WYOMING STATEWIDE RADIO CODES (USED BY VARIOUS AGENCIES IN THE STATE) 105 Animal control violation 440 Attempt to locate 107 Arrest/hold for other agency 441 Bar incident 110 Arson 444 Civil 115 Assault 445 Civil service 120 Auto theft 450 Civil standby 125 Brandish weapon 455 Complaint & summons 130 Breech of peace 457 Curfew violation 135 Bribery 460 Death 140 Burglary 465 Deliver message 141 Contempt of court 466 Destruction/property 142 Child abuse/neglect/possible 467 Domestic dispute 143 Child molesting/possible 468 Disp/court orders 144 Destruction of property 469 Drug information 145 Driving under influence 470 Escort detail 150 Driving under suspension 471 Explosives 152 Drunk in public 475 Family fight 155 Elude/flee law enforcement 476 Game & fish 156 Interference with officer 477 Gun call 160 Endangerment/reckless 501 Information item 165 Escape 505 Intoxicated person 170 Extortion 510 NOT USED 174 False report 515 Runaway 175 Forgery/counterfeit 516 Labor dispute 180 Fraud/checks 517 Livestock 200 Fraud/general 520 Noise complaint 205 Gambling 525 Mentally disturbed person 210 Game & fish violation 526 Military/AWOL 215 Harassing communications 530 Missing person 216 Hit & run 535 Open door/window 220 Homicide 537 Potential hazard 225 Kidnapping 540 Prisoner incident 230 Larceny 545 Prisoner transport 235 Liquor violation 550 Found property 240 Minor/contrib to deliquency 555 Lost property 245 Minor/deliquent 565 Suicide/attempted suicide 246 C.H.I.N.S. 569 Suspicious incident 250 Minor/in possession of alcohol 570 Suspicious person 255 Minor/interfer w/custody 575 Suspicious vehicle 260 Narcotics violation 580 Traffic citation 265 Obscene communications 600 Traffic complaint 270 Obstructing/harbor 605 Traffic stop 275 Perjury 610 Unwanted subject 280 Probation/parole violation 615 Vehicle impound 300 Property/possession stolen 617 V.I.N. check 305 Property/receive stolen 619 Warning written 310 Prostitution 620 Warrant service 311 Rape 625 Outstanding warrant 315 Reckless operator/motor veh. 699 Other incident 317 Resisting arrest 701 Administrative duties 320 Robbery 703 Backup 325 Sexual assault 705 Breathalyzer operation 330 Sex offense/excl. assault 710 Case follow-up 332 Theft from auto 715 County attorney meeting 335 Trespass 720 Court appearance 340 Vandalism 730 Crime prenvention detail 345 Vice/excl gambling/prostitut. 733 Equipment 350 Weapons violation 735 Field interrogation 385 Other felony 737 General investigative duty 390 Other high misdemeanor 740 Meal/coffee break 395 Other misdemeanor 742 End of watch 399 Other traffic 745 Personal business 401 Abandoned vehicle 750 Report preparation 405 Accident/property damage 760 Riot call 415 Alarm 765 Security check 420 Animal control complaint 766 Animal control patrol check 425 Assist other agency 770 Service vehicle 430 Assist citizen 771 Training 431 Welfare check 773 Verbal warning 432 Assist Gillette PD 777 Shelter maintenance 435 Assist motorist 779 Status check 435 Assist WY Game & Fish 789 Animal euthanasia/disposal 437 Assist highway patrol 799 Other down time