46 calls and info per screen. F5: Checks the Master 10-10 DataBase. This was condensed from the WA6POZ list and will be henceforth known as the 'Master List'. This 360K file stays open and the 10X number can be entered and the callsign will be displayed. Silent Keys are displayed in lower case letters and a message is shown indicating SK. QSO's with Silent Keys do not count for contest credit. This feature is available on the DEMO program only for the first 5000 10X numbers This list is not read into memory but is read from the hard drive every time a number is requested. F6: Check 10-10 number. If you are tuning around and hear a station give his 10-10 number you can check to see if he has been worked during the contest or if he is in the DataBase. If you have already worked him there is no need to listen more to see what his call is. F7: Check Call. This is similar to F6. Instead of using this - the same thing is accomplished by just typing the call in the log. After the space bar is hit the computer will check for dupes. BUT there may be an occasion when you are in a contact and you hear someone else on the frequency. This new call could be checked by using F7. F8: Partial Call Search. This will display the first 55 "matches" and will also report the total number up to 200 at the top of the screen. If you need the info of a station beyond the 12th one - toggle the partial search off and use F7 key to "Check the Call" - or use more of a partial call. This will give the info you need. This will also accept the "?" as a wild card. Typing "H?V" and then hitting F8 will give you K4HAV - HH2V - or WA2HCV or any call which happened to be in the log or DataBase fitting that mask. Hitting F8 again will toggle this display off. F9: Partial Call Search with info. Only the first 12 "matches" are displayed. However the total number of matches is shown at the top of the screen (with a maximum of 200). Three letters should not produce more than 12 matches. F8 and F9 will only function when the cursor is in the Call Sign column. In any other location it will not have any action. F10: Check Prefix/Country. This functions only from the callsign field. If the callsign field is empty - you will be prompted for a country name. Just type in the first two or three letters and everything that matches will be displayed up to 27 items. If there is a prefix in the callsign field - hitting F10 will give you the country or countries again up to a limit of 27. Note: 'S' yields all prefixes beginning with 'S'. 'SM' yields all prefixes beginning with 'SM' but 'SM4' will not yield anything because the Sweden prefix is 'SM'. ALT-C: This toggles the Confirm 10X number ON and OFF. When every QSO is logged it is checked against the 'Master List' and if the callsign does not match the one in the log - then a beep and a message will indicate the fact. You will need to get a correction on the call or 10X - unless the station has changed call signs. If there is a correction to be made then use up-arrow key and make the correction and hit enter to re-log the contact. This feature can be turned off by hitting ALT-C if desired. Its main purpose is to alert you to a possible error. On the DEMO Version this works only for the first 5000 10X numbers. ALT-E: Edit Entire Contest Log. This allows for editing of the Call - Name - State - and 10-10 number. The edited item will not be displayed until the screen is refreshed. The QSO number has to be used to specify which contact to be edited. The same edit commands apply that are shown on the Help Screen. However the doesn't function as inputting contest information. Hitting will write the change to the disk. This ALT-E command key can also be used to display the entire contest log - in two columns with 46 QSO's per screen. PageUp and PageDown to the different screens. For editing the last 9 QSO's see the next item. This key functions only from the CallSign field - which should be empty because on return from the ALT-E procedure this field is set to NULL. ALT-M: Display Multipliers Needed. Actually this is the states that have not yet been worked. Many stations like to know which states they have not worked during the contest and this is a fast way to find out. It only displays the first 36. For this function to work properly the correct two letter state abbreviation must be used. The computer expands the abbreviation so you should be able to spot any errors. The 10-10 contest does not have multipliers but most operators have worked other contests and like to have a status report available. ON-LINE Editing: Edit on-line last nine QSO's. Use the Up- Arrow key to move up to the QSO you wish to edit. Make the corrections and then hit . This rewrites the correct data to disk and to memory. Come back down to the current QSO by hitting the Down-Arrow key or Ctrl-G. ALT-H: Displays the Help/Message Screens. There are provisions for two user-defined messages. Save these as an ASCII file and name MSG1.TXT and MSG2.TXT. There are two examples to give an idea of what could be used if desired. These have a maximum length of 9 lines. ALT-Q: Quit. This will take you back to the start-up menu. From the Main Menu you can now print the log and dupesheet. To conserve memory - the print-out procedure is a separate program that must be run from the Main Menu. SAVELOG: Typing SAVELOG in as a call and hitting the spacebar will make a backup copy of the contest log on a floppy in your A: Drive. An error routine exists to make sure the drive door is closed and the disk is not write-protected. Hit Crtl-K when finished. EDIT KEYS: **************************************************** Ctrl-G: Goto current QSO. This is used when online editing. The cursor key was used to go up and could also be used to come back down - but this does it with one key stroke. In the 10-10 field hit Ctrl-G twice. Ctrl-K: Kills (or erases) the line. This sets everything (Call - Name - State & 10-10 number) to a blank or null string. You would use this if a contact was not completed and was not to be logged. Ctrl-W: Wipes the field. ESC: The Escape key puts a question mark in the field. The QSO cannot be logged until every field has something in it. If something is unknown and may be edited in later - then by hitting the Escape key thus putting a '?' in the field lets you file the QSO. Of course - the contest operator could manually put a letter of his choice here - BUT this does it all with one key. It puts in the '?' and advances to the next field. A zero is entered for the 10-10 number. In the Call field a '?' hangs the program and a 'QQ' in put instead. Using this twice will not cause the 'DUPE MESSAGE' to appear. ENTER: The key files the QSO to the disk drive. If a field is empty then you will hear a nasty sound - see a message and the cursor will be placed at the empty field. The Rate Window is updated whenever a QSO is filed - as well as the score and total operating time in the contest. If the next field is blank then the key also moves to the next field (as does the SpaceBar). Many of the other 'Contest Programs' use the SpaceBar to move to the next field - therefore this program will