Radio RSA The Voice of South Africa M91 Season Definitive Frequency Schedule Effective from 3rd March 1991 to 4th May 1991 Time UCT Target Area Language Frequencies & Direction 0400-0500 East & Central Africa English +11920 KHz 7 deg Southern Africa 7200 7 0400-0700 Central & West Africa French +15365 350 Indian Ocean Islands 17815 340 15210 76 0500-0600 Angola/Mocambique Portuguese 11920 328 7230 76 0900-1000 Southern Mocambique Tsonga 9585 76 1100-1200 East & Central Africa English 17835 7 Namibia +11900 5 Southern Africa 11805 300 9555 7 1400-1700 East & Central Africa Swahili 15365 7 1500-1800 Caprivi & Zambia Lozi 7270 340 1500-1800 East & Central Africa English +15210 5 1700-1800 Southern Africa 7230 5 West Africa +17835 340 1600-1800 Malawi, Zambia, Mocambique Chi-Chewa 5960 7 1800-1900 Mocambique Portuguese 7230 76 1800-2000 West & North Africa French 17765 340 and Central Africa 15365 352 1900-2100 Angola & Cape Verde Portuguese +11950 320 + Indicates 500 KW Other Frequencies 250 KW Issued By: Technology Operations PO Box 6 Honeydew 2040 ============================================================================== Domestic Shortwave Services - SABC - [I'll spare you all the Afrikaans, [Note also: All times are SAT, UCT+2] well almost :] Target Area Shortwave Station Day of Week/Time Frequencies of Transmission (Daily) NorthWest Cape/ Radio Suid-Afrika 0500-0625 4810 KHz Namibia [The Afrikaans 0630-0855 9665 Language service 0900-1555 11770 of the domestic 1600-1855 9665 Radio South Africa] 1900-2100 4810 (Daily) NorthWest Cape/ Radio Allegro 2100-0100 4810 Namibia [Classical Music] (Daily) NorthWest Cape/ Radio Orion 0100-0500 4810 Namibia (Daily) NorthWest Cape Radio Oranje 0500-0705 3215 0710-1840 7285 1845-2400 3215 [And, the one you've all been waiting for folks :] (Tuesday-Friday) Market Reports and Meat Prices 1815-1835 9665 Mark Berigte en Vleispryse Issued By: Technology Operations PO Box 6, Honeydew 2040 "Broadcasting at it's best"