[ ANARTS - Australian National Amateur Radio Teletype Society ] ANARTS NEWS BULLETIN 797 20/02/94 Sunday Broadcast Schedules (Note 80 metre change) 3.545 MHz 0930 UTC This relay is in recess from end of November until be- ginning of April. 7.045 MHz -3 0030 UTC VK2CTD (Col) 14.070 MHz (amtor/fec) 0030 UTC VK2DPM (Alan) 14.091 MHz 0030 UTC VK2BQS (JIM) 146.675 MHz 0030/0930 UTC VK2JPA (PAT) 144.850 MHz (ax25 bbs) VK2JPA AT VK2RWI 146.675 MHz (rtty mmbbs/repeater) VK2RTY Views expressed in this news bulletin are not necessarily those of the Broadcast Officer, the Relay Officers, or of the Society. Special reminder ---------------- As next weekend is Central Coast Field Day at Wyong, please note that the usual Sunday morning broadcast will go out at the same time a day earlier on the Saturday... Repeat, the morning broadcast will take place at 0030UT on Saturday 26th February. Of course, this is so ANARTS relay officers can go to the Field Day along with the rest of the East Coast amateurs. Look for us there, and say hello. Back to normal the following Sunday ... ------------------------------------------ Change in 80m broadcast relay ----------------------------- Due to very poor propagation in this part of the cycle during summer months, it has been decided to drop the 80m relay of the cast from December to March inclusive. The relay will resume on the first Sunday in April, which is the 3rd this year. This could be reviewed in future years, but should be in force until at least 1997, judging by the way the current solar cycle is progressing. The minimum for the cycle is estimated variously to come from late 1995 to around April 1996. This presumes that the cycle length will continue to shorten to under 10 years, the last cycle being 9.6 years in length. The decline of the present cycle is running three to eight months ahead of cycles 18, 19, and 21 (cycle 20 was of much lower amplitude). Something good to remember -- the present cycle (cycle 22) reached its maximum in the record short interval of 2.8 years. Perhaps this next one will be similar. Estimates courtesy of the IPS Radio and Space Services Solar- Geophysical Summary January 1994. ----------------------------------------- A reminder for the Gosford - Central Coast Field Day ---------------------------------------------------- Don't forget the Central Coast Field Day on 27th February, at the prestige venue of the Wyong Racecourse in Howarth St. Wyong. There you will meet the committee of ANARTS -- Col VK2CTD, President, Jim VK2BQS, Vice-President, Alan VK2DPM, Treasurer, and Pat VK2JPA, Broadcast Officer, will be floating around somewhere with a video camera. (I am also a member of the Gladesville Amateur Radio Club Inc. specialising in ATV, and I have been told that I don't float! Pat) Don't forget to enter the Morse contest ANARTS will be running again. It was such a success last year that it will be a feature of the stand again this year. Polish your sending and receiving skills and come along and participate in this most historic method of amateur digital transmission. A late amendment to our previous announcement of a display of computer pictures. Murphy has struck again and the hard disk crashed rather permanently by the sounds of things, so we can't show the