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CD-DA results

Even if your drive is included in this list, I'd still like you to report your results to me , so that my information is as 'statistically valid' as possible. And of course, reports of programs failing are just as important as reports of success.

DISCLAIMER : While I attempt to ensure that the information here is accurate, neither myself, nor anyone else listed below, can be held responsible for the validity of this information. If you are using this information to decide on a particular CD-ROM then I suggest you download the appropriate software and try it on the drive first. Remember, most of the information here was given to me from other people, and I can't verify it all myself.


Acer      655A            ATAPI       N --------------
Acer      CD-743E         ATAPI       N --------------
Acer      CD-747E    4    ATAPI  1 N    DAT-----W-----
Acer      CD-767E    6    ATAPI    N    --------W----- 
Acer      CD-787E/S  8    ATAPI  1 N    DAT---2-W-----  
Acer      685A       8    ATAPI  1 N    D---R-2---OK-X  
Acer      910E      10    ATAPI  3 N    D-----2-W-O--X  
ALPS Elec DC544C     4    ATAPI  1 N    -------------X Reads, but gives garbage  
Apple     CD300+     2    SCSI     Y    --------------
Aztech    268-03I    2    PROP   1 N    D--I--2N------  
Aztech    CDA468-01I 4    ATAPI  1 N  N D---R---------
Aztech    CDA668-01I 6    ATAPI  4 N    DA-IR-2---OK-- 
Aztech    CDA868-01I 8  1 ATAPI  1 J  N D--I----------  
Chinon    CD-435                 1 N    D-------------
Chinon    CDX-535                2 N    ---I----------  
Creative  CD620E     6    ATAPI  4 N  N DA-I--R-W-O--X  
Dolphin   8001       2    ATAPI  1 N    ---I----WLOK+-  
Goldstar  GCD-R540B  4 <1 ATAPI  2 Y  D--I--R-W-----
Goldstar  GCD-R542B  4    ATAPI  5 J  N D--I---------X  
Goldstar  GCD-R560(?)6    ATAPI  1 Y    .--I----------  
Goldstar  GCD-R580B  8 2  ATAPI  5 Y     DATIRC2---OK-- *Some* units produce too much jitter to be corrected
Hitachi CDR-3600/3700/3750/6700/6750  N --------------
Hitachi   7730       4    ATAPI  9 J    DATIR---WL---X Sometimes works, sometimes doesn't
Hitachi   7830       7    ATAPI  2 J    DA-IR-2-W-O--- Output screeches. Unusable
Hitachi   7930       8 4  ATAPI  3 J    DA-IR-2-W-O---  DAC *may* correct the jitter with this drive
HP        4020i                    Y    --------------
IBM       760ED      4           1 N    DA--R---W----- Reads, but produces garbage  
LiteOn    LTN126A   12    ATAPI  1 J    D-------------  
Mitsumi   FX001D     2           3 N    DATI--2-W-----
Mitsumi   FX001DE    2    ATAPI  1 N    ---I--2-------
Mitsumi   FX400      4    ATAPI  4 N    DAT-RC2---O--X
Mitsumi   LU005      1    PROP   3 N  Y D-----2------X
Mitsumi   FX600      6    ATAPI  2 N    ----R-2-------  
Mitsumi   FX800      8    ATAPI  6 Y    D.--R---W-O--X Appears to work best with READCDA/CD-COPY
Mitsumi   FX120T    12    ATAPI 1-2Y    .---.-----O---  
Mitsumi   FX1200    12  2 ATAPI  1 Y    D------------- (Result obtained using /95ATAPI under Win95)  
