0.0000 f160-174.txt revised Thu Dec 22 14:36:38 EST 1988 N4HGF 160.2450 Southern Railway 160.2450 Southern Railway Pbx Railroad 160.2750 Southern Railroad Pbx Repeater Railroad GA Fulton 160.2900 Seaboard Railroad Yard And Road Railroad 160.3350 Southern Railway Railroad 160.3500 Seaboard Railroad Heavy Railroad 160.3650 Southern Railway Yard & Car Inspectrs Railroad 160.4400 Seaboard Railroad Heavy Railroad 160.5000 Southern Railway Railroad 160.5300 Southern Railway Railroad 160.5900 C S X Railroad 160.5900 Seaboard Railroad Road Channel 1 Railroad 160.5900 Southern Railway Heavy Railroad 160.6500 Southern Railway Heavy Railroad 160.8000 Conrail / AMTRAK Railroad general operating frequency 160.8300 Southern Railway 160.8300 Southern Railway Dispatcher Railroad 160.9500 Southern Railway (main freq) Chnl. #1 160.9500 Southern Railway Road Railroad 161.0400 Seaboard Railroad Heavy Railroad 161.1000 C S X Railroad 161.1000 Seaboard Railroad Road Channel 2 Railroad 161.1300 B N Railroad system wide PBX 161.1600 B N Railroad main operating frequency 161.1900 I C G Railroad main operating frequency 161.2050 Railroad security - shared 161.2500 Southern Railway Yard-hump Railroad 161.3400 Seaboard Railroad Heavy Railroad 161.3700 C S X Railroad 161.4900 Southern Railway Yard Railroad 161.5200 C S X Railroad secondary frequency 161.8000 Channel 24 With 157.2 Marine 161.8250 Channel 84 With 157.225 Marine 161.8500 Channel 25 With 157.25 Marine 161.8750 Channel 85 With 157.275 Marine 161.9000 Channel 26 With 157.3 Marine 161.9250 Channel 86 With 157.325 Marine 161.9500 Channel 27 With 157.35 Marine 161.9750 Channel 87 With 157.375 Marine 162.0000 Channel 28 With 157.4 Marine 162.0250 Commerce Dept 162.0500 Commerce Dept 162.0750 Commerce Dept 162.1000 Commerce Dept 162.1250 Commerce Dept 162.1500 Commerce Dept 162.2000 Commerce Dept 162.2250 Postal Service Atlanta 162.2500 Bureau of Reclamation 162.3500 Army Corps Of Engineers 162.3625 Commerce Dept 162.3675 Commerce Dept 162.3750 Commerce Dept 162.3750 Naval Intelligence Navy 162.3750 Secret Service 162.4000 NOAA Weather 162.4000 NOAA Weather Channel 2 162.4250 NOAA Weather Channel 4 162.4500 NOAA Weather Channel 5 162.4750 NOAA Weather Channel 3 162.5000 NOAA Weather Channel 6 162.5250 NOAA Weather Channel 7 162.5500 NOAA Weather 162.5500 NOAA Weather Channel 1 162.6125 Fish & Wildlife Service 162.6375 FBI 162.6625 Medical Paging Emergency 162.6875 Secret Service 162.6875 Secret Service Phone Patch Uplink 162.7125 Federal Marshals Service 162.7625 FBI 162.8250 Customs Service 162.8500 White House 162.9500 FBI 162.9750 FBI 163.0000 Army Corps Of Engineers 163.0000 Customs Service 163.0000 Postal Service Atlanta 163.0000 Secret Service 163.0250 Army Corps Of Engineers 163.0250 Bureau of Land Management 163.0250 Bureau of Reclamation 163.0500 Bureau of Land Management 163.0500 Bureau of Reclamation 163.0750 Bureau of Reclamation 163.0750 Fish & Wildlife Service 163.0850 Bureau of Land Management 163.1000 FBI 163.1000 FEMA 163.1000 Fish & Wildlife Service 163.1000 Transportation Dept 163.1250 Army Corps Of Engineers 163.1250 Bureau of Land Management 163.1250 Fish & Wildlife Service 163.1500 Bureau of Land Management 163.1500 Fish & Wildlife Service 163.1750 Bureau of Land Management 163.1750 Bureau of Reclamation 163.1875 Base Security Air Force 163.2000 Federal Marshals