also use it to provide a 'like feel' when using the different programs. SpaceBar: This is used to move to the next field. Tab can also be used - but the SpaceBar should be the most convenient. Hitting the SpaceBar after the 10-10 number returns you to the Call Sign column. Other Edit Keys: The Help Screen on Edit Keys gives the rest of the edit keys. They are more or less standard. Try them all to see what they can do. PRINT-OUT OF LOG AND DUPESHEET AND UTILITIES **************************************************** Final Editing: If by chance you worked a station one time and entered his call wrong and worked him again using his correct call and later found out that the second QSO was a dupe then the second callsign entry should be changed to "DUPE" using the ALT-E Full Log Editing function. Whenever the log and dupe- sheet are printed - any "DUPE" callsigns are omitted - likewise when converting to the DataBase. If any "DUPE's" are found when reading in the log to the print routine then a message and number will be displayed on the screen for your information. LOG: The log print-out has two options. 50 QSO's per page in normal print and 100 QSO's per page using condensed print. As indicated on the Print Menu the default printer codes are the standard Epson codes which should work with most printers. The only printer codes used are the form-feed - condensed on and condensed off. Since many hams have access to laser printers - the codes for the HP Series II laser printer are also included as a print-out option. Most other laser printers will emulate the HP. The default printer codes can be changed as described later. DUPE-SHEET: The dupe sheet will feature twelve columns. A column for each of the 10 call areas plus the 11th for Canadians and the 12th for DX stations. Most dupe sheets listings have just an alpha-numeric list. This satisfies the requirements but is hard to read. At the end of the dupe sheet will be a recap section. This printout is in condensed print. At the end of the print-out is a recap sheet with the operator's information. NOTE: Whenever you run this PRINT/UTILITY MENU Program you will be asked to pick a contest file at the beginning of the program. This is required to get to the MENU. If using any of the DataBase Utilities then it doesn't matter which one you choose - You will be prompted again within that Utility Program. MAKE DATABASE: This runs a program that will convert the log into a DataBase file. The contest file has provisions for a ten letter call such as KA4HAV/VE3 but the DataBase file cuts it down to 6 letters - and removes any portable prefix. The Name field is 10 letters in both. The State/QTH field is 10 letters long in the Contest file but the DataBase file cuts it down to 2 letters. This is done to allow more calls and info in the DataBase to be read into memory for contest use. At the end of the routine you will be given a choice if you want the DataBase sorted. Sorting does make it easier to view the DataBase (F4) to check the info. ADD LOG TO DATABASE: This program will allow future contests to be added to the existing DataBase file. It will check to see if the call exists and if not then it will be added. It would also be possible for several users to combine contest logs into a larger DataBase file of the active 10-10 contesters. If one wishes to do this he would probably also wish to maintain his own active file under a different name. Again you will have an option to sort the DataBase file. ADD TO OR EDIT DATABASE: This permits corrections or new calls to be added to the DataBase. New calls added won't be displayed until the screen if refreshed. CHANGE PRINTER CODES: The default printer codes are: Form Feed: CHR$(12) Condensed ON: CHR$(15) Condensed OF: CHR$(18) These will work for most printers but in case you have an old Tandy or something else non-EPSON compatible this option will allow up to 3 printer codes per printer function. If only one code is required as in the defaults - then type in zero for the other two codes. EXAMPLE 12 0 0. This has to be the decimal equivalent - the decimal equivalent of ESC is 27. There is a menu option to convert back to the default. This is written to a PTRSETUP.DAT file. The laser printer codes are for the HP Series II and there is no provisions to change them. DEMO COPY: **************************************************** 1. The Demo copy is an actual working copy with a maximum of 25 contacts and 1000 calls in the Data Base. Most of the programs will run on a machine with only 384K - however - several of the Data Base utility programs require more memory. The full working copy has a memory checking routine that allows the capacity to be adjusted according to the memory. 2. If you got a Demo copy from CompuServe or another BBS - then you can register for the fee of $20.00 ($25.00 for DX airmail) which includes a full working copy with your name - call - 10-10 number and address written into the program code. This fee includes printed documentation (in more detail than this on-screen help) and the latest version. The Search Program which searches the 'Master List' is also included. Please supply information and type floppy desired and mail your check (make to Hardy Data Systems) to the address at the beginning of this documentation. Please state if a high density diskette can be used. The program takes two 360K disks and using a high density will save postage. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES: **************************************************** 1. Although operation with a computer does not require the use of a boom mike - it surely does make it easier to have both hands free. 2. The 805 contacts made by the author K4HAV in the August 1990 Phone Contest are included in the DataBase.DAT file on the disk. Use this file to test-run the program. The user will probably desire to erase this file before an actual contest and start his own DataBase. If this file is not erased then whenever you run the Make DataBase option it will start writing at record one again. If you have less than 805 contacts in your log - then the DataBase file will still contain 805 contacts - some of which will be your new ones and some of my old ones. 3. The program owner's name and address - call letters and 10-10 number are written into the program code and only the mailing address can be changed when printing the log. 4. The sorting program (10SORT.EXE) can be run from the DOS prompt later if you change your mind about sorting. 5. Before a call is logged it is checked to make sure that there is a valid number within the first 3 digits of the callsign. During the beta testing in the August 1990 contest several W-zeroes were entered as W-O's. The second time they were worked the dupe checking process didn't recognize the dupe. 6. Because the SpaceBar moves to the next field - in order to enter a double name like Betty Sue - type in Betty_Sue. The same applies to a country name. 7. This program is written in QuickBasic. The CHAIN Command is used in some of the programs - which requires that BRUN45.EXE be in the same directory as the programs. It is included on the diskette.