+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ THE HIGH TECH HOODS and A-CORP PRESENTS..... %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% %%% THE ULTIMATE CELLULAR %%% %%% PHONE PHREAKING %%% %%% MANUAL #1 of 2. %%% %%% %%% %%% COMPILED BY %%% %%% THE RAVEN %%% %%% %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (Sysops Note: None of this material COMPILED by Raven appears to be his own work! After examining some other files on cellular phreaking, I discovered some of the primary sources of his material are several articles written by The Mad Phone Man, an article on IMTS by The Researcher (of this bbs (P-80), and numerous other sources. Raven would suggest that this is his knowledge. One example of this a question and answer segment that Mad Phone Man had in one of his cell phreaking series. Raven has substituted his name where the answers are similar to a type writtin copy of a conversation, whereby the person speaking at the moments name is at the beginning of that line or lines. Thus it appears that Raven would like us to beleive him knowledgable on this subject. NOT! He has also removed all original credits of the real authors. Sounds like another teenager on an ego/power trip. However, even though some of this material is duplicated on this system, some is not, so im gonna run it. I do hope the technical data survived his COMPILING of this data better than his spelling and use of the english language. Scan Man) Hmmm.... Another text file.. Make sure that you keep this one for your collection!! There is no other text file that is more complete or up-to date that explains cellular phone phreaking like this one for 1992!!! Since this is going to be a complete manual it has been broken-up into 2 parts so this is manual 1. I'm hoping that there will be some info. on cellular phreaking published in PHRACK that may be able to help you and me with our endevors but I'm waiting. Another thing that I just found out is that the Hack/Phreak Community is in need for a BBS that doesn't give bullshit info (most do!) and thats cause our world has been infiltrated with narcs and telco/bell agents that try to spread as much misinformation as possible!! But there are a few bbs's that keep the faith and they will be listed at the end of this text. THE RAVEN +=======+ -=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= INDEX.... I. Improved Mobile Telephone Service (IMTS) II. General Information III. Cellular Freqs. & Channels IV. The Cell & It's Structure V. Equipment Description VI. More General Info. VII. Roaming VIII. NOTE =-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= CELLULAR PHREAKER TYPES ----------------------- There are two types of cellular phone phreakers. The first type is the one whos's intrested in scanning cellular phone channels basically to overhear conversations. The second type is the one who obtains and modifies cellular equipment so that he can make free phone calls at someone elese's expense. I. IMPROVED MOBILE TELEPHONE SERVICE This system that was used prior to cellular phones was the Improved Mobile Telephone Service (IMTS), which was much easier to scan for. Most scanner enthusiasts are familiar with this standard mobile phone system; this system has gone thru little evolution in the past decade in the U.S. It has remained a considerably limited service. A large metro area may only have several hundred users, (New York City has about 900 mobile phone subscribers) dur largely to limitations imposed by spectral overcroeding. Land mobile commo has seen a 10-12% annual growth rate for the past two decades. The result is that the 40, 150 and 450 MHZ bands are overcrowded. Even the utilization of the new 900 MHZ band (with 30-40 times more channels available than other bands) is a short-lived solution to the problem. IMTS freqs (MHZ): Channel Base Freq. Mobile Freq. ----------------------------------------- VHF LOW BAND ZO 35.26 43.26 ZF 35.30 43.30 ZH 35.34 43.34 ZA 35.42 43.32 ZY 35.46 43.46 ZR 35.50 43.50 ZB 35.54 43.54 ZW 35.62 43.62 ZL 35.66 43.66 VHF HIGH-BAND