Quake 2[CHEAT] Enter the command console (press [~]) then type Note: [#] means any number (if you type "give blaster 255" then you'll get 255 blasters (WOW!...like you need it!). The same goes for all the other weapons. The [] means its optional. god - Enables god mode give blaster [#] - Gives you the weapon you start with (DUH?) give shotgun [#] - Gives you the Shotgun. give sshotgun [#] - Gives you the Super Shotgun. give machinegun [#] - Gives you the Machine Gun. give grenadelauncher [#] - Gives you the Grenade Launcher. give rocketlauncher [#] - Gives you the Rocket Launcher. give shells # - Gives you # number of Shotgun Shells. give bullets # - Gives you # number of Bullets. give grenades # - Gives you # number of Grenades. give rockets # - Gives you # number of Rockets. give quad [#] - Gives you # number of Quad Damage Power Ups. give envirosuit [#] - Gives you # number of Environment Suits. give invulnerability [#] - Gives you # number of Invulnerability Power Ups. give silencer [#] - Gives you # number of Silencers. give rebreather [#] - Gives you # number of Rebreathers. give jacketarmor [#] - Adds # Jacket Armor points. give bodyarmor [#] - Adds # Body Armor points. give combatarmor [#] - Adds # Combat Armor points. give health 999 - 999 health (doesn't add to your health) g_unlimited_ammo 1 - All ammo gets stuck at 999! (but you need to get the ammo first, Of course.) g_unlimited_ammo 0 - Ammo goes back to normal. noclip - Turn off clipping status - Displays info on the current game sv_gravity xxx - Gravity; xxx represents a number from 00 to 850,where 00 equals no gravity and 850 is normal gravity crosshair 1 - Cross wires on crosshair 0 - Cross wires off notarget - Invisibility map start - Jump to the start of level (might not work) map end - Jump to the level end boss (might not work) team "team name" - Sets your team name. gamemap (map) - Chooses map to play on. Other interesting stuff: (following quite useless, just for completeness) give powershield [#] - Gives you a Power Shield. give powerscreen [#] - Gives you a Power Screen. give item_adrenaline [#] - Gives you Adrenaline. give item_bandolier [#] - Gives you Bandolier. give item_pack [#] - Gives you Ammo Pack. give key_data_cd - Gives you the Data CD. give key_power_cube - Gives you the Power Cube. give key_pyramid - Gives you the Pyramid key. give key_data_spinner - Gives you the Data Spinner. give key_pass - Gives you the Passkey. give key_blue_key - Gives you the Blue Key. give key_red_key - Gives you the Red Key. give key_commander_head - Gives you the Commaner's head. give key_airstrike_target- Gives you the Airstrike Marker. give cells # - Gives you # number of cells. give slugs # - Gives you # number of slugs. give mines # - Gives you # number of mines. give nuke # - Gives you # number of nukes. wait - ??(multiplayer)?