IC3220A ICOM IC-3220A/H Frequency expansion/Mini repeater Frequency expansion: To extend the receiver range on VHF: 118.000mhz (AM) to 174.000mhz (FM) Cut D6 on the LOGIC board (located on the front of the radio) To extend the receiver range on UHF: 400.000mhz to 479.000mhz Cut D4 on the LOGIC board. To extend transmitter range on VHF: 136.000mhz to 174.000 Solder a bridge between the solder pads next to D9 To extend transmitter range on UHF: 400.000mhz to 479.000mhz Install 1SS190 (diode) at D9 position on the LOGIC board. MINI REPEATER FUNCTION 1. Set rig to "DUAL" by using the BAND switch. 2. Set frequencies in VHF and UHF. You may set in offset on either band. You may also set it up in VFO or MEMORY. 3. Simultaneously hold BAND and SET key. The memory number will display a flashing "L". It will be in repeater mode To disable repeater mode, depress and hold "SET" key until the flashing "L" goes to a memory number or VFO mode. The repeater mode will not be disabled by turning the rig off and on.