01-24-95 ViPer007. ßÜ ßÜ ßÜ ÜßÛßßÜ ÜßÛßßßß ßÛßßÜ Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û ÜÛÜÜß ÜßÛßß ßÛßÛß Û Û Û Û Û Û ßÜ Û Û ß Û ß ßßßß ß ß þ ßÜß Üß VIOLENT PERFECTION (A good idea circulated and discussed is worth a million brilliant ones buried in the archives.) Disclaimer: The author takes no responsibility what so ever for any damages resultant from reading, carrying, and/or applying this essay. The text is nothing more than a work of fiction trying to explain the strategies and tactics involved in planning and executing successful terrorist acts. INCENDIARY and EXPLOSIVE DEVICES (viper007.) [Supplement to Terrorism files] by DAIMYO There are numerous articles circulating in Cyberspace, and even more printed books and publications describing ways to make good, professional-grade explosives manually. There also many books that tell their readers how to buy real explosives and incendiary devices. There are also many reasons why you should not try to do any of them. Unless of course you are an accomplished chemist. However, most of us aren't. And most of those who try to manufacture RDX, Nitroglycerin, or some other highly unstable chemical will fail. We at ViPer advise you against going to any great lengths to create a super-duper explosive, one pound of which will be enough to blow up half of Manhattan island. Don't do it. First of all, the FBI, Police, and InterPol have great data bases where all known chemists (capable of making a high-grade explosive) are listed. All of them have their own signatures, which are easily identifiable. Worst, if you are a first timer, it would take a determined law-enforcement agency only a few hours (24 at most) to know that you are a first timer. The second reason, against making your own explosives is an obvious one - sooner or later you will kill yourself (actually the statistics show that it will rather be sooner then later, 95 percent of beginner- pyrotechnicians get hurt on their 3rd or 4th attempt to prepare something juicy. A regular terrorist should use what is available, or always at hand and will not give any agency a lead on his/hers/their identity. An explosion doesn't have to occur to be believed. If it's shown on TV or talked about on Radio - than, for most people at least, it is true. But, yes, a graphic footage gets great ratings for both a TV station and those who plotted the bomb. In a modern city, with its tall buildings and skyscrapers, an explosion will not be seen by anyone standing just a few blocks away, neither will it be heard. However, if there is a large fire, with lots of black smoke - than, chances are, it will be seen for miles away. CONCLUSION: an explosive device doesn't have to be very strong, but it does have to leave a lot of impressions. If those impressions are seen by many people (real-time, with their own eyes) than an effect will be great (coupled with some Television footage - it will be fantastic). Go to a store that sells party supplies (most of them also sell firecrackers), buy a hundred pounds of firecrackers (the ones that send up colored rockets work best); although, I suggest you by a few pounds at a time or visit a couple of stores. Firecrackers made by Asian companies are the best, because most of them use undiluted explosive chemicals. (Usually 5 big Asian firecrackers equal approximately 1.5 to 2.5 sticks of dynamite). Now you have to unwrap all those firecrackers, and get the explosives out. Don't use anything metallic (wooden, or glass instruments are the best). Do not keep too much powder close to a place you work at. Move everything to specially prepared containers each time you have a handful of material. Mix everything together, do not discard any phosphor or other chemicals (the only things you should throw away are papers). After cleaning 100 pounds of firecrackers, you should have at the very least 50 pounds of chemicals (that is assuming you are a totally disoriented and unbalanced person). That is approximately equal to 15 to 35 sticks of dynamite (depending on the quality of those firecrackers). That is also enough dynamite to blow up a small 2-bedroom private house into the next dimension. If placed in a 5th floor apartment of a middle-sized building (9 to 12 levels), and forced to explode (using all material). It would destroy apartments 2 floors down and, at the very least, 1 floor up. Plus, depending on the quality of the material, would blow side walls and whatever is next to them. If you place a 5 gallon drum of ammonia and 3-4 kilos of bleach next to the explosive device, the fumes created when the two combine will create an even bigger panic, than with the explosive by itself, and kill whoever is breathing it long enough (usually around 12- 15 minutes will kill a well trained human). If that apartment's windows are facing a busy street, than activating such a device during rush hour will also terminate up to 75 percent populating the area of 100 square feet. For a greater destruction, you can put a few paper cartons of debris (nails, pieces of glass, stones, metal, etc.) on the window stoop. If the reporters are notified before the destruction begins, thereby arriving within minutes after the explosion, great footage of smoke, toxic vapors and flying glass can be captured. Producing an awesome effect on the citizens. The above, is but an example of a small explosive device priced under 300 dollars. However, anything that burns, explodes or poisons can be used. Providing its cheap, stable, uncomplicated in use, and is availabe anywhere. Although, such acts would have to be repeated four to five times within a period of 1-2 months before any real changed can be observed. January 24th, 1995 *********** Disclaimer: Any actions described above are illegal, and if used will get you a long vacation in a maximum security installation. The essay above is a theoretical work of fiction, protected under the first amendment. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Violent Perfection ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ WHQ : Psychotic Reflections BBS ³ ³ Sysop: Kamui ³ ³ #####: 718-981-6387 ³ ³ H/P/C/A/V/T ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ If you want to contact us, or have any interesting ³ ³ information/essays/articles/etc. to share with the ³ ³ rest of the Planet - than call our WHQ at a number ³ ³ given above. ³ ³ Log-On as "ViPer" ³ ³ Password "ViPer" ³ ³ 4-Digits "1111" ³ ³ Birthday "11-11-11" ³ ³ (BTW.. remember not to use the quotation marks.) ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ViPer007.