Service 163.2125 Federal Marshals Service 163.2250 Army Corps Of Engineers 163.2250 Commerce Dept 163.2250 Customs Service 163.2250 NOAA Weather Brdcst Links 163.2500 Medical Paging Emergency 163.2750 Commerce Dept 163.2750 NOAA Weather Brdcst Links 163.3000 Commerce Dept 163.3000 NOAA Weather Brdcst Links 163.3100 FBI 163.3250 Commerce Dept 163.3250 NOAA Weather Brdcst Links 163.3500 NOAA Weather Brdcst Links 163.3625 Secret Service 163.3750 Postal Service Atlanta 163.4000 Secret Service 163.4125 Army Corps Of Engineers 163.4375 Army Corps Of Engineers 163.4375 EPA Mobiles 163.4625 Base Security Air Force 163.4750 Army Corps Of Engineers 163.4875 Base Security Air Force 163.4875 Dobbins Air Force Base Natl Guard "Dapper Dan" 163.5125 Base Security Air Force 163.5375 Army Corps Of Engineers 163.5375 Base Security Air Force 163.5625 Base Security Air Force 163.5625 Nasa/cape Canaveral Fire & Crash Fire 163.6250 FBI 163.6500 FBI 163.6750 Customs Service 163.6750 FBI 163.7000 FBI 163.7250 FBI 163.7500 Bureau of Land Management 163.7500 FBI 163.7750 FBI 163.7750 Secret Service 163.8125 FBI 163.8125 Federal Marshals Service 163.8125 Secret Service 163.8250 FBI 163.8375 Bureau of Land Management 163.8375 Bureau of Reclamation 163.8375 FBI 163.8500 FBI 163.8625 Bureau of Land Management 163.8625 FBI 163.8750 FBI 163.8875 Bureau of Reclamation 163.8875 FBI 163.8950 FBI 163.9125 Bureau of Land Management 163.9125 FBI 163.9125 Secret Service 163.9250 FBI 163.9375 FBI 163.9500 FBI 163.9625 FBI 163.9750 FBI 163.9875 FBI 164.0250 Commerce Dept 164.0250 FAA Land Mobile Stations 164.0250 NOAA Weather Brdcst Links 164.0250 National Bureau Standards 164.0500 Army Corps Of Engineers 164.0750 Commerce Dept 164.1000 Bureau of Land Management 164.1000 Customs Service 164.1000 Geological Survey/Bureau Mines 164.1000 Secret Service Pres/vp Protection 164.1250 FBI 164.1250 USDA Fire Fighting Gainesville GA Hall 164.1250 USDA Fire Gainesville GA Hall 164.1750 Postal Service Atlanta 164.2000 Army Corps Of Engineers 164.2000 Bureau of Land Management 164.2000 Bureau of Reclamation 164.2000 Postal Service Atlanta 164.2500 Bureau of Reclamation 164.2500 Fish & Wildlife Service 164.2600 FBI 164.2750 FBI 164.3000 Air-Ground Coast Guard 164.3000 Transportation Dept 164.4000 Federal Marshals Service 164.4000 Secret Service Countrfeit Div- P/vp 164.4100 FBI 164.4250 Bureau of Reclamation 164.4500 EPA Mobiles 164.4750 Bureau of Reclamation 164.5000 Army Corps Of Engineers 164.5000 Housing & Urban Development De 164.5250 Bureau of Land Management 164.5250 Bureau of Reclamation 164.5250 Geological Survey/Bureau Mines 164.5375 Bureau of Reclamation 164.5500 Bureau of Land Management 164.5500 Bureau of Reclamation 164.5750 Bureau of Reclamation 164.6000 FAA Land Mobile Stations Atlanta 164.6000 Federal Marshals Service 164.6250 Fish & Wildlife Service 164.6250 Transportation Dept 164.6500 Secret Service Pres/vp Protection 164.6500 Secret Service general communications 164.6750 Geological Survey/Bureau Mines 164.7000 Postal Service Atlanta 164.7000 State Dept 164.7250 Bureau of Land Management 164.7250 Bureau of Reclamation 164.7500 Bureau of Reclamation 164.7500 Nasa/cape Canaveral Nat'l Park Service 164.7500 Secret Service 164.7750 Bureau of Land Management 164.7750 Bureau of Reclamation 164.7750 Fish & Wildlife Service 164.8000 Bureau of Reclamation 