[ ANARTS - Australian National Amateur Radio Teletype Society ] ANARTS RTTY News Bulletin 822 14th August 1994 Relay frequencies 3.545 MHz 0930 UTC VK2BQS (Jim) 7.045 MHz -3 0030 UTC VK2CTD (Col) 14.070 MHz (amtor/fec) 0030 UTC VK2DPM (Alan) 14.091 MHz 0030 UTC VK2BQS (JIM) 146.675 MHz 0030/0930 UTC VK2JPA (PAT) 144.850 MHz (ax25 bbs) VK2JPA AT VK2RWI (or VK2AAB) 146.675 MHz (rtty mmbbs/repeater) VK2RTY W.A. Packet User and Digipeater List, compiled by Phil VK6KS ------------------------------------- Latest update 1/8/94 We have been forwarded the latest update of the above listing which contains 163 stations (if I can count properly!) and their status, e.g. TNC, Digicom, Baycom, digipeater, Rose switch, NETROM node, BBS and type of software, to name a few codings -- also the usual frequency used by the station, in- cluding HF frequencies where applicable. This is a very comprehensive listing and we would be happy to provide a copy for any interested party, on receipt of a S.A.S.E.. It is about 4 (four) A4 pages - just the thing to see if that callsign you want to send a message to is on packet, so that you don't have to battle poor propagation at this time of the cycle. ----------------------------------------- SARTG WW RTTY Contest 20-21 August ---------------------------------- Starts : 3 contest periods: 0000-0800 UTC Saturday, 1600-2400 UTC Saturday, and 0800-1600 UTC Sunday. Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15 and 1o M. Classes : a) Single operator, all bands b) Single operator, single band c) Mulyi-operator, single transmitter, all bands d) SWLs, all bands Note: Single operator, all bands stations may also enter as a single band entry of their own choice also. Modes: RTTY only Exchange: RST + QSO number, starting with 001. Multipliers: Each DXCC country on each band, including firs contact with Australia, Canada, Japan and USA. Aditionally, each call area in VK, VE, JA and W will count as one multiplier on each band. QSO Points: QSO with own country, 5 points. QSO with other countries in own continent, 10 points. QSO with other continents, 15 points. In VK, VE, JA and W, each call area will count as a separate country. Scoring: Sum of QSO points x sum of multipliers = total score Awards: To the top station in each class, country and district, if the number of QSOs is reasonable. Logs: Use separate logsheets for each band. Logs must show : Band, Date/Timwe (UTC), callsign, wxchange message sent and received, multipliers and QSO points. Summary sheet must show scoring, class, your callsign, and name and address. Multi-op stations must show the callsigns and names of all operators involved. Your comments will be very much appreciated. Mail logs to: SARTG Contest Manager Bo Ohlsson, SM4CMG Skulsta 1258 S-710 41 Fellingsbro Sweden ------------------------------------ Silent key ---------- We have been notified of the sudden passing of Keith Echberg VK6KD on 29th July at his home. Keith was a longtime member of the W.A. Radio Old Timers Club, and originally held the callsign VK6KE. He worked for many years in Victoria and held a VK3 callsign, but returned to