01-24-95 ViPer006. ßÜ ßÜ ßÜ ÜßÛßßÜ ÜßÛßßßß ßÛßßÜ Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û ÜÛÜÜß ÜßÛßß ßÛßÛß Û Û Û Û Û Û ßÜ Û Û ß Û ß ßßßß ß ß þ ßÜß Üß (A good idea circulated and discussed is worth a million brillian ones buried in the archives.) Disclaimer: The author takes no responsibility what so ever for any damages resultant from reading, carrying, and/or applying this essay. The text is nothing more than a work of fiction trying to explain the strategies and tactics involved in planning and executing successful terrorist acts. TERRORISM - THEORY and PRACTICE Part II (ViPer006.) by DAIMYO A goal of a regular terrorist is to bring about change (political, social, etc.). Unless you are a total psychopath, your main goal is to show people the righteousness of your actions - it is not to kill people. However, usually it takes a lot of deaths to bring that change any closer. And that is where most terrorists make their biggest mistake. Thinking that bigger is better, they use explosive devices that kill dozens and sometimes hundreds of people at a time. And when no change is evident afterwards they blame governments and each other. An interesting quote comes into my mind to describe the reasons for those failings. Some may think it a cruel one. Nonetheless, I think its very appropriate. ".... death of a few is a tragedy, death of thousands - is merely statistics..." I may have cited it wrong; however, the main point doesn't change. Whenever a jumbo-jet is bombed and hundreds of people die, what happens? Nothing. To the families of the victims it becomes a personal tragedy, to us it has absolutely no meaning. Although some of us do try to use a different airline when traveling, we still continue to fly. Financial statements of 10 biggest World-wide airlines show that right after a terrorist attack, the companies' earnings do not change one bit. Still, some terrorists are on the right track. It is the quantity, not the quality of terrorist acts that is important. A series of small, but consistent bombings will bring about change much faster than one or two big ones. I suppose most terrorists look at an example made by USA in 1946, when formulating their future plans. They think that if United States could drop two nuclear devices on top of two cities and force Japan into surrender - than so can they (providing that explosions and death tolls are high enough). However, they forget that at that moment in time, Japan was doomed. Loosing its territories in East and South-East Asia, Japan was looking for a reason to surrender gracefully (Japanese generals were loyal, but not stupid enough to think they would win). The best example of small, but constant acts can be found in the history of IRA (Northern Ireland). And even their, having most of the population on their side, the leadership of IRA lost its nerve. The attacks were not consistent enough. The result - a partial victory after long decades of fighting. Perhaps all those failings are due to the inconsistency of all terrorist groups. All of them either go into complete fanatism and psychotic behavior, or loose their nerve and ease off on the violent actions. None of them have been able to follow that "golden middle" where politics and violence meet and create complete victories. Some might argue this point, using the recent example of utter fanatism and psychotic behavior win (in the case of Israel and Palestine). Well, possibly; however, at this time we just can't be sure of what is to follow. But there are two directions. One, after all the violence that is happening in Israel today, all talks of peace will be closed, and everything will go back to the way it was a year ago. Another, if the Arab self-government does proceed. Within a few months they will start killing each other. Some of that can be seen already (with Arafat on one side and fundamentalists on the other). A good example can be brought in at this time. Look at Afghanistan. After the Soviet forces left. All those "Proud Rebels, Fighting to Liberate their Country from those damn commies," turned on each other and started killing their "faithful brothers-in-arms." A peaceful middle-eastern Muslim, is a very thin possibility. And not because of their lack of understanding. But since birth, most Muslims have been taught that Israel is the primary enemy. That the only way to peace is through Jihad and complete conversion of the whole planet to "the only true faith." Unlike most other religions, their's does not allow any deviations. Small weaknesses can be allowed (praying once instead of five times a day, going to a Musk once a week instead of every day). Those failings can be lived with. But when it comes to tolerance of other religions, than there can be no weakness. Although, I suppose it all depends on those who teach that religion... But, back to our world of Theory. The above- mentioned example is also bad in other ways. The state of Israel was continually pressured into a peaceful solution by the United States and most European governments. We live in an imperfect world, where perfect theoretical solutions are useless. But, if you think your ideas and beliefs are worth killing for, we at ViPer give you our "Good Luck!" (unofficial of course). To die for your beliefs is the greatest of deaths! January 24th, 1995 ********** If you have any suggestions, solutions or just have something to say about the above article - we can be contacted at our WHQ BBS. Your ideas will probably be printed, providing they are not obscene and to the point. 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