Unadvertised Lemming's skills in Lemmings 2: The Tribes, and other interesting facts. Submitted by Warren Buss [71044,3477]. While the first two Lemming games (Lemmings & Oh No! More Lemmings) were fun and interesting (addictive also comes to mind), the skills to work with were limited to but 8 in number plus you had the ability to adjust the Lemming release rate. With Lemmings 2: The Tribes come many, many more skills to use which make the game even more interesting (and addicting). Some of these new skills offer some subtleties that aren't always obvious to everyone who plays the game. I don't know about you, but after I replayed a given level many times, only to learn that I could have avoided such and such trap or taken a different approach to solving the level, it would've helped my composure if I had known earlier about some of the subtleties. Of course, once you discover these the hard way, you won't soon forget them. If you don't want to know what these are because you feel it may reduce your enjoyment, then I assume you aren't reading this. If anyone reading this knows of some skill anomaly that I've neglected to reveal, then let me know and I'll be happy to add it to the list. WIND SKILLS SURFERS: Surf boards don't float very long if left standing in the water. TWISTERS: If possible, always guide Twisters horizontally and vertically, but never off the ground. Don't try to force the movement. Control is more easily achieved if you guide them slow and easy. GROUND REMOVING SKILLS BOMBERS: Just when you think you've figured out what happens to these guys after an explosion, you get fooled. In most cases, they will walk in the opposite direction after the bomb explodes. In some cases they will continue on in the same direction they were walking before the explosion. Therefore don't make a hard assumption on this; you have to try before you know for sure. CLUB BASHERS, SCOOPERS, MINERS: These skills require that the Lemming raise a tool over his head. Watch out for metal objects above. If they get struck the Lemming will lose the skill, perhaps prematurely. BUILDING SKILLS STACKERS: Do not assume which direction a Stacker will walk when finished. He will normally continue in the same direction as when he started unless blocked by something or has had his skill changed. Always watch for which direction he is facing when he finishes or when you need to change his skill and perhaps his original direction at the same time. SAND POURERS: Sand Pourers will reverse direction after pouring a load of sand if they're standing it in. If they dump a load to a spot below them so the sand doesn't build up around their legs, they will continue on in the same direction. GLUE POURING: Glue being poured moves faster than a walking Lemming (as does the material from the other 2 Pourer skills if the material is being poured on a flat surface with no depressions in it). ALL POURERS: All pouring skills require sufficient room overhead for the Lemming to get the bucket above his head. If he is in an area with a low ceiling you will waste a skill getting him to try to pour something. PLATFORMERS: Unlike Builders who turn around if they are forced to stop building because they hit their heads or are not able to complete the laying of 12 bricks, Platformers will continue on in the same direction if possible when they are stopped prematurely. Platformers can also lay bricks under a ceiling as long as there is the smallest amount of space available between the platform and ceiling. SHOOTING SKILLS ARCHERS & ROPERS: The Lemmings assigned these skills can shoot in any direction including the one they're moving away from. ARCHERS: Archers will not shoot if there are any Lemmings in the path of the arrow. Don't overlook the possibility of using this skill to turn the Lemmings in the opposite direction. If the Archer has room above, and he can shoot an arrow almost vertically and have it land on the side in which he is moving, it will force him to reverse his direction. You will find it useful to use arrows as a means of building short platforms over gaps to prevent others from falling to an early demise. Arrows can also be used to fashion a platform from which glue can be poured to build or extend a bridge. ROPERS: In some levels, ropes do not appear to stretch as far as they do in other levels. The grappling hook at the end of the rope can bounce off a surface if the angle of elevation is too severe. If a Roper must be made to shoot ropes in a zigzag pattern, make sure that each succeeding rope starts above the grappling hook of the previous one OR far enough down the previous rope that the Lemmings who follow will not get caught between the grappling hook and the next rope. SPEARER: The Spear skill is used to build a short platform. It can probably be extended