415-333-0000.zip    Rings and goes dead.                                                                   PLA

630-307-9974.zip    Male Computerized Voice: "This is pump station number 5.       Jennifer
                                <Hic!> This is pump station number 5. <Hic!>" <pressed the    Martino
                                asterisk> "Acknowledged. Accepted. The intrical delay is 02

800-426-5639.zip    Male Voice: "54-7-1-1-3-0-7-1-0-5-5 <touch tones>."                 (?)

847-823-9995.zip    Male Computerized Voice "Hello. This is telephone number 847-  PLA
                                823-9995.  The time is 9:15 AM. Alert condition okay. The
                                temperature is 73 degrees. okay. The electricity is on. Battery
                                condition okay. Sound level okay. Listen to the sound level
                                for 60 seconds..."
914-735-9904.zip    A  regular synthesized ring then, what sounds like a ring from    UbiOne
                                an actual telephone.

914-735-9929.zip    Male voice: "Testing  1, 2, 3."                                                   UbiOne

973-759-3816.zip    Female voice: "You have reached the test zone (?) for New      UbiOne
                                Jersey area code 973.  This new area code is effective June 1,
                                1997. Mandatory use of 973 begins December 6, 1997. The
                                northeastern part of the state including and Bergen and Hudson
                                Counties will receive the 201 area code. With the remainder of
                                the 201 area code including Morris, Sussex, Pasayic and
                                Essex counties changing to the new 973 area code. Test number
                                973-759-3816. <faint beep>."

callerid1.zip            Sound of caller ID sending data.                                  Michael Edwards
carrier1.zip             Modem carrier.                                                             Jennifer Martino

cocot1.zip                Cocot modem.                                                             Jennifer Martino

dialtone1.zip           20 seconds of dial tone.                                                 Jennifer Martino

errorbeeps1.zip      The beeps you hear before every error message.              Jennifer Martino

fax1.zip                   Fax machine.                                                                 Jennifer Martino

pager1.zip               Pager.                                                                           Jennifer Martino
pager2.zip               Disconnected pager.                                                      Jennifer Martino

pager3.zip                A pager beeping.                                                                              (?)

pbx1.zip                    PBX.                                                                           Jennifer Martino

reorder1.zip             Reorder.                                                                      Jennifer Martino

ring1.zip                   5 rings.                                                                        Jennifer Martino

ring2.zip                    5 double rings.                                                                XKMFDMx

tdd1.zip                    TDD machine.                                                             Jennifer Martino


People have visited this page since Monday, March 30,1998.
This page was created on Sunday, October 26, 1997 and
last revised on Monday, March 30,1998.