NEC       3Xi/3Xe    3  1 SCSI   2 Y    D-------.-----
NEC       3Xp        3  1 SCSI   1 Y    D-------------
NEC       4Xi        Y    SCSI   1 Y    D-------------
NEC       6Xi/6Xe    6    SCSI   1 Y    D.---------K--
NEC       6V         6 <1 ATAPI  1 Y  Y D-------O-----  
NEC       CDR-74-1        SCSI        Y --------------
NEC       CDR-84-1        SCSI        Y --------------
NEC       CDR-602                1 Y    -------N------
NEC       CDR-251   4x4   ATAPI  2 J    D--I----W-OK--  
NEC       CDR-260R   2  1 ATAPI  2 Y    D-------W-O--. Problems with Linux probably due to old kernel
NEC       251        4    ATAPI  1 J    D-----2-------  
NEC       271        4    ATAPI       Y --------------
NEC       272        4    ATAPI  2 J  Y DA----2-W----X Jitter problems under DOS, fine with Linux
NEC       273        4    ATAPI  3 Y  Y DA--R---W----.  
NEC       CDR-502       1        2 Y    DATIRC2NWL---X  
Panasonic CD220E     2    ATAPI  1 N  N D--I--2-------  
Panasonic 504j       4    SCSI2    N    D-------------
Panasonic 584j            SCSI     Y    DA--R---------
Panasonic CR503B     2    SCSI   1 Y    -A----.------.
Panasonic CR506B     8  8 SCSI   2 Y    ..TIR-2-W-----
Panasonic CR562B/563 2  2 PROP   7 Y    D--I-------K--
Panasonic CR574B     4    ATAPI  2 N    D-----2-------  Try /block 26 /overlap 8
Panasonic CR572B     2             Y    --------------
Panasonic CR571      2    ATAPI  1 J    ----R--------- 
Panasonic CR581      4  4 ATAPI  2 Y    ----R------K--  
Panasonic CR581B     4    ATAPI  2 Y    DA-I----------  
Panasonic CR581M     4    ATAPI  1 Y    DA------W-O---  May require /NJC...
Panasonic SQ-TC500N 5x4          1 N    ----R--------X  
Panasonic CR583      8  1 ATAPI  3 Y    DA--R---W-----  
Panasonic CR583B     8  1 ATAPI  1 Y    -A--.-2-.-----
Panasonic CR583J     8           1 Y    D---------..--  
Panasonic CR584     12 12 ATAPI  2 Y    D---R---------  Very low levels of jitter.
Panasonic LF1000     4    SCSI   1 Y    D...R---.-..-- This is the PD rewritable optical drive
Philips   CM205           PROP        N --------------
Philips   CDD522          SCSI     Y    --------------
Philips   CDD2000   2/4   SCSI   3 C    D.------------  
Philips   CDD2600       3 SCSI   1 Y    D-----2-------  
Philips   PCA52CR    5    ATAPI  2 N    D--I--2N------  
Philips   PCA62CR                2 N    D-------------
Philips   PCA80SC    8    SCSI   1 N    D--I--2---O---  
Pinnacle  5040i      4    SCSI   1 Y    D-------------     
Pioneer   DR-UA124X  4  2 ATAPI  3 C  D DATIR--NWL---X  
Pioneer   DR-UP124X  4    ATAPI  2 N    DA-I----.----- Apparently works under Win95 only...
Pioneer   DR-U10X   10 10 SCSI   4 Y    D--I.-----OK-- Doesn't appear to work via MSCDEX
Pioneer   DR-U104X   4    SCSI     ?    -------------- I've heard varying reports on this one...
Pioneer   DR-U124X  4.4 4 SCSI   2 Y    DA-.--2-.----X  
Pioneer   DR-U12X   12 12 SCSI   1 Y    -------------- Works with WinDAC/Pioneer CD Tools
Pioneer   DR-US124X  4    SCSI   1 Y    D---.-.-.-----  
Pioneer   DR-433    10    SCSI   1 N    D......-.-----  