JL 152.51 157.77 YL 152.54 157.80 JP 152.57 157.83 YP 152.60 157.86 YJ 152.63 157.89 YK 152.66 157.92 JS 152.69 157.95 YS 152.72 157.98 YA 152.75 158.01 JK 152.78 158.04 JA 152.81 158.07 UHF BAND QC 454.375 459.375 QJ 454.40 459.40 QD 454.425 459.425 QA 454.45 459.45 QE 454.475 459.475 QP 454.50 459.50 QK 454.525 459.525 QB 454.55 459.55 QO 454.575 459.575 QA 454.60 459.60 QY 454.625 459.625 QF 454.650 459.650 The VHF high-band freqs. are the most popular IMTS channels. If you live within 25-50 miles of even a moderate sized town, you should have at least one VHF high-band channel. VHF low-band IMTS is used in rural areas and those with hilly terrain. UHF IMTS is primarily used in cities where the VHF channels are crowded. If you live in a major city, expect to have most, if not all, of these channels available to you. II. GENERAL CELLULAR INFO This section is a little boring but it's needed to set a basic foundation of cellular phone phreaking so that part 2 doesn't sound like all technicial talk! The FCC originally estaablished 3 cellular bands. One was given to the local Bell or Telco, (wireline carrier), one to an independent firm (non-wireline carrier), and one reserved for future use. Originally there were 666 cellular freqs or channels. In recent years the FCC has tacked on another 156 freqs for a total of 832 freqs, and all cellular makers have upgraded their phones to accomodate the new channels. Some of the new channels appears above the original 666 while others appear below. The cellular system cannot know whether or not a cellular phone can be switched to one of the 156 channels without the phone telling it. This is done by the Station Class Mark (SCM), which is a 4-bit binary number. (1) Bit #1 is "0" for 666 and "1" for 832 (2) Bit #2 is "0" for a mobile unit and "1" for a voice activated transmit. (That saves batteries on portables.) (3) Bit #3 and #4 identify the power class of the phone: "00" = 3 watts "01" = 1.2 watts "10" = 0.6 watts and "11" is not assigned. The old traditional scheme for handling cellular traffic is the analog method or Frequency-Divison Multiple Access (FDMA). How the FDMA works is that free channels are found and each transmitter is assigned to one of them. When the call finishes, th echannels are freed up for the next call. Also, as the two parties become physically closer or more distant as they drive or travhghhggytel the call may be handed off to other freqs assigned to the new cells they are in. Newer proposed schemes include Time-Divison Multiple Acess (TDMA) and Code- Divison Multiple Acess (CDMA). IN TDMA systems, calls may simultaneously use the same channels but are interspered between the pauses in the conversation. Many pauses result not only in the way people normally think and talk but when one party is talking, the other is listening. With TDMA, the Cellular Phone Company (CPC) injects small delays in parts of conversations to accommodate other traffic on that channel. This increases the lenght of the average phone call, which also increases their profits from it - not to mention the fact that they can increase there output by the factor of 3 and also then expand their operation. CDMA is a system that's been used by military for the past 30+ years. CDMA appears to basically be a system where conversation are compressed into coded bundles and then decompressed at the other end. A Cellular Mobile Telephone (CMT) is one that is installed in a vehicle, aircraft, watercraft or whatever, as opposed to a transporable or portable unit. III. CELLULAR FREQS & CHANNELS There are 832 cellular phone channels. 