164.8000 Fish & Wildlife Service 164.8000 Geological Survey/Bureau Mines 164.8000 Secret Service 164.8250 Chattahoochee National Forest 164.8250 U S Park Service (Chattahoochee) North Georgia 164.8250 USDA Fire Fighting Gainesville GA Hall 164.8250 USDA Fire Gainesville GA Hall 164.8625 FEMA 164.8625 Housing & Urban Development De 164.8875 Secret Service Pres Lomo & Exec Fam 164.9625 Army Corps Of Engineers 164.9625 Dobbins Air Force Base Natl Guard "Dapper Dan" 164.9625 Transportation Dept 164.9875 Bureau of Reclamation 164.9875 Transportation Dept 165.0000 Soviet Manned Space Program 165.0125 Army Corps Of Engineers 165.0125 Coast Guard Intelligence 165.0125 Dobbins Air Force Base "Blue Night" Af/n Gd Air Force Atlanta 165.0125 Federal Marshals Service 165.0375 Army Corps Of Engineers 165.0625 Army Corps Of Engineers 165.0625 Dobbins Air Force Base "Blue Night" Air Force Atlanta 165.0625 Federal Marshals Service 165.0875 Army Corps Of Engineers 165.0875 Secret Service 165.1125 Base Security Air Force 165.1125 Dobbins Air Force Base "Blue Night" Af/n Gd Air Force Atlanta 165.1275 Base Security Air Force 165.1375 Dobbins Air Force Base "Blue Night" Af/n Gd Air Force Atlanta 165.1625 Dobbins Air Force Base "Blue Night" Af/n Gd Air Force Atlanta 165.1625 Dobbins Air Force Base Natl Guard "Dapper Dan" 165.1875 Army Corps Of Engineers 165.2050 Treasury Dept 165.2125 Secret Service Dignitary Protection 165.2150 Treasury Dept 165.2375 Customs Service From Most Active Set 165.2375 FBI 165.2500 FBI 165.2625 Transportation Dept 165.2875 ATF (Treasury) 165.2875 Customs Service From Most Active Set 165.2875 Internal Revenue Service 165.2875 Secret Service 165.3125 Coast Guard Intelligence 165.3375 Coast Guard Intelligence 165.3375 Customs Service 165.3375 Secret Service 165.3375 Transportation Dept 165.3500 ATF (Treasury) 165.3750 ATF (Treasury) Primary 165.3750 Secret Service 165.3750 Secret Service Primary/Command Post 165.3875 Central Intelligence Agency And State Dept Freqs 165.4125 Army Corps Of Engineers 165.4125 Bureau of Reclamation 165.4125 EPA 165.4375 Commerce Dept 165.4375 NOAA Weather Brdcst Links 165.4625 Bureau of Reclamation 165.4625 Commerce Dept 165.4875 Commerce Dept 165.4875 Treasury Dept 165.5125 Bureau of Reclamation 165.5125 Commerce Dept 165.5125 Secret Service 165.5375 Commerce Dept 165.5375 Customs Service From Most Active Set 165.5625 Commerce Dept 165.5875 Commerce Dept 165.6125 Commerce Dept 165.6375 FAA Land Mobile Stations 165.6500 Secret Service 165.6625 FEMA 165.6625 Housing & Urban Development De 165.6625 National Science Foundation 165.6750 Secret Service 165.6875 Customs Service 165.6875 Secret Service 165.7125 Federal Marshals Service 165.7375 Customs Service From Most Active Set 165.7375 Internal Revenue Service 165.7500 FAA Land Mobile Stations Atlanta 165.7500 Internal Revenue Service 165.7500 Transportation Dept Safety Board 165.7625 FAA Land Mobile Stations 165.7625 Internal Revenue Service 165.7625 Secret Service Inp To 165.375 Rptrs 165.7625 Transportation Dept 165.7875 Secret Service 165.7875 Secret Service Pres/vp/vip Escorts 165.8250 Central Intelligence Agency Mobile Units 165.8375 Internal Revenue Service 165.8500 Secret Service 165.8625 Secret Service 165.9000 Secret Service 165.9125 ATF (Treasury) 165.9125 Bugs & Body Microphones 165.9125 Customs Service 165.9125 Internal