HOW TO ADMINISTER AN EXAMINATION FOR A NOVICE CLASS OPERATOR LICENSE A. Supervise the Examination Session 1. As a volunteer examiner (VE), you and another VE (you both) set the time and place for the session. You both must observe the examinee at all times and immediately terminate the session if the examinee does not comply with your instructions or attempts to cheat. 2. Assist handicapped examinees. Take into account the physical disabilities of examinees by permitting them to demonstrate the requisite qualifications in ways that accommodate their disabilities. For instance, allow an examinee with a hearing impairment to use avibrating surface or a flashing light for the telegraphy examination. If writing is difficult, the examinee may dictate answers to you. Read the written examination questions to a blind examinee or allow the use of Braille. Avoid using questions involving diagrams with a blind examinee. 3. Use special procedures, such as the use of a transcriber or reader who is other than you or your partner VE, only where the special procedure is appropriate and only where the examinee attaches to the application a statement describing the procedure requested, a statement of the reason for them, and a physician's certificate indicating the nature of the physical disability. Remove the attachments and retain them for 1 year. B. VE Requirements 1. You must hold the actual document for a current General, Advanced or Amateur Extra operator license (a Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination does NOT suffice) and you must be at least 18 years of age. 2. You must not be related to the examinee, not accept reimbursement in ANY form (money, goods, services, etc.), not own a significant interest in (nor be an employee of) any company or other entity that is engaged in the manufacture or distribution of equipment used in connection with amateur station transmissions, not own a significant interest (nor be an employee of) any company or other entity that is engaged in the preparation or distribution of any publication used in the preparation for obtaining amateur operator licenses. (If you are an employee of such an entity, you may be a VE if you do not normally communicate with that part of the entity engaged in such manufacture of equipment, or preparation or distribution of publications. 3. Your amateur station license or amateur operator license must not have ever been revoked or suspended. You do not have to be accredited by a VEC (volunteer-examiner-coordinator). C. Novice Operator License Requirements The knowledge and skills needed to qualify for a license are exactly the same for everyone. The FCC does not grant requests to dispense with (or lower) any operator qualification requirement. No VE has the authority to waive license requirements. The examinees must: 1. Pass or receive credit for written element 2, and 2. Pass telegraphy element 1(A) or receive credit for element 1(A) or 1(B) or 1(C). D. FCC Contact 1. Mail or deliver the completed application, FCC Form 610, to: Federal Communications Commission SEND APPLICATIONS P.O. Box 1020 TO THIS ADDRESS Gettysburg, PA. 17326 2. To order forms by mail or to inquire about the status of an application contact: Consumer Assistance Branch DO NOT SEND Federal Communications Commission APPLICATIONS Gettysburg, PA. 17326 TO THIS ADDRESS Telephone (717) 337-1212 3. Your local FCC Field Office may also be able to provide the form. 4. Direct all inquiries concerning the preparation or administration of examinations to: Personal Radio Branch DO NOT SEND Federal Communications Commission APPLICATIONS Washington, DC 20554 TO THIS ADDRESS Telephone (202) 632-4964 E. The Examination Session The examination begins when you both receive from the examinee: 1. A properly completed FCC Form 610; 2. Two documents that prove the examinee's identity. Each should show the examinee's signature. 3. Any document for which the examinee is claiming examination credit. See Sections G. and H. F. Screen The Application 1. You both review Section I of the Form 610 and the identification documents. Satisfy yourselves that the examinee is actually the person applying for the license. Verify that the FCC Form 610 is properly filled out. Have the examinee make and initial any necessary corrections: Item 2C (new license) must be checked. Item 5 (examinee's name) must match the identifying documents. Item 6 (date of birth) must not be the current year! Item 7 (mail address) must be a mailing address in the United States, it's territories or it's possessions. Item 8 (station location) must be an actual location, not a P.O. Box number, RFD number or General Delivery. Item 9 (environmental effect) must be checked. Item 10 (other application) must be checked NO. If YES is checked, do not administer the examination. Item 13 (signature) must match name in Item 5. It must match the signature shown on the identifying documents. If the examinee does not sign Item 13 in your presence, have the examinee sign another paper so that you can comprare the signature with those in Item 13 and identifying documents. Item 14 (date signed) must be filled in. G. Examination Credit In the Administering VE's Report (part of the FCC Form 610), check the box for each element for which the examinee is eligible to receive credit. For an original document of: 1. FCC Form 610 for an unsuccesful Novice operator license examination, signed by the administering VE's, indicating the examinee has passed telegraphy element 1(A) within the previous 365 