Disk No 436 Program Title: HAM RADIO #1 PC-SIG version 1.2 There are three different Morse code programs on this diskette to help the user learn, practice, and review data. Other routines help the amateur radio operator compute various electronic formulas, design antennas, find satellites, and calculate satellite orbits. RTTY and TTY are two different communication programs using BAUDOT, ASCII, or Morse code at varying speeds. READSSTV is a fascinating program that takes audio (speaker output) and converts tones to a picture format; the user with a satellite antenna can receive, store, and view pictures from the space shuttle (four are here on the diskette). Usage: Ham Radio System Requirements: 128K memory, one disk drive, and a version of BASIC. How to Start: Load BASIC then load the desired program. Suggested Registration: None File Descriptions: ASCTTY BAS Transmits & receives 110 baud ASCII for TTY22.BAS. BAUDOTC EXE Demo of communication program. CQ BDT CQ message for TTY22.BAS. CWID BDT CW identification for TTY22.BAS. CWRCV BAS Copy EIA RS232C Morse code to screen. CWRCV HLP Description of CWRCV.BAS. FINDSAT BAS Azimuth & elevation to a synchronous satellite. HAMCALC BAS Computes miscellaneous electronic formulas. HAMHELP BAS Computations to aid in ham radio operations. HAMMODEM BAS Modem demonstration (ham radio or phone line). LISTCOUN TXT Alphabetical list of counties in each state. SATFIND2 BAS Locates TV satellites for given cities or locations. MORSE1 BAS Morse code practice program, variable speed. MORSE2 BAS Morse code generator, variable speed. OSCAR BAS Calculates satellite orbits. PARABOLA BAS Design of parabolic antenna reflector. PICTURE1 PIC Data for picture display by READSSTV.BAS. PICTURE2 PIC Data for picture display by READSSTV.BAS. PICTURE3 PIC Data for picture display by READSSTV.BAS. PICTURE4 PIC Data for picture display by READSSTV.BAS. EZCODE1 BAS Learn & practice Morse code for amateur radio license. READSSTV BAS Displays audio, ham, or shortwave pictures on color screen. RTTY DOC Description of RS-232C interface. RTTYSUBS BDT RTTY unit. RTTYTALK BAS Transmit/receive, AEA CP-1 interface (like PC TALK-III). RYT BDT RY message for TTY22.BAS. SSTV DOC Description of READSSTV.BAS. SSTVMLS OBJ READSSTV unit. TTY BAT Gets date and time. TTY DOC Description of TTY22.BAS & updates. TTY22 BAS TTY transmit and receive program. VHF-YAGI BAS Calculates dimensions of VHF Yagi antenna. OPTICS PAS Pascal compute parameters of a reflecting telescope. OPTICS COM Pascal compute parameters of a reflecting telescope. READSSTV The color screen is not properly initialized prior to the picture output. The display begins a quarter of the way down the screen and then the final quarter of the picture appears at the top of the screen! PC-SIG 1030D E Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1987,88 PC-SIG, Inc.