Revenue Service 165.9125 Secret Service 165.9500 Customs Service 165.9500 Internal Revenue Service 165.9750 Bureau of Land Management 166.0000 Bureau of Land Management 166.0000 Bureau of Reclamation 166.0000 Internal Revenue Service 166.0250 Commerce Dept 166.0250 NOAA Weather Brdcst Links 166.0250 Transportation Dept 166.0500 Commerce Dept 166.0500 National Science Foundation 166.0750 Commerce Dept 166.0750 NOAA Weather Brdcst Links 166.1000 Commerce Dept 166.1250 Commerce Dept 166.1500 Commerce Dept 166.1500 National Bureau Standards 166.1750 Commerce Dept 166.1750 FAA Land Mobile Stations 166.1750 FAA Land Mobile Stations Atlanta 166.1750 FAA Operations & Adminis 166.1750 National Bureau Standards 166.1750 Transportation Dept Safety Board 166.2000 Bureau of Land Management 166.2000 Bureau of Reclamation 166.2000 Customs Service 166.2000 Treasury Dept 166.2125 General Services Administratio 166.2125 Secret Service 166.2125 Secret Service Pres/vp Protection 166.2250 Bureau of Land Management 166.2250 Commerce Dept 166.2250 FEMA 166.2750 Geological Survey/Bureau Mines 166.2875 ATF (Treasury) 166.3000 Bureau of Land Management 166.3000 Bureau of Reclamation 166.3000 National Park Service Kennesaw Mountain Kennesaw GA 166.3250 Bureau of Land Management 166.3250 Fish & Wildlife Service 166.3500 Bureau of Land Management 166.3500 Bureau of Reclamation 166.3750 Bureau of Land Management 166.3750 Bureau of Reclamation 166.3750 Geological Survey/Bureau Mines 166.3750 Secret Service 166.3750 Transportation Dept 166.4000 Customs Service 166.4000 Secret Service Inp To 166.4625 Rptr 166.4375 Customs Service From Most Active Set 166.4375 Treasury Dept 166.4625 ATF (Treasury) 166.4625 ATF (Treasury) Treasury Common 166.4625 Customs Service From Most Active Set 166.4625 Internal Revenue Service 166.4625 Secret Service Treasury Common Chan 166.4625 Treasury Dept 166.4625 Treasury Dept Common For All Divis 166.4875 Bureau of Land Management 166.4875 Secret Service 166.5000 FBI 166.5125 Secret Service Escort & Security 166.5125 Secret Service Pres/vp Prot Pagers 166.5250 ATF (Treasury) 166.5375 ATF (Treasury) 166.5875 Customs Service From Most Active Set 166.6125 Bureau of Land Management 166.6125 Secret Service 166.6126 Bureau of Land Management Fire/Emergency/Tactical 166.6375 Bureau of Reclamation 166.6375 Secret Service 166.6750 Inefc Air Tactical 166.6750 Interior Dept Aircraft Operations 166.7000 Secret Service 166.7000 Secret Service WHCA Staff 166.7250 Bureau of Land Management Fire/Emergency/Tactical 166.7250 Bureau of Reclamation 166.7500 ATF (Treasury) 166.7500 Bureau of Land Management 166.7500 Bureau of Reclamation 166.7500 Fish & Wildlife Service 166.7750 Bureau of Land Management 166.7750 Bureau of Land Management Fire/Emergency/Tactical 166.7750 Interior Dept Emergency/Tactical 166.8000 Bureau of Land Management 166.8000 Bureau of Reclamation 166.8000 Geological Survey/Bureau Mines 166.8250 Bureau of Reclamation 166.8500 Bureau of Land Management 166.8500 Bureau of Reclamation 166.8750 ATF (Treasury) 166.8750 Bureau of Land Management 166.8750 Bureau of Reclamation 166.8750 Geological Survey/Bureau Mines 166.9000 Bureau of Land Management 166.9000 Bureau of Reclamation 166.9000 National Park Service Kennesaw Mountain Kennesaw GA 166.9250 Bureau of Land Management 166.9250 Bureau of Reclamation 166.9250 Fish & Wildlife Service 166.9350 Interior Dept Emergency/Tactical 166.9500 Bureau of Land Management 166.9500 Bureau of Reclamation 166.9500 Geological Survey/Bureau Mines 166.9750 Bureau of Land Management 166.9750 Bureau of Reclamation 166.9750 Geological Survey/Bureau Mines 167.0000 Bureau of Land Management 167.0250 Bureau of Land Management 167.0250 Bureau of Reclamation 167.0250 Secret Service Pagers 167.0250 Secret Service WHCA Staff 167.0750 Bonneville Power Administratio 167.0750 Bureau of Land Management 167.0750 Geological Survey/Bureau Mines 167.1000 Bureau of Land Management 167.1000 Bureau of Land Management Fire/Emergency/Tactical 167.1000 Interior Dept Emergency/Tactical 167.1000 Internal Revenue Service 167.1250 Bureau of Reclamation 167.1250 Geological Survey/Bureau Mines 167.1500 Bureau of Land Management 167.1500 Bureau of Reclamation 167.1500 FBI 167.1750 Blue Ridge National Parkway 167.1750 Bureau of Reclamation 167.2125 FBI 167.2250 FBI 167.2325 FBI 167.2500 Bureau of Land Management Fire/Emergency/Tactical 167.2500 FBI 167.2500 Interior Dept Emergency/Tactical 167.2625 FBI 167.2750 FBI 167.2875 FBI 167.3000 FBI 167.3125 FBI 167.3250 FBI 167.3375 Bugs & Body Microphones 167.3375 FBI 167.3425 Bugs & Body Microphones 167.3425 FBI 167.3625 FBI 167.3750 FBI 167.3875 FBI 167.3950 FBI 167.4000 FBI 167.4125 FBI 167.4250 FBI 167.4375 FBI 167.4500 FBI 167.4625 FBI 167.4750 FBI 167.4875 Bugs & Body Microphones 167.4875 FBI 167.5000 FBI 167.5125 FBI 167.5250 FBI 167.5375 FBI 167.5500 FBI 167.5625 FBI 167.5750 FBI 167.5875 FBI 167.6000 FBI 167.6125 FBI 167.6250 FBI 167.6375 FBI 167.6500 FBI 167.6625 FBI 167.6750 FBI 167.6875 FBI 167.7000 FBI 167.7125 FBI 167.7250 FBI 167.7375 FBI 167.7500 FBI 167.7550 FBI 167.7750 FBI 167.7875 FBI 167.8050 Bureau of Reclamation 167.8050 FBI 167.8250 Bureau of Land Management 167.8250 Bureau of Reclamation 167.8250 Secret Service WHCA Staff 167.8500 FBI 167.8750 FBI 167.9000 Bureau of Land Management 167.9050 NOAA Weather Brdcst Links 167.9250 FBI 167.9500 Bureau of Land Management 167.9500 Bureau of Land Management Fire/Emergency/Aero 167.9500 Geological Survey/Bureau Mines 167.9500 Interior Dept Aircraft Operations 167.9750 FEMA 168.0000 Housing & Urban Development De 168.0115 Bugs & Body Microphones 168.0250 ATF (Treasury) 168.0250 Interior Dept Aircraft Operations 168.0250 USDA Atlanta 168.0500 Inefc Tactical 168.0500 Interior Dept Emergency/Tactical 168.0750 Inefc Command 168.0750 Interior Dept Emergency:Command 168.1000 Inefc Command 168.1000 Interior Dept Emergency:Command 168.2000 Inefc Tactical 168.2000 Interior Dept Emergency/Tactical 168.2200 Secret Service 168.2250 Bonneville Power Administratio 168.2250 Bureau of Land Management 168.2250 Fish & Wildlife Service 168.2250 General Services Administratio 168.2500 Bureau of Land Management 168.2500 Bureau of Land Management Fire/Emergency/Tactical 168.2500 Interior Dept Emergency/Tactical 168.2750 Bureau of Land Management 168.2750 Bureau of Reclamation 168.3000 Bureau of Land Management 168.3250 Army Corps Of Engineers 168.3250 Bureau of Reclamation 168.3250 Cdc Engineering Services Pager & Operations 168.3500 Bureau of Land Management 168.3500 FEMA 168.3750 Bureau of Land Management 168.4000 Bureau of Land Management 168.4000 General Services Administratio 168.4000 Interior Dept Emergency/Tactical 168.4000 Secret Service 