W.A. on retirement. from Clem VK6CW ------------------------------------------ IPS weekly report ----------------- 05 August - 11 August 1994 Issue No 32 Date of issue: 12 August 1994 INDICES: Date 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 10cm 76 75 76 74 75 78 77 A 6 5 4 2 6 15 (15 estimated) T 21 22 29 27 28 31 34 SUMMARY OF ACTIVITY Solar activity was very low all week. The geomagnetic field at Learmonth (WA) was quiet or mostly quiet until 10th August when the field became unsettled to active, re-turning to unsettled on 11th. Ionospheric F2 critical frequencies at Sydney to the 9th were near predicted monthly values with enhancements of up to 50 per cent late in the UT day. On 10th-11th, frequencies were about 10 per cent above predicted monthly values, with enhancements of up to 50 per cent during local night on 11th. Spread F was observed 0800-1500 UT on 11th. FORECAST FOR THE NEXT WEEK (12 - 18 August) SOLAR: Very low. GEOMAGNETIC: Unsettled 12-13 August then quiet to unsettled conditions. IONOSPHERIC: Near to 10 per cent above predicted monthly values for August. Courtesy of IPS Radio and Space Services, Sydney --------------------------------------- VK2SG RTTY DX NOTES FOR WEEKENDING 5 AUGUST 94 (BID RTDX0805) WELL THIS WEEK HAS BEEN A QUIET WEEK WITH VERY LITTLE IN THE WAY OF EXCITING DX, THOUGH THERE HAS BEEN ONE OR TWO THAT STIRRED THE BLOOD A LITTLE. THANKS THIS WEEK GO TO: ZS5S, WB2CJL, W2JGR, W5KSI, W5ZPA, PA0HVF,I5KG AND IK5PWJ PACKETCLUSTER, DJ3IW AND THE CENTRAL- EUROPE DX CLUSTER AND THE NJ0M NODE OF THE MINNESOTA PACKET CLUSTER NETWORK. BANDPASS: FRIDAY 29 0000-14086 EI3GZ 0016-14087 8P6QA 1203-14087 HL5FRG 2048-14084 4L1BR 2049-14083 9K2ZZ 2055-14081 CN8NP 2114-14083 FM5GN 2149-14084 OM3CQS 2245-14081 TU4EI 2247-14083 SV1QN 2315-14088 9G1WJ SATURDAY 30 0010-14086 A35CT 0037-14086 LU2HNZ 1545-14085 9K2ZZ 1603-14085 Z21HD 1728-14085 9K2ZZ 1951-14085 SV5AZP 2259-14083 TU4EI 2302-14081 CN8NP SUNDAY 31 0519-14086 UT5DX QSL OE3SGU 0520-14082 Z21HD 0521-14084 ER2CQ 0646-14086 WL7EF 1238-14087 HI8BG 1251-14088 EI3GZ 1259-14089 RK4LWZ 1600-14086 UR5LBX 1601-14087 4L1BR 1633-14078 5N3ALE 1642-14084 ET3SID 1648-14090 UA9TK 2027-14085 9K2ZZ 2029-14083 OM3TZW MONDAY 1 1618-14088 EX2U 1630-14084 ER2CQ 1636-14084 4S7AVR REV. QSL NOEL, 15/2 BALANENMULLA LANE COLOMBO 6, SRILANKA 1652-14069 C91BG ARQ 1719-14085 4L1BR 1719-14085 UX0KN 1738-14087 BV7WB 1745-14085 IK2RZP/EA6 QSL HOME CALL 1800-14080 A45ZX TUESDAY 2 0423-14086 A35CT 0614-14082 V73/W8IDJ 1250-14085 9M8BT Q SL N5FTR 1642-14089 SV2BBJ 1646-14086 LZ2JE 1704-14088 YL2QC 1758-14085 IK2RZP/EA6 2015-14086 4L1BR WEDNESDAY 3 0342-14085 FO/F9LC 0451-14084 A35MW 0608-14087 IS0CCW 0631-14000 V73/W8IDJ 1255-14086 UY7IB 1256-14082 RA9FZ 1400-14087 YL2QC 1515-14086 UN5PR 1516-14089 RG1A 1713-14085 9K2IC 1721-14086 IK2RZP/EA6 1749-14087 Z21HD 1823-14084 4Z5GN 1825-14086 LX1TI 1843-14083 9H1JF THURSDAY 4 0609-14086 WL7EF 0653-14084 YL1ZR 1412-14083 9K2IC 1438-14086 UR5LBX 1620-14088 5B4VX 1639-14083 Z21HD 1705-14087 AP2TJ 1727-14089 TL8GM 1746-14085 EA6NB 1746-14085 HJ1UMN 1811-14090 4L1BR 1814-14085 VU2YK 1834-14087 TU4EI NOTES OF INTEREST: MONACO, 3A. MIKE, W5ZPA WILL OPERATE FROM 16-20 AUGUST. QSL TO HOME CBA. HE WILL BE ON THE USUAL DX FREQUENCIES RTTY, CW AND SSB. OPERATION WILL BE LIMITED AS HE HAS TO COMMUTE FROM FRANCE TO MONACO (3A) AND BACK. PRICIPATE OF SEBORGA, IS1A/0S1A. EDITOR RECEIVED INVITATION TO OPERATE ON RTTY FROM THIS PLACE DURING AUGUST. STAY TUNED FOR DETAILS. SEND YOUR BANGPASS AND NOTES FOR NEXT WEEK'S BULLETIN TO BOB, WB2CJL AT W5KSI.