-Walkthru For Plundered Hearts (an Infocom game) Look under the bed, and take the coffer. Wait until Crulley comes. You can't do anything to stop him, so slap him or something. Jamison (the Falcon) will save you from Crulley. He's a pirate, but he's the good guy. Read the missive, then accept Jamison's protection. Whatever you do, Davis will attack you, but Jamison will, as usual, save you. Get up and wait until Jamison leaves. Go N, open the cupboard, and go inside. You need the clothes, so that you don't look too female... the pirates can be pretty nasty. Remove your frock, and put on the breeches and the shirt. Sometime soon, Jamison will give you a brooch with a broken clasp, which you will (naturally!) need later on, and the coffer. He will ask you to return the coffer to his cabin. Don't bother, you'll use it later. From the landing, go down, then north. Read the sign, or do something to hang around the hold for a turn... what's that? In case you didn't know, fire and gunpowder don't mix... you can't do anything yet, so go north again. Take all, and notice Crulley's comments. Go s twice, u, then s again. Open the coffer, and take out the invitation. Now you get to use the coffer -- throw it out the window. Go south, then take the ladder. Type "U" four times. When I tried typing other things, like "climb ladder", I fell off and drowned. Go N three times. It's true, the reefs are getting closer... pull the lever up to let the anchor down. Go in the shack, and take the knife. The peg-leg is Cookie, but you can't do anything with him until much, much later. Go out again, then south. Examine the barrels... just the thing to put out the fuse! (No, NOT the rum...) But how to carry it? Rip your frock... it's okay, you don't really need it... and dip the rag in the water. Open the hatch, and go down. Now, this is hard to figure out... throw the rag on the fuse. Now you've saved the ship; it's off to save your father and Jamison! Go up, and then south, and take a look at those casks. One doesn't seem to have a lid... what does this suggest? Right! Get in the cask, take the pork from the bottom, and cut the rope with your trusty dagger. Wait for three turns, and you'll be taken safely in to land. Get out of the cask, and watch it drift out to sea... go w, n, w, n, and e. Lucy is a friend, but won't recognize you if you come in wearing the gown. (Don't worry, you'll get that later!) She'll talk to you about Lord Dimsford (your father) and give you a garter to give to him, when you find him. Go w, s, and ne. Climb up and take the gown (there it is!) Go down, sw, and e twice. Move the slat... and here's Jamison! Talk to him, kiss him, do whatever you like (within reason) with him for four turns, then go E, and N. (There's really no point to Jamison popping up all the time -- it's just to set the "mood".) Open the window, then go west. Try looking at the portrait... it's the same as the banknote. Look at the banknote that came in your package. IF you have it, you'll see Lafond, the bad guy, holding the Treatise Of Power (a book), wearing a hat and touching his island on the globe. Give you any clues? Look at the bookshelf... Take the Treatise, take the hat, (don't bother wearing it) and touch the island. Any subsequent times you do this, if you've closed the portrait (which you don't need to do) just type open portrait. Now go n, d, and e twice. Take all. Go w twice, then south twice. Oops, looks like trouble... how do we get the crocodile out of the way? Examine the bottle you have. Read the label... laudanum! Sounds good! Laudanum, if you didn't know, is opium... squeeze the bottle on the pork. Throw the pork in the water, then wait... Go s, then w. Unlock the door, open it, and go n. Look -- your father!!! :> Give him the garter, then go s, e, n twice, u, and s. When your father leaves, strip (don't worry, nobody's watching) and put on the gown. Go s. The butler will lead you west. Give him your invitation, then go s. Dance with Jamison, until he leaves. Wait once, and the bad guy will ask you to dance... this is Lafond, so agree. If you looked at Jamison's ring earlier, and asked him about it, you'll know that the ring Lafond is wearing came from Jamison's dead brother. Hang around until you are summoned to Lafond's bedroom. They will arrest Jamison... you can't do anything yet, so just keep on waiting for the summons. When called, go u, and east. Open the door and go north. Drink the wine. Jamison will burst in, but you still can't do anything. Pour wine in the blue goblet, then in the green goblet. Squeeze the bottle in the blue goblet. Wait. Agree that the green goblet was his, then drink from it. Lafond is not totally stupid -- he will give the drugged wine to the butler. Take the spices, then blow them at Lafond. You're going to need some help... how can you signal from the window? Shine the mirror out the window. You'll hear the butler collapse to the ground. Now you have to start hurrying, or Lafond will come back and kill you. Go s, w, and d. Wait for Cookie, and tell him yes. Go e, then n, and open the portrait. Go n, d, and s twice. Cookie will take care of the crocodile for you, and he won't be hurt. Once again, it's up to you to save the day. Take the rapier, and attack Crulley twice. Jamison is out cold. What do you have to get him up again? Use the smelling salts on Jamison. No, you don't have the key, but you have something just as good -- a brooch with a broken clasp. Pick the lock with the brooch. The timing on this one must be perfect, so save. Jamison will grab the rapier and go attack Lafond. Having been beat up quite a bit, Jamison is unable to defeat Lafond, so you (sigh!) will have to save him again. Go n, n, u, s, s, w, u, e, and s. Untie the rope, and do your Tarzan bit... (swing on rope) You'll come to on the floor. Take all, and go s three times. Wait twice, and answer yes... if Jamison dies, why would you care anyways? (melodramatic sigh) Take the pistol, load it, and shoot Crulley. Congratulations! Hints are Copyright 1992, by Cody DW Jones.