168.4250 Bureau of Land Management 168.4250 Bureau of Reclamation 168.4500 Secret Service 168.4750 Bureau of Land Management 168.4750 Bureau of Land Management Fire/Emergency/Tactical 168.4750 Bureau of Reclamation 168.4750 Interior Dept Emergency/Tactical 168.5000 Bureau of Land Management 168.5000 Bureau of Reclamation 168.5000 Geological Survey/Bureau Mines 168.5250 Bureau of Land Management 168.5250 Fish & Wildlife Service 168.5250 Postal Service Atlanta 168.5500 Bureau of Land Management 168.5500 Bureau of Land Management Fire/Emergency/Aero 168.5500 Bureau of Land Management Fire/Emergency/calling 168.5500 Geological Survey/Bureau Mines 168.5500 Interior Dept Aircraft Operations 168.5750 Bureau of Land Management 168.5750 Bureau of Reclamation 168.5750 Fish & Wildlife Service 168.5750 Secret Service 168.6000 Inefc Tactical 168.6250 Interior Dept Aircraft Operations 168.6250 Treasury Dept 168.6250 USDA Atlanta 168.6250 USDA Fire Fighting Gainesville GA Hall 168.6250 USDA Fire Gainesville GA Hall 168.6300 Customs Service 168.7000 Inefc Command 168.7000 Interior Dept Emergency:Command 168.7875 Secret Service WHCA Staff 168.8000 General Services Administratio 168.8500 Bureau of Land Management 168.8875 FBI 168.9000 FBI 168.9250 FBI 168.9500 FBI 169.0000 Bureau of Land Management 169.0000 Bureau of Reclamation 169.0000 Postal Service 169.0250 Bureau of Land Management 169.0250 Commerce Dept 169.0250 Fish & Wildlife Service 169.0250 National Bureau Standards 169.0500 State Dept 169.0750 Bureau of Land Management 169.0750 Commerce Dept 169.1000 Bureau of Reclamation 169.1000 Housing & Urban Development De 169.1000 State Dept 169.1500 Inefc Air Tactical 169.1500 Interior Dept Aircraft Operations 169.1750 Bureau of Land Management 169.2000 Bugs & Body Microphones 169.2000 Inefc Air Tactical 169.2000 Interior Dept Aircraft Operations 169.2250 Bureau of Land Management 169.2250 Transportation Dept 169.2500 FEMA 169.3000 Federal Aviation Agency Fed Gov 169.3250 Bureau of Land Management 169.3500 Bureau of Land Management 169.3500 Bureau of Land Management Fire/Emergency/Tactical 169.3500 Interior Dept Emergency/Tactical 169.3750 Commerce Dept 169.4000 Bureau of Land Management 169.4000 Fish & Wildlife Service 169.4250 Army Corps Of Engineers 169.4250 Bureau of Reclamation 169.4250 Commerce Dept 169.4500 Army Corps Of Engineers 169.4500 Commerce Dept 169.5000 Bonneville Power Administratio 169.5000 Commerce Dept 169.5250 Army Corps Of Engineers 169.5350 Customs Service 169.5500 Bureau of Land Management 169.5500 Bureau of Reclamation 169.5500 Federal Law Enforcement Training Driver Training Brunswick GA 169.5500 Fish & Wildlife Service 169.5500 Treasury Dept 169.5750 Geological Survey/Bureau Mines 169.6000 FEMA 169.6000 Federal Law Enforcement Training Driver Training Brunswick GA 169.6125 State Dept 169.6150 State Dept 169.6250 Bureau of Land Management 169.6250 Bureau of Reclamation 169.6250 Geological Survey/Bureau Mines 169.6250 State Dept 169.6500 Bureau of Land Management 169.6500 Fish & Wildlife Service 169.6500 Postal Service 169.6750 Bureau of Reclamation 169.7100 State Dept 169.7250 Bureau of Reclamation 169.7500 Bureau of Land Management Fire/Emergency/Tactical 169.7750 Bureau of Land Management 169.7750 Bureau of Reclamation 169.8250 Bonneville Power Administratio 169.8250 Geological Survey/Bureau Mines 