416 of these are allocated for the non-wireline services (Band A), and 416 for the wireline services (Band B). Each of these channels have two freqs, spaced 45 MHZ apart, that operate in a full-duplex mode. The lower freq is for the phone unit, while the upper is for the cell or basesite. Of the 416 channels, 21 are digital data control or "set up" channels and 395 are voice channels. Channels are numbered 1 thru 1023, and there is a gap from 800 to 990. Rather than producing a list of 1646 cellular freqs, I have provided the math eqations that can be used to calculate them. These equations can be programmed into computers and calculators. N = Cellular Channel # F = Cellular Freq B = 0 (mobile), or B = 1 (base) CELLULAR FREQS from CHANNEL #S: ------------------------------- F = 825.030 + B*45 + (N-1)*.03 WHERE: n = 1 to 799 F = 824.040 + b*45 + (N-1)*.03 where: N = 991 to 1023 CELLULAR CHANNEL #s from FREQS: ------------------------------- N = 1 + (F-825.030-B*45)/.03 Where: F > = 825.030 (mobile) or F > = 870.030 (base) N = 991 + (F-824.040-B*45)/.03 Where: F < = 825.000 (mobile) or F < = 870.000 (base) If the system uses OMNICELLS, as most do, you can readily find all the channels in a cell if you know just one of them, using tables constructed from these equations. Band A uses channels 1-333 under the old 666-channel system. To that have been added 667-716 and 991-1023 under the new 832-channel system. Band B uses channels from 334-666 under the old system, plus 717-799 under the new system. IV. CONTROL & VOICE CHANNEL ALLOCATIONS --------------------------------------- (D=DESIGNATOR, CC=CONTROL CHANNEL, VC=VOICE CHANNEL) NON-WIRLELINE SERVICES (BAND A) ------------------------------- D = 1A : CC = 313 : VC = 1,22,43,64,85,106,127,148,169,190,211,232,253,274, 295,667,688,709,1003 D = 2A : CC = 314 : VC = 2,23,44,65,86,107,128,149,170,191,212,233,254,275 296,668,689,710,1004 D = 3A : CC = 315 : VC = 3,24,45,66,87,108,129,150,171,192,213,234,255,276 297,669,690,711,1005 D = 4A : CC = 316 : VC = 4,25,46,67,88,109,130,151,172,193,214,235,256,277 298,670,691,712,1006 D = 5A : CC = 317 : VC = 5,26,47,68,89,110,131,152,173,194,215,236,257,278 299,671,692,713,1007 D = 6A : CC = 318 : VC = 6,27,48,69,90,111,132,153,174,195,216,237,258,279 300,672,693,714,1008 D = 7A : CC = 319 : VC = 7,28,49,70,91,112,133,154,175,196,217,238,259,280 301,673,694,715,1009 D = 1B : CC = 320 : VC = 8,29,50,71,92,113,134,155,176,197,218,239,260,281 302,674,695,716,1010 D = 2B : CC = 321 : VC = 9,30,51,72,93,114,135,156,177,198,219,240,261,282 303,675,696,1011 D = 3B : CC = 322 : VC = 10,31,52,73,94,115,136,157,178,199,220,241,262,283 304,676,697,991,1012 D = 4B : CC = 323 : VC = 11,32,53,74,95,116,137,158,179,200,221,242,263,284 305,677,698,992,1013 D = 5B : CC = 324 : VC = 12,33,54,75,96,117,138,159,180,201,222,243,264,285 306,678,699,993,1014 D = 6B : CC = 325 : VC = 13,34,55,76,97,118,139,160,181,202,223,244,265,286 307,679,700,994,1015 D = 7B : CC = 326 : VC = 14,35,56,77,98,119,140,161,182,203,224,245,266,287 308,680,701,995,1016 D = 1C : CC = 327 : VC = 15,36,57,78,99,120,141,162,183,204,225,246,267,288 309,681,702,996,1017 D = 2C : CC = 328 : VC = 16,37,58,79,100,121,142,163,184,205,226,247,268,289 310,682,703,997,1018 D = 3C : CC = 329 : VC = 17,38,59,80,101,122,143,164,185,206,227,248,269,290 311,683,704,998,1019 D = 4C : CC = 330 : VC = 18,39,60,81,102,123,144,165,186,207,228,249,270,291 312,684,705,999,1020 D = 5C : CC = 331 : VC = 19,40,61,82,103,124,145,166,187,208,229,250,271,292 685,706,1000,1021 D = 6C : CC = 332 : VC = 20,41,62,83,104,125,146,167,188,209,230,251,272,293 686,707,1001,1002 D = 7C : CC = 333 : VC = 21,42,63,84,105,126,147,168,189,210,231,252,273,294 687,708,1002,1023 WIRELINE SERVICES (BAND B) -------------------------- D = 1A : CC = 334 : VC = 355,376,397,418,439,460,481,502,523,544,565,586,607 628,649,720,741,762,783 D = 2A : CC = 335 : VC = 356,377,398,419,440,461,482,503,524,545,566,587,608 629,650,721,742,763,784 D = 3A : CC = 336 : VC = 357,378,399,420,441,462,483,504,525,546,567,588,609 630,651,722,743,764,785 D = 4A : CC = 337 : VC = 358,379,400,421,442,463,484,505,526,547,568,589,610 631,652,723,744,765,786 D = 5A : CC = 338 : VC = 359,380,401,422,443,464,485,506,527,548,569,590,611 632,653,724,745,766,787 D = 6A : CC = 339 : VC = 360,381,402,423,444,465,486,507,528,549,570,591,612 633,654,725,746,767,788 D = 7A : CC = 340 : VC = 361,382,403,424,445,466,487,508,529,550,571,592,613 634,655,726,747,768,789 D = 1B : CC = 341 : VC = 