01-27-95 ViPer010. ßÜ ßÜ ßÜ ÜßÛßßÜ ÜßÛßßßß ßÛßßÜ Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û ÜÛÜÜß ÜßÛßß ßÛßÛß Û Û Û Û Û Û ßÜ Û Û ß Û ß ßßßß ß ß þ ßÜß Üß (A Group doing this and that, while trying to find itself...) Disclaimer: Neither the group nor the writer of this article can be held responsible for any harm coming after the reading or applying this file. THE GUIDE OF A PROFESSIONAL MERCENARY (viper010.) by DAIMYO Some of us want to be doctors, lawyers, programmers, or millionaires - still others wish for something else. A profession with a little more excitement, where the gamble is higher than usual. Where it is all or nothing, where Va-bank is the everyday life. Yes folks, there are people out there who want to be professional mercenaries. The profession of a soldier of fortune is fairly unknown. Very little has been written about it, or rather very little of real-life substance. However, I can easily tell you some statistical numbers - for they usually are the only truth. A yearly income of a Soldier of Fortune varies from month to month. It is better looked at as annual monthly income. Which is, depending on the training of a soldier, time of year, position on the hierarchial ladder, specific place on the planet, and the need for such purely professional soldiers - ranges from 400 to 40,000 US dollars. The latest reports from the Balkans, show that a new mercenary recruit gets paid as low as 200 dollars a month (that is the price for the greenest of green, those mercenaries who can barely shoot straight). Another latest report this time from Chechnya, shows an average daily income of up to 1 thousand US dollars (that's for a day's work). But to get that much money each day, one would have to be a professional. A question arises right there, "How can an ordinary man become a professional mercenary?" Well, its not easy and some spending has to be done before anything happens. Usually, it is better to learn on the job. That way, you get paid, you get free education, and experience. The only places that can give you such a combination are unfortunately located primarily in Europe. In the Balkans, a rookie can still receive good basic training in strategy, combined arms, and basic combat techniques. It is also very cheap, because they pay you. And not too life-threatening, because most soldiers out there are amateurs, and most mercenaries are just as green as you are. Now to learn some heavy urban, street-combat, ambushing and sniping techniques one should go to Chechnya. The war there is far from over, although I doubt you'll be able to learn any urban warfare by the time you get there. Although, guerilla actions, and long range sniping missions will do wonders to your professionalism. The pay is good (at least 400 US dollars a week). There are also many professionals, from Iranian mercenaries to Estonian and Ukrainian militants. So you will get good lessons. However, one drawback is evident. The newly- arrived Russian Federation Marine Brigade will be leaving soon, but more units from Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs will be coming. And, I do not know about you, but I'd rather take on two Marines than on one Spetsnaz. But of course that's just me. You can reach Chechen militants in Istanbul (Turkey), Tehran, and if you are fast enough, right here in the United States (I hear a foreign minister of Chechen republic is around). Other than those two areas, you can try your luck in South America, Central Africa, Middle East, and South-East Asia. However, I would advise on getting experience first in some small-time local war, before going to work for big guns. BTW, did I forget to mention that CIA (USA), United States Army Intelligence, and a few dozen other intelligence Agencies and groups constantly higher well-trained mercenaries for small (and not so small), high paying jobs! In this profession, the Sky is the Limit to your personal growth. In the worst case, you will end up working for some European or middle-eastern terrorist group (in the education department), and will be making a good living in your old years. January 27th, 1995 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Violent Perfection ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ WHQ : Psychotic Reflections BBS ³ ³ Sysop: Kamui ³ ³ #####: 718-981-6387 ³ ³ H/P/C/A/V/T ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ If you want to contact us, or have any interesting ³ ³ information/essays/articles/etc. to share with the ³ ³ rest of the Planet - than call our WHQ at a number ³ ³ given above. ³ ³ Log-On as "ViPer" ³ ³ Password "ViPer" ³ ³ 4-Digits "1111" ³ ³ Birthday "11-11-11" ³ ³ (BTW.. remember not to use the quotation marks.) ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ViPer010.