using Archer skills. BAZOOKA & MORTAR: The use of these 2 skills will turn its user in the opposite direction AND the concussive effect will toss Lemmings who may be behind the shooter in the opposite direction too so they will walk away. Firing one of these weapons will knock an Attractor off his feet if he is near enough and he will revert to a Walker once again. MOVEMENT SKILLS RUNNERS: In addition to running and being able to Jump farther and throw higher, the Runner will also jump unassisted at any point where there is an abrupt dropoff. His ability to jump unassisted can be used to advantage on occasion. You might find it useful if you need a Hopper and the skill isn't in the inventory. He can also shimmy for a very short distance on his own. If you use a Runner when you don't really need one, he can be difficult to control. Rule of Thumb: Running skills are normally assigned to a leader (or someone who will shortly become the leader). MISC SKILLS ROCK CLIMBERS: After completing a climb Rock Climbers will hesitate for a bit allowing you time to change their skill if you want. Rock Climbers always move in the opposite direction when finished. You can use the Rock Climbing skill to enable a Jumper to get up on something that his Jump would not normally allow him to get up on. SHIMMIERS: Shimmier skills can be used in place of jumping skills when required as long as there isn't anything above for the shimmier to attach to. SUPERLEM: SuperLems, like Bombers, will usually go in the opposite direction when their job is done, but not always. Again, you won't know until you try. GENERAL INFORMATION BLOWING CHAIN: It usually isn't necessary to move the chain wildly back and forth with the fan. It IS feasible to control the movement to a limited extent, but it requires a cool head (and LUCK). The idea is to get the chain moving a bit to overcome its inertia, then if there's time you'll be able to nudge it in the direction you want at the last instant. The Visitor's Guide seems to suggest the only way to get a Lemming onto the chain is to make him jump there. He will also cling to the chain if he has to fall from a height (he doesn't have to jump from the height first). In short, he just needs to be in the air when he contacts the chain. THINGS THAT WON'T STOP LEMMINGS Lemmings can walk past ropes, bridges, and platforms that have been built in a direction opposite to the one the Lemming is currently moving in. GAME ENDING: It is possible to end every level with a Gold Medal without saving every Lemming. The loss of a predetermined number of Lemmings is taken into account by the game designers. Acquiring all gold medals on every level is required if you want the game ending sequence to be run. One medal other than gold will cause the final ending sequence to be skipped with an admonishment to go back and see if you can't improve. PRACTISE SESSIONS: You'll get plenty of practise in the real game, but the practise sessions are probably worth your time, and maybe more so if armed with the information above. Perusing the "Visitor's Guide" and The Manual are essential to finding out information not available anywhere else. TIGHT PLACES: You will no doubt discover what appears to be a program 'bug' when in reality it is an undocmented feature of play. When Lemmings are squeezed into a tight spot, they will uncontrollably rise vertically along a wall and even through solid matter until they reach a non-vertical surface, then they will proceed as if nothing had happened. Sometimes this "feature" can be used to your advantage; other times it will force you to start the level over again. SOLID OBJECTS (sometimes): There's no way to know in advance of the first time you encounter one, but you will soon learn that what appears to be a solid object that might be used to cause a Lemming to reverse his direction, won't always be solid. Obviously they are put there to fool you and get you to search for another route the next time. Along this same line, none of the Ground Removing or Shooting skills can be used to penetrate metal. However, sometimes there are objects that appear to me made of unpenetrable material but really aren't. Again you have to experiment. SOLUTIONS AND SOLUTIONS: Yes, there are often several different solutions which will work for any given level. Whatever works for you. Sometimes what seems like the only or most obvious solution simply will not work. If when working out a solution, you are trying to force the Lemmings to do things that seem extremely difficult - but if you could only make them do them you'd be home free - you're most likely going to need to find another way. Even if you could get by that one fiendishly difficult spot, you'll eventually find something else that will prevent your solution from being completed successfully.