362,383,404,425,446,467,488,509,530,551,572,593,614 635,656,727,748,769,790 D = 2B : CC = 342 : VC = 363,384,405,426,447,468,489,510,531,552,573,594,615 636,657,728,749,770,791 D = 3B : CC = 343 : VC = 364,385,406,427,448,469,490,511,532,553,574,595,616 637,658,729,750,771,792 D = 4B : CC = 344 : VC = 365,386,407,428,449,470,491,512,533,554,575,596,617 638,659,730,751,772,793 D = 5B : CC = 345 : VC = 36epends on the model and maker - your may be different) that will need to be changed - one installed by the maker usually eepoxied in with the phone's ID number, and one installed by the dealer with the phone number, and possible the security code. To do this youll obviously need an EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) burner, as well as the same type of chips used in the phone (or a friendly & unscruplus dealer!). As to recording the numbers of other mobile phone customers and using them; as far as I know it is quite possible, if you got the equipment to record and decode it. The cellular system would possibly freak out if two phones (with valid ID/phone number combinations) were both present in the network at once, but it remains to be seen what will happen. The MIN is the Mobile Identification Number (includes the phone number, and it is stored on the NAM ROM). Stolen and spoofed ESN's and MINs are good for about a month. Once a bad MIN is revealed, the legit user's MIN is changed by the Mobile Telephone Switching Office (MTSO) and they arrange for a new NAM ROM to be installed in the users legit unit. Of course MTSO keeps a database of all legit,illegit and deadbeat MIN/ESN pairs. However, the MTSO will allow a illegit MIN/ESN pair to continue to function beyond its discovery in hopes of discovering who the phreaks are. One of the properties of cellular phone system is that the transmitter freqs may be changed or "hopped" in the constant effort to allocate freqs. Because of freq. hopping it is very difficult triangulate a CMT using standard RF directional finding methods. It is known that a directional antenna randomly aimed at cellsite repeaters will confuse directional finding equipment being used by them that is synced to their freq. hopping scheme. ROAMING Since cellular technology often results in physical seperation between the caller and-or callled party from landlines, because it offers thousands of lines to choose from, because freq. hopping occurs, and because the caller and-or called party can be rapidly moving from one location to another, cellular phnes are the safest form of phreaking. "Roaming" is one form of cellular phreaking. Roaming occurs when a CMT is used in a cellular system other than the one indicated in the NAMs SID. This is called "ROAMmode", and the ROAM indicator on the control head will light. A CMT can roam into any system its home CPC has a roaming agreement with, and most CPC's now have roam agreements with each other. Not every system pays attention to a "Roamer" from outside the system as cosely as they do a local suscriber. In their mad rush to offer cellular as "universal" service, they screwed up. If there's no roam agreement, the MTSO will transmit a recorded message to the CMT with some instructions to call the CPC, and gives his name ,MIN,ESN and credit card number. All roamed calls will then be completed by the MTSO and billed to the credit card account. This procedure is becomming less common as more roam agreements are made. Usually, CPC can only determine if a roamer came from a system with which it has a roaming agreement - nit the creditworthiness of the roamer. Consequently, many CPCs have been ripped-off by roamers who've been denied service on their home system because they are deadbeats. Once the home CPC is billed for the roaming services provided by the remote CPC to the phreaker or deadbeat, it will notify the same to add that ESN/MIN pair to their MTSO's "negative verify" file to prevent future abuses. Several independent firms are establishing systems software and data networks to allow POSITIVE ROAMER VERIFICATION (PRV), which allow near real time