IC720.3 Let me put it bluntly - if you get caught using ham radio equipment on frequencies that you're not authorized to use, you could lose your license and might also face stiff fine or imprisonment. Before even contemplating making any modification to your equipment, weigh carefully the consequences of operating on frequencies outside of your license category. The ICOM 02-AT 2 meter handheld will go into the 150 MHz range with some modification. On the ICOM 02-AT, as well as on the ICOM -4-AT for VHF and/or UHF work, both units require semi-major diode surgery for frequency expansion. For VHF, two diodes are removed and three are added for the ICOM 02-AT to extend all the way up to 165 MHz. For UHF work, two diodes are added to extend the range of the ICOM 04-AT. The modification is tricky, and a bit complicated. CONTINUED IN FILE IC720.2