Pioneer   DR-A10X   10 10 ATAPI  2 Y    D-----2-------
Pioneer   DR-A12X   12 10 ATAPI  4 Y    DA--R---2-O--X 
Plextor   PX-43CS    4    SCSI   2 Y  Y ---.---------- Works with WinDAC  
Plextor   PX-43CH    4    SCSI   1 Y    D------------- Reads DA at over 2.5x speed  
Plextor   PX-63CS    6  6 SCSI 3-2 Y    D-T.------.---. Reduce to quad speed for jitterless operation  
Plextor   PX-8XCS    8  8 SCSI   1 C  Y D------------X  
Plextor   PX-12TSi  12  8 SCSI   2 C    D---------.--- Also works with WinDAC  
Reveal    ????????   2             Y    D-------------  
Ricoh     1420            SCSI-2 1 Y    --------------  works with CDCLIP
Samsung   SCR630          ATAPI  1 Y    --------W-----  
Samsung   SCR631     4    ATAPI  1 Y    DA------------  
Samsung   SCR830     8 8? ATAPI  7 ?    DA-IR---W-O--X May work, may not. I suspect its revision-dependent
Sanyo     254s                     N    DA--R---------
Sanyo     CDR256P    6    ATAPI  2 N    D---R------K--  
Sony      CDU-311    8    ATAPI  3 Y    DA--.---W----- Some conflicting reports on DA2WAV results
Sony      CDU-31A    2    PROP        Y --------------
Sony      CDU-55S    2    SCSI   1 N    ----------O---
Sony      CDU-50E    2    ATAPI  1 Y    -A-IR---W-----  
Sony      CDU-561    2    SCSI   1 N  Y D--I--2N------ Didn't work with old version  of Linux reader
Sony      CDU-7205   1    PROP   1 N    DA-I--2-WL----  
Sony      CDU-76S                2 Y    D-------.-----  
Sony      CDU-76E    4  1 ATAPI  1 Y  N -------------X
Sony      CDU-77E    4  4 ATAPI  3 Y  D DA--R---W----- Varied results with DA2WAV
Sony      CSD-880E   8  8 ATAPI    Y    D---R---W----- 6 speed with CD-Creator, 1-2x most others  
Sony      CDU-33A    2    PROP   1 Y    ------2-------
Sony      CU-33A     2    PROP   1 Y    DA--R---W-----  
Sony      CUE55E     4    ATAPI  5 Y    DATIR-2----.--  
Sony      920S                     Y    --------------
Teac      40E        2    ATAPI    Y    D---------.---
Teac      44E        4 <1 ATAPI  2  Y   D-------------  
Teac      46E        6    ATAPI  1 Y    -------------X Hopelessly slow 
Teac      CD-55A                 2 N    D---R---W-----  
Teac      CD-56E     6 <1 ATAPI7-1  Y   .A.IR-.-.----X Varying results.
Teac      CD-56S     6  1 SCSI   3 N    DATIRC2-------  
Teac      CD-58E     8 <1 ATAPI  4  Y 1 DATIRC2------X Extremely slow (Better with CDDA under Win95?)  
Teac      CD-512EK  12    ATAPI  1 Y    D-------------  Apparently it's fast...
Torisan   CDR-S1G    4    ATAPI  1 J  N D--.R..-..---. Apparently gives a .WAV file that screeches 
Toshiba   3501                     Y    --------------
Toshiba   XM-1202B      1        1 Y    D------------- Reads at single speed  
Toshiba   2150CDT    4             Y    ---I---------- 
Toshiba   TMX-3401                 Y    --------W-----  
Toshiba   FX-810T    8    ATAPI  1 N    -A------------  
Toshiba   XM-3101                     N --------------
Toshiba   XM-3301                     N --------------
Toshiba   XM-3401TA  2  1 SCSI   3 Y  N D-----2-W----X
Toshiba   XM-3501B               1 Y    ------2------- F/W LA50708 ok, F/W LA50402 bad  
Toshiba   XM-3601B      1 SCSI   1 Y    D------------- Reads at single speed, requires jitter correction  
Toshiba   XM-3701B  6.7 1 SCSI2  3 Y    DA.---2-W-----  
Toshiba   XM-3701TA 6.7   SCSI2  1 Y    D---.-----.---  
Toshiba   XM-3801B  15    SCSI2  1 Y    D-------------
Toshiba   XM-4101B   4  1 SCSI   1 Y    DA..RC2-------
Toshiba   XM-4101TA              1 N    ------2------- Works for short saves only  
Toshiba   XM-5301B        SCSI   2 Y    DA------------
Toshiba   XM-5301TA  4    SCSI   1 Y    D-------------  
Toshiba   XM-5302B   4    ATAPI  2 Y    D-------------  
Toshiba   XM-5302TA  4    ATAPI  1 Y  Y DA------------  
Toshiba   XM-5401TA  4    SCSI   2 Y    -------------X +CDCOPY  
Toshiba   XM-5401B   4    SCSI   1 Y    D.----2-------  
Toshiba   XM-5402B   4  1 ATAPI  2 Y    D-----.------X  
Toshiba   XM-5402TA  4  2 ATAPI    Y  Y DATIRD--..----  
Toshiba   XM-5502TA  6 ~1 ATAPI  4 Y    D---R-2-W-O---  < 1x under Linux, > 1x under DOS
Toshiba   XM-5602B   8 ~1 ATAPI  2 Y  Y .---R-.-.-----  
Toshiba   XM-5701B  12    SCSI   1 Y  N -------------- Works with WinDAC  
Toshiba   XM-5702B  12  2 ATAPI  1 Y    D---R-----O---  
Vertos    400        4    ATAPI  1 N    ----------OK--  
Wearnes   CDD-1220   ?  3 ?      1 Y    ----R---------  
Wearnes   CDD-1020  10    ATAPI  1 Y  N D-TI----------
Yamaha    CDR100     2           2 Y    --------------

  1. The software field is as follows :
  2. The '#' field is the number of responses which I have received about the drive.
  3. The DA (Raw digital audio extraction) field is either Yes, No, Clean to indicate that the drive reads without requiring jitter correction, or a J indicates that it fails due to excess jitter. If you're lucky you might have success with these drives. A ? in this field means I've heard different results about the drive, so it might work, or it might not.
  4. The SC (Sub-channel) column indicates whether the drive can return sub-channel data. This is either Yes, No, or D means that the drive can read thue sub-channel data and also supports sub-channel de-interleaving. This information is usually obtained from the ATAINF output, so mail me the dumps from your drive!
  5. The Speed column has two values. The first is the 'real' speed of the drive when reading data CDs. The second is the approximate speed at which the drive can read digital audio (if I have this information.
    As far as possible, these figures are maximum values obtained without using jitter correction. Using jitter correction will usually slow down the speed of DA reading by around 25%.

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Last updated on 4/3/1997