roamer validation bt sharing data between CPCs. Until PRV becomes universal, even bogus ESNs and MINs can roam if they follow the standard format, alto some CPCs are sharing roam data on a limited basis to prevent this. Even with PRV, ESN/MIN pairs that are spoofed to match valid accounts will be accepted both by thier home CPC and roamed CPCs, until the legit customer complains about the calls he didn't make. And even without PRV, some CPCs automatically share ESN and MIN data. This frequently occurs between the CPCs in major cities and those in their bedroom communities. To call a roaming CMT, the caller must know which system that unit is in, which can be a real trick since he may be on the road at the time. He then calls the CPC's roaming number. Roaming numbers vary but usually are in the phone number format (with area code, with the last four digits being "ROAM", and with the 3 middle digits being the remote CPC's exchange). When that number is called, a dial or ready tone is returned, after which the roaming CMT's full MIN is entered in Touch-Tone. After several seconds, the CMT will ring or the caller will hear a recording stating that the roaming CMT is out of range or busy. Telocator Publications (202) 467-4770 publishes a nationwide roaming directory for travellers with celluar phones. For example: I access the Cleveland Ohio Cellular 1's Ericcson switch and I tell them by my NAM INfo that I'm a roamer from NYNEX in New York City. Cleveland will let me make the call, bacause it bills back to NYC for the number of minutes I use. If the NYC number is bogus , the call goes thru anyway, and the bill doesn't go anywhere. They do know the exchange data for NYC (that's on a chart) so you can't tell them a wrong system number (two digits) but one that a valid roamer would have from his area. This is not too hard to figure out, call some of their stupid sales idiots some time and see what they let out of the bag. The system number for the foreign exchange, NYNEX in Buffalo is 56, Chicago nonwireline is 01, and Buffalo nonwireline is 03. All wirelines are even numbers and all nonwirelines are odd. The first three digits of the mobile number: NYNEX Buffalo 863-XXXX. Buffalo Non-wirelines are 861-XXXX and 690-XXXX. You dont have to be a rocket scientist to figure out the local numbers for your area, again by conning the sales people. Until the CPC's get a cellular clearinghouse to validate roamers in real time, this method will work out fine. It will be awhile before it becomes routine to look up a roamer. There's simply to many to look up every time service is wanted. And this problem is increasing because of the expanding use of cellular phones. If a cellular phone and its antenna happen to fall into your hands, you could re-nam it as a roamer and when you get it setup, make copies of the info with different suscriber numbers (the last 4 digits) and make free calls as long as you can. THe Novatel series phone a re probaly the best radios to use to shut down a cell site completely as it has secret codes in the control head that allow you to bypass conventional switching protocols. NOTE I hope that this file has lived up the all the boasting I've put into it. But if there are any problems with the freqs. or anything you can leave me mail on the bbs's I've listed. At this time Demon Roach and Nihilism dont carry my files but you can still leave me mail on those boards! THE RAVEN +=======+ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thats it for part 1 but look out for part 2!! Part 2 will cover: What's in a NAM, NAM reprogramming and how to reprogram the following phones: DIAMONDTEL MESA90X & MESA99X HANDHELD, GATEWAY CP 900 HANDHELD, GENERAL ELECTRIC MINI II & MINI , MITSUBISHI 800 & 900 , MOTOROLA 8000H & ULTRA CLASSIC HANDHELD, NEC P300 & NEC P9100 , NOVATEL PTR800 & 825 , OKI HANDHELD MODEL #750, OKI HANDHELD MODEL #900 , PANASONIC EB3500 , COLT TRANSPORTABLE , DIAMONDTEL MESA 55 & MESA 95 TRANSPORTABLE , FUJITSU MOBILE PHONE , GENERAL ELECTRIC CARFONE XR3000 , GOLDSTAR SERIES 5000 MOBILE , MITSUBUSHI 555,560,600 , NEC M3700 SERIES MOBILE , NOKIA LX-11 & M-10 , NOVATEL 8305 TRANSPORTABLE CA08 SOFTWARE VERSION , OKI CDL400 , PANASONIC EB362 , PANASONIC EB500 OR TP-500 , RADIO SHACK 17-1002 & -1003 , AND GE CARFONE MODELS CF-1000, CF-2000 & CF-2500 So look for it at a BBS near you!! THE RAVEN +=======+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Downloaded From P-80 International Information Systems 304-744-2253 Uˣ:.