fractals and other images we had lined up for display. There's always next year. See you there. -------------------------------------- DARC HF RTTY Contest (cont.) ------------------ Date: February 19-20, 1994 Sponsored by Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club e V. Multipliers: Each DXCC/WAE country, and each USA state, and each call district in JA, VE, and VK, (NOT USA), regardless of band. (NO band multipliers). For USA stations, count only the FIRST QSO with a USA station as a DXCC/WAE country multiplier, regardless of band. QSO points: Count 1 point for QSO with own country (States of USA are not counted as countries). Count 2 points for QSO outside your own country, but within continent. Count 3 points for QSO outside your own continent. Final score: Total QSO points x total of multipliers. Awards: To top stations in each class, country and district mentioned above. Logs: Logs must contain: Date, Time UTC, Callsign, Message sent/received, name, US-state, first-time-mult prefix, and QSO points. Also required is a Summary sheet with a list of claimed multipliers. If entry is multi-op, please list names and callsigns of all ops. Comments are very much appreciated. Deadlines; Part 1: May, 1994. Part 2: September 1, 1994. Mail entry to: Werner Ludwig, DF5BX P.O. Box 12 70 D-49110 Georgsmarienhutte Germany ---------------------------------------- IPS weekly report ----------------- 11 - 17 February 1994 Issue no.: 07 Date of issue: 18 February 1994 Date 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 10cm 93 98 98 101 104 105 106 A 38 27 30 28 26 16 (12 estimated) T 20 26 36 48 72 41 54 Summary of activity Solar activity was mostly very low except for 13th and 17th February when activity was low. The geomagnetic field at Learmonth (WA) from 11th to 15th was mostly unsettled to active with storm levels at periods on 11th, and minor storm levels at times on the 12th-15th. Conditions on 16th were unsettled to active, and quiet to unsettled on 17th. Ionospheric F2 critical frequencies at Sydney were near predicted levels 11th to partway through 13th when frequencies were firstly enhanced by up to 40 per cent, then depressed by up to 30 per cent after 1700UT. Frequencies on 14th to 15th ranged from near normal to up to 60 per cent enhanced, returning to near predicted values on 16th, then up to 15 per cent enhanced on 17th February. There was Sporadic E blanket- ing at 0800UT on 11th and some spread F during local night on 16th. Forecast for the next week (18 - 24 February) Solar : Low. Geomagnetic: Active 20-23 February due to a coronal hole. Ionospheric: Near predicted monthly values, MUFs are then expected to be depressed 15-20 per cent during the coronal hole activity. Courtesy of IPS Radio and Space Services --------------------------------------- VK2SG RTTY DX NOTES 11 FEB 94 VK2SG RTTY DX NOTES FOR WEEK ENDING 11 FEB 93 (BID RTDX0211) OUR INFORMATION THIS WEEK CAME FROM 9X5LJ, I5AAX AND THE IK5PWJ PACKET CLUSTER, I5FLN, WB2CJL, AA5AU, W5KSI, ZS5S, AND THE NJ0M NODE OF THE TWIN CITIES DX PACKETCLUSTER NETWORK. THANKS TO ALL FOR YOUR HELP. BANDPASS: FRIDAY 4 0735-14084 FK8GS REV. 0939-14082 YL1ZE 1142-21083 UN8PFE 1302-14085 4S7RM 1320-14089 SO6AD/9 1340-14091 HK0DPA 1348-14088 9H1ET 1500-21085 TZ6FIC 