169.8500 Postal Service 169.8500 Secret Service 169.8750 Bureau of Land Management 169.8750 FEMA 169.9250 Fish & Wildlife Service 169.9250 Secret Service WHCA Vans/Phone Patch 170.0000 Bureau of Reclamation 170.0000 Federal Law Enforcement Training Driver Training Brunswick GA 170.0000 Secret Service Camp David Pager 170.0250 Army Corps Of Engineers 170.0250 Bureau of Land Management 170.0250 Bureau of Reclamation 170.0500 Fish & Wildlife Service 170.0750 Bonneville Power Administratio 170.0750 Fish & Wildlife Service 170.1000 Federal Law Enforcement Training Maintenance Brunswick GA 170.1000 Fish & Wildlife Service 170.1750 Postal Service 170.2000 Commerce Dept 170.2000 FEMA 170.2250 Army Corps Of Engineers 170.2750 Army Corps Of Engineers 170.3000 Army Corps Of Engineers 170.3250 Army Corps Of Engineers 170.3250 Federal Law Enforcement Training Driver Training Brunswick GA 170.3750 Bureau of Reclamation 170.4150 ATF (Treasury) 170.4250 Federal Law Enforcement Training Driver Training Brunswick GA 170.5500 Transportation Dept 170.6000 Bureau of Reclamation 170.6000 Federal Law Enforcement Training Driver Training Brunswick GA 170.6500 Prisons Bureau Channel 3 Emergency 170.7000 FBI 170.7500 Transportation Dept 170.8250 FBI 170.8250 Federal Law Enforcement Training Brunswick GA 170.8250 Federal Law Enforcement Training Crim Invest Train F5 Brunswick GA 170.8750 Prisons Bureau Channel 1 Primary 170.9000 FBI 170.9250 Federal Law Enforcement Training Brunswick GA 170.9250 Prisons Bureau Channel 2 Riots/esca 170.9750 Federal Law Enforcement Training Security Brunswick GA 171.1750 Bureau of Reclamation 171.2375 Health & Human Services Dept Atlanta 171.2375 Transportation Dept 171.2500 Customs Service 171.2875 Secret Service Phone Patch Downlink 171.3125 Transportation Dept 171.3500 FBI 171.3625 Transportation Dept 171.3875 Engraving & Printing Bureau 171.4250 Bureau of Reclamation 171.4250 Georgia State Park Atlanta 171.4500 Bugs & Body Microphones 171.4750 Nantahala National Forest 171.5000 Federal Law Enforcement Training Crim Invest Train F2 Brunswick GA 171.5000 Federal Law Enforcement Training Crim Invest Train F3 Brunswick GA 171.5250 USDA Savannah GA 171.5750 Bonneville Power Administratio 171.5750 USDA Atlanta 171.6250 Bureau of Reclamation 171.6500 Fish & Wildlife Service 171.6500 Transportation Dept 171.6750 Commerce Dept 171.6750 Fish & Wildlife Service 171.7250 Bureau of Land Management 171.7500 Bureau of Reclamation 171.7500 Fish & Wildlife Service 171.7750 Bureau of Land Management 171.7750 Bureau of Reclamation 171.7750 Kennesaw Mtn Park Police 171.7750 National Park Service Kennesaw Mountain Kennesaw GA 171.7750 U S Park Serivce (Kennesaw) Kennesaw Fed Gov 171.8250 Bonneville Power Administratio 171.8250 Bureau of Reclamation 172.0000 Bugs & Body Microphones 172.0250 Commerce Dept 172.0550 Commerce Dept 172.0650 Commerce Dept 172.1000 Commerce Dept 172.1250 FAA Land Mobile Stations 172.1500 FAA Land Mobile Stations 172.1750 FAA Land Mobile Stations 172.2000 Bugs & Body Microphones 172.2000 Federal Law Enforcement Training Surveillance Repeatr Brunswick GA 172.2750 Engraving & Printing Bureau 172.3000 Dobbins Air Force Base Natl Guard "Dapper Dan" 172.3000 Federal Law Enforcement Training Brunswick GA 172.3000 Transportation Dept 172.3750 USDA Atlanta 172.4250 Army Corps Of Engineers 172.4250 Bureau of