&Q.MЏf/Jte Z@DQyᤶ8 yo4*})w=#I$iv5aXVd}bLQȊ Ҙ QjbV 'P2ឲD+rqٶe+90@ٷ1N&NVqDbxץD :#dɊ) qoK *UvCZlNu')ŴOj3/ϣ^f- )Rn@EԐWGni D\>FIx8&4|Y36]#LW:]q} .][5'h-T%;6a]bHQVCK1Q|':9@sCI{a}Y%e%F` >u_h4"΄8ZTJc.ʰAwϰqiH񗫍FH$,ve'FϮ RAD ua`.2';V=JCrRFDiP<2CTGgI;nBGZp^K @OHL\]PUE۔8)(6JyPO'y1aQq%"TL))%FSTVF@nsU}?wV(UQ0 q[sQ+McS'jّ&Z]nV2 塂\c3Ď[C;nZ˵[k(a<+6!ֺ,;4ϛ~3ǛI

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The code should be 14 if 832 channel operation is allowed. * Access Overload Class (2 digits): Provided to you by the system operator. * Group ID Mark (2 digits): Provided to you by the system operator. * Security Code (6 digits): The six-digit security code allows the user to restrict his calls in certain ways and permits other advanced security measures. Refer to your phones operator manual for further details. Select any 6-digit code that you will remember, but one that will not be easily guessed. * Unlock Code (3-digits): The 3-digit unlock code unlocks the phone after it has been locked. LOcking the phone allows you to prevent unauthorized usage. With many models, this number can be resued as often as desired. Check the users manual. Select any convenient 3-digit number. * Initial Paging Channel (4 digits): Use a leading 0 if required. (example: Channel 334 is entered as 0334.) Provided to you by the system operator. * Option Bits (6 digits): This reprogramming step allows you to program six seperate features in one step. Each feature is either selected or cancelled by assigning a value of 1 or 0. The six individual single- digit features combine to form a six-digit code which is entered as one step. If any of the features is to be changed , the entire six-bit word must be re-entered. DIGIT #1: Internal Speaker: This feature is normally selected by entering 0. However, if you purchased the convertible Accessory and it contains a seperate external/VSP unit, cancel the internal speaker feature by reprogramming 1. DIGIT #2: Local Use: This feature is normally selected by entering 1. Your system operator can tell you if you need to cancel this feature by reprogramming 0. DIGIT #3: MIN Mark: This feature is normally not used and is assigned a value of 0. To select use 1. DIGIT #4: Auto Recall: This feature is always 1. DIGIT #5: 2nd Phone Number: This feature is usually not used and assigned a value of 0. DIGIT #6: Diversity: This feature is always set at 0 for the portable/ personal phone used alone. If you have a convertible accessory, and it has two external antennas, select this feature by reprogramming 1. * Option Bits (3 digits): This step allows you to reprogram an additional three separate features in one step. Each feature is either selected or cancelled with the digit 1 or 0. The three individual single-digit features combine to form a three-digit code which is entered as one step. If any of the features is to be changed the entire three-bit word must be reentered. DIGIT #1: Long Tone DTMF: Certian electronic devices such as answering machines, are are not able to decode the normal DTMF tones because the phone standard duration is too short. The Long Tone DTMF allows access to answer machines and other similar devices by transmitting the DTMF tone for as long as the key is depressed. This feature is normally not used and is assigned a value of 0. However you can select long tone DTMF by reprogramminng 1. NOTE: Personal or portable models with a MENU key can more flexibly select and cancel this feature thru the menu. To allow Menu control of the function it must be cancelled in the NAM by setting this bit to 0. If Long Tone DTMF is selected in the NAM with a 1 in this bit, it cannot be