1510-21089 XE1SRF 2350-14089 JA3DLE/1 SATURDAY 5 0245-14086 VQ9TV 0835-14082 6W6JX 1257-14087 YV5KAJ 1304-21085 TZ6FIC 1316-21082 TU4EV 1400-21088 ZD7DP 1435-21085 CU3EM 1525-14086 J88BS 1543-14081 4U1ITU 1707-14083 XU7VK 1817-14082 J28JJ 1918-14086 EA8AK 1922-14088 ZA1MH 2008-14092 FG5FI 2149-14085 FM5GN 2156-14087 LU4DXU SUNDAY 6 0006-14085 S92ZM 0042-21076 3Y0PI FEC QSL KA6V SEE NOTE 0103-21076 3Y0PI ARQ 0620-14079 UA0ST 0624-14086 TR8MD QSL F6FNU 0648-14082 S53X 0756-14079 4U1ITU 0756 14079 4X/OK1FGV 0800-14080 T91ENS PACTOR 0826-14090 ER1PE 0830-14071 OD5ZZ PACTOR 0921-21086 EA6VS 0926-14083 UX0KC 0930-14085 6W6JX 0950-14090 UY7LT 0951-14090 RW8LZ 1035-14086 RV9CX 1050-14086 XU7VK QSL HA0HW 1053-14085 UN5PR 1053-14085 UH8WAD 1340-21085 ZS5J 1343-21083 SV9CAG 1400-14085 BV7WB 1400-21086 ZD7DP 1403-14087 4U1ITU 1405-14085 XU7VK 1415-14088 CU3EM 1431-14089 HP1XVI 1440-14091 YB3AQF 1441-28083 V50CM 1454-14086 TA5C 1506-21076 TU2BB PACTOR 1509-14091 UT2UZ 1533-14087 5B4VX 1538-21083 V50CM 1532-14080 VU2YK PACTOR 1705-14083 XU7VK 2226-14087 FM5GN 2322-14087 HP1XVI MONDAY 7 1107-14085 XU7VK 1711-14089 CO2AW 1829-14083 C91AI QSL CT1DGZ 1900-14084 3Y0PI INVERTED 2007-14083 CX3ABE 2021-21085 ZD7SM 2148-14084 CO2AW 2206-14084 YN4JAR 2224-14084 HK0DPA 2239-14084 S92ZM 2340-14084 ZP6EM 2354-14086 KP4SQ TUESDAY 8 0002-14088 PJ2MI 0026-14083 VP8CIL 0030-14083 FY5FG 0032-14085 ZP6EM 0039-14080 3Y0PI QSX UP 0119-14076 3Y0PI 0302-14081 3Y0PI 0048-14082 CE3NDN PACTOR 1721-14090 HK0DPA 1822-14086 CO2AW 1857-14083 CX3ABE 1904-14085 5Z4FO 1930-14083 YN5JAR 2153-14070 V31AR FEC/ARQ 2218-14084 9Y4VU 2230-14082 CO2AW 2235-14080 3Y0PI PACTOR QRM 2300-14082 3Y0PI QSY'D TO ESCAPE PACTOR QRM WEDNESDAY 9 0102-14082 3Y0PI STILL GOING STRONG THURSDAY 10 0100-14081 V31JU NOTES OF INTEREST: TNX TO TONY WA4JQS, AT 3Y0PI, FOR HIS VALIANT EFFORTS IN SUCCESSFULLY REPAIRING THE RTTY GEAR UNDER THE MOST ADVERSE CONDITIONS. A35JJ, TONGA - LOOK FOR A35JJ BETWEEN 12 AND 20 FEBRUARY ON ALL BANDS. QSL TO JR2KDN. FOR NEXT WEEK'S BULLETIN, SEND YOUR BANDPASS AND NOTES OF INTEREST TO LUCIANO, I5FLN AT ZS5S.ZAF.AF OR AT 9X5LJ.#KGL.RWA.AF. 73 ES GOOD HUNTING DE JULES W2JGR AT W2TKU.#SRQFL.FL.USA.NA (VIA HF PACTOR) --------------------------------------- Coming events ------------- 1994 ---- February 19th-20th DARC HF RTTY Contest 27th CCARC Field Day at Wyong March 19th-20th BARTG WW RTTY Contest April 16th-17th SARTG WW AMTOR Contest ------------------------------------ Society information The Society may be contacted at : PO Box 860, Crows Nest 2065 Australia, for such matters as membership and general enquiries. Enquiries can also be made by packet to the President (Col) VK2CTD, or the Secretary (Pat)VK2JPA @ VK2RWI News items may be sent to Broadcast Officer PO Box 60 Blacktown 2148 Australia, or by packet to VK2JPA @ VK2RWI. Email addresses for the Broadcast Officer are : patl@extro.ucc.su.oz.au or VK2JPA @ VK2OP nsw.aus.oc The Society welcomes news items on any digital subjects from anywhere in the broadcast footprint. We are looking forward to news from your areas to let other amateurs know what you are doing in the hobby. Hope to hear from you. 73s de Pat VK2JPA Broadcast Officer That concludes ANARTS NEWS797 20/02/94. Inserted by VK2BQS Jim, Vice-President ANARTS.