Reclamation 172.4250 Geological Survey/Bureau Mines 172.4500 Fish & Wildlife Service 172.4750 National Park Service Kennesaw Mountain Kennesaw GA 172.5000 Bonneville Power Administratio Emergencies 172.5250 Bonneville Power Administratio Operations 172.5250 Bureau of Reclamation 172.5250 Cumberland Island National Sea 172.6000 Bureau of Land Management 172.6000 Bureau of Land Management Fire/Emergency/Aero 172.6000 Interior Dept Aircraft Operations 172.6250 Bureau of Reclamation 172.6500 Bureau of Reclamation 172.6500 Fish & Wildlife Service 172.6750 Fish & Wildlife Service 172.6750 Geological Survey/Bureau Mines 172.6750 Transportation Dept 172.7000 Transportation Dept 172.7125 Federal Marshals Service 172.7250 Bureau of Reclamation 172.7250 Geological Survey/Bureau Mines 172.7250 Transportation Dept 172.7750 Bureau of Land Management 172.7750 Bureau of Reclamation 172.8250 FAA Land Mobile Stations 172.8250 Transportation Dept 172.8750 FAA Land Mobile Stations 172.9250 FAA Land Mobile Stations 172.9500 FAA Land Mobile Stations 172.9750 FAA Land Mobile Stations 173.0250 Commerce Dept 173.0250 Dobbins Air Force Base "Blue Night" Af/n Gd Air Force Atlanta 173.0750 Federal Law Enforcement Training Driver Training Brunswick GA 173.1000 Commerce Dept 173.1250 Commerce Dept 173.1250 Federal Law Enforcement Training Crim Invest Train F1 Brunswick GA 173.1250 Federal Law Enforcement Training Driver Training Brunswick GA 173.1500 Dobbins Air Force Base Disaster Preparednes Air Force GA Cobb 173.1500 Dobbins Air Force Base Natl Guard "Dapper Dan" 173.1500 Transportation Dept 173.1750 Federal Law Enforcement Training Brunswick GA 173.1750 Nasa/kennedy Space Center Fire & Rescue Fire 173.1875 FEMA 173.2750 Atlanta Journal 173.2750 Atlanta Newspapers Inc News Media 173.3250 Easley Progress News Media Easley Sc Pickens 173.3375 Bugs & Body Microphones 173.3750 Atlanta Journal 173.3750 Atlanta Journal & Constitution News Media 173.4125 Dobbins Air Force Base "Blue Night" Af/n Gd Air Force Atlanta 173.4375 Base Security Air Force 173.4375 Dobbins Air Force Base "Blue Night" Af/n Gd Air Force Atlanta 173.5125 Base Security Air Force 173.5625 Base Security Air Force 173.5625 Nasa/kennedy Space Center Fire & Crash Fire 173.5625 Robins Air Force Base Medical Net Emergency Macon 173.5725 Base Security Air Force 173.5875 Base Security Air Force 173.5875 Commerce Dept 173.5875 Crash Trucks Air Force 173.5875 Dobbins Air Force Base Fire & Crash Fire Dobbins GA Cobb 173.5875 Dobbins Air Force Base Natl Guard "Dapper Dan" 173.5875 Homestead Air Force Base Fire & Crash Fire 173.5875 Moody Air Force Base Fire & Crash Fire Valdosta 173.5875 Robins Air Force Base Fire & Crash Fire Macon GA 173.5900 Telephone Installation/service Utilities 173.6375 Base Security Air Force 173.6375 Transportation Dept 173.6625 Base Security Air Force 173.6625 Nasa/kennedy Space Center Safety Net Air 173.6875 Base Security Air Force 173.6875 Nasa/kennedy Space Center Safety Net Air 173.7125 Base Security Air Force 173.7200 Telephone Utilities 173.7625 Fish & Wildlife Service 173.7875 Base Security Air Force 173.7875 Federal Law Enforcement Training Brunswick GA 173.8625 EPA Mobiles 173.8750 Federal Law Enforcement Training Crim Invest Train F4 Brunswick GA 173.8875 ATF (Treasury) 173.9125 Transportation Dept 173.9750 Commerce Dept 173.9875 Army Corps Of Engineers