#NOLA.LA.USA.NA OR TO I5FLN.ITA.EU. GL DE (DX2) LUCIANO, I5FLN AT ZS5S.ZAF.AF ----------------------------------------- ARLD046 DX NEWS TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS THE ITEMS IN THIS WEEK'S BULLETIN ARE COURTESY OF BOB, W5KNE, QRZ DX, AND THE CONTEST CORRAL COLUMN FROM THE PAGES OF QST. THANKS. YEMEN. BOB, N4GCK, HOPES TO OPERATE FROM A EUROPEAN EMBASSY IN ADEN SOMETIME THIS MONTH. PLANS HAVE BEEN SHIFTED DUE IN LARGE PART TO THE CONTINUING CIVIL WAR IN THE COUNTRY. CAMBODIA. SANJI, XU7VK, IS ACTIVE, HOWEVER HE WILL RETURN TO HUNGARY SOMETIME EARLY THIS MONTH. HE HAS BEEN HEARD ON 80 METERS BETWEEN 3500 AND 3510 KHZ. ALSO CHECK 14220 KHZ FROM 1000 TO 1200Z. WORD HAS IT THAT VS6WV WILL BE IN XU-LAND IN LATE AUGUST, BUT HIS OPERATING TIME WILL BE LIMITED. RWANDA. PAUL, F6EXV, AKA 9X5DX, WILL SOON RETURN TO RWANDA TO CONTINUE PROVIDING HUMANITARIAN NEEDS. BECAUSE OF HIS EXPECTED WORK SCHEDULE, AMATEUR RADIO ACTIVITY WILL BE LIMITED AT BEST. HIS QSL MANAGER REMAINS F2VX. ALEX, PA3DZN, IS ALSO ON THE WAY TO RWANDA. MARSHALL ISLANDS. KEN, V73C, HAS BEEN ON 30 METER CW AND SSB BETWEEN 2000 AND 0400Z. ALSO CHECK 18146 KHZ AROUND 0230Z. QSL VIA OKDXA, PO BOX 88, WELLSTON, OK 74881. ----------------------------------------------- SUBSCRIPTIONS. Members are reminded that ANARTS Financial Year commenced on 1st July 1994 and that subscriptions are now due. We have had a freebie for 12 months as a gesture to our members but it could not continue that way for ever. So please send $10 ( you know, the pretty blue note) to our Secretary who will process it under our new system which should prevent delays and transit problems. Send to the official ANARTS address at Box 860, CROWS NEST. NSW. please. ----------------------------------------- Society information The Society may be contacted at : PO Box 860, Crows Nest 2065 Australia, for such matters as membership and general enquiries. Enquiries can also be made by packet to the President (Col) VK2CTD, or the Secretary (Pat) VK2JPA at VK2RWI. News items may be sent to Broadcast Officer PO Box 60 Blacktown 2148 Australia, or by packet to VK2JPA at VK2RWI. Email addresses for the Broadcast Officer are : patl(at)pitt.conmusic.su.oz.au The Society welcomes news items on any digital subjects from anywhere in the broadcast coverage area. We know we reach New Zealand and many South Pacific islands, and we were reaching as far north as Japan when conditions were right. We are looking forward to news from your areas to let other amateurs know what you are doing in the hobby. Hope to hear from you. 73s de Pat VK2JPA Broadcast Officer That concludes the broadcast for this morning/evening.