days, or for a valid Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination for telegraphy element issued to the examinee within the preivous 365 days, give the examinee credit for, rather than administer, element 1(A). Enter the issue date in the proper examination element box in Item B. 2. FCC Form 610 for an unsuccessful Novice operator license examination, signed by the administering VE's, indicating the examinee has passed written element 2 within the previous 365 days, or for a valid Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination for written 2 issued to the examinee within the previous 365 days, give the examinee credit for, rather than administer, element 2. Enter the issue date in examination element 2 in Item B. 3. Commerial Radiotelegraph Operator license issued to the examinee that is current or was current within 5 years prior to the date of the session, give the examinee credit for element 1(C) rather than administer element 1(A). Enter the license number in Item C and the expiration date in element 1(C) box. 4. Examination credit must not be given for any other document. H. Telegraphy Examination 1. To pass, the examinee must prove to you both the ability to send correctly by hand and receive correctly by ear texts in international Morse code. Unless the examinee received credit, prepare a message that is approximately 5 minutes in length, 5 words per minute, 5 characters per word. If the message is obtained from a supplier, you both must determine that it is suitable as to content and speed. The message should be typical of those usually encountered while operating an amateur station on the Novice HF bands. The message must be unknown to applicant. It must Not be a well known phrase from a poem, song, etc. Do not readminister the same message to the same person. Use the following characters in the message: Letters of the alphabet. Count each as 1 character. Numerals 1 through 0. Count each as 2 characters. Punctuation marks period, question, comma, and slant. Count each as 2 characters. Prosigns AR, SK, BT. Count each as 2 characters. 2. Send the message to the examinee. A sending test may also be administered. Passing a receiving test, however, may be used as proof of both sending and receiving ability. Upon completion of the examination, collect all examination papers. 3. Determine whether the examinee correctly received the message. Either the fill-in-the-blank method,multiple-choice or the 1-minute-perfect-copy method may be used. If the examinee passed, check the Element 1(A) box in Item D of the Administering VEs' Report. I. Written Examination 1. To pass, the examinee must prove to you both that he/she possesses the operational skills and technical qualifications required to properly perform the duties of the Novice operator licensee. Unless the examinee has received credit, you both prepare a question set by selecting 1 question from each of the 30 blocks of questions on the current element 2 pool published by the VECs. Essay, fill-in-the-blank, true false, or multiple choice answer format may be used. If the set is obtained from a supplier, you both must determine if it is suitable as to content. Do Not readminister the same set to the same person. 2. Administer the question set to the examinee. Upon completion of the examination, collect all examination papers 3. Grade the answers. You both are responsible for determining the correctness of the answers. The minimum passing score is 22 questions. If the examinee passed, check the Element 2 box in Item D of the Administering VEs' Report. J. Administering VEs' Report 1. If the examinee passed or received credit for both element 2, and either element 1(A) or 1(B) or 1(C), check Item E1 (Novice) of the Administering VEs' Report. This indicates the examinee is qualified for a Novice operator license. 2. If the examinee did not pass either or both elements, check Item E (None) in the Administering VEs' Report. This indicates the examinee is not qualified for an amateur operator license. K. Certification 1. Read the certification statement in Section II-A. If the statement is true, provide the information requested and sign your name where shown. You both must make this certification. If you administer or certify an examination fraudulently or for some monetary or other consideration you are subject to revocation of your amateur station license and suspension of your amateur operator license. 2. Use your mailing address of record as shown on your license for the VE's mailing address in Item 1B (and Item 2B). L. Submit Application to FCC 1. If the examinee qualified for a Novice operator license, within 10 calendar days of the session, mail or deliver the application to: Federal Communications Commission P.O. Box 1020 Gettysburg, Pa. 17326. If you forward or deliver the application to the FCC beyond the 10 day limit, include an explanation of why application is late. 2. If the examinee did not qualify for a Novice operator license, return the application to the examinee. DO NOT SEND THE APPLICATION TO THE FCC. M. Retain Test Papers Retain the test papers for 1 year from the date of the examination session. Be prepared to answer questions that may arise over whether a person took and passed an examination at a particular examination session where you were a VE. Your records must be made available to a FCC representative upon request. N. Processing Time The normal processing time after receipt of an application in good order for a new Novice operator license is 4 to 6 weeks. [EOF]