reversed thru the menu. DIGIT #2: Future use: This feature is always set at 0. DIGIT #3: Eight-Hour Timeout (Convertible only): Personal or portable phones with the convertible accessory can normally be left active in the vehicle for eight hours with the ignation cut off. If the time out feature is selected the phone will turn itself off after eight hours to preserve the vehicle's battery. This feature is normally selected by entering 0. However, you can cancel this eight-hour time limit by entering 1. IV. OBTAINING SYS. REGISTRATION DATA A cellular phone owner purchases services from a cellular system operator, just as he would purchase land-line service (for standard phones) from the local phone company. In cities with cellular coverage, the customer may have the option of picking one or two possible cellular system operators. Before you can obtain a phone number you will have to supply your cellular system operator with your electronic serial number. All cellular phones contain a special Electronic Serial Number (ESN). The ESN uniquely identifies your phone and provides a measure of protection against theft and fraud. The ESN is an eight-charcter (numeric/hexadecimal) number printed on the box your phone came in. Once you supply your electronic serial number to the system operator he or she will issue your phone number and supply the other data required to reprogram the NAM. You should immediately enter this data on the NAM Programming Data Table found in this text. V. REPROGRAMMING YOUR PHONE ************************ Determinig the initial Reprogramming Sequence: The initial reprogramming steps include a sequence of keypresses which vary depending on the type of cellular phone you have. The phone NAM can be reprogrammed from the personal or portable keypad. Determine from the Six-Keystroke table below which of the six keystroke sequence numbers to use on your phone, based on the type of keys present on the keypad. SIX-KEYSTROKE TABLE Determining the sequence Number with Personal/Portable Keypad PERSONAL/PORTABLE KEYPAD KEYS SEQUENCE ====================================== MENU AND FCN keys 6 FCN key but no MENU key 1 No FCN key 2 If you have the convertible accessory, the phone NAM must reprogrammed from the convertible handset. (MAke sure that the personal phone is disconnected from the convertible accessory before reprogramming the convertible.) The handset type can be read from the label on the back of the handset. The keystroke sequence number is determinded from the KEYSTROKE SEQUENCE TABLE. If you have the convertible accessory, and wish to use it seperately as a atandalone mobile, you may obtain an additional phone number and reprogram this into the convertible accessory at this time. KEYSTROKE SEQUENCE TABLE ######################## Determining the sequence Number with Convertible Handset MODEL HANDSET TYPE SEQ. ----- ------------ ---- 3000 SCN2007A 6 6000 SCN2023A 2 6000X SLN2020A 1 6000XL TLN2659A 1 6800XL TLN2733A 6 Choose one of the six initial reprogramming sequences from the Initial Sequence Table depending on the sequence number which you determined from previous tables in this file. Initial Reprogram Sequence Table ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Seq. # Sequence 1 FCN, Security Code entered twice, RCL 2 STO, #, Security Code entered twice, RCL 3 Ctl, 0 + Security Code entered twice, RCL 4 Ctl, 0 + Security Code entered twice, * 5 FCN, 0 + Security Code entered twice, MEM 6 FCN, 0 + Security Code entered twice, RCL Security code is factory-programmed 000000. Initial Steps: Before you proceed with the reprogramming procedure, be sure you have filled out the NAM Reprogramming Data Table herin: Step a: Turn on your cellular phone by pressing the Pwr or On/Off button. The power indicator in the display will flash. Step b: Enter the proper keystroke sequence determined from the Initial Sequence Table. Step c: The message, "01", will appear in the display to confirm the activaction of the NAM reprogramming feature. It also indicates that you are at the first step in the NAM