Falcon 3.0 Easter Eggs in Red Flag 1. 4C (41-C8) -- "FALCON 3" form by railroad track. [827595, -697931] 2. E2 (EE-24) -- Five horse riders. [-225793, 481272] 3. E7 (E4-7F) -- Source of the river. A dripping faucet. [-360503, 1673598] 4. FD (FA-DE) -- "ELVIS LIVES !" billboard. [-74880, -444776] 5. E3 (E9-35) -- Three persons canoeing. Very difficult to see, best way is to use debug mode. [-296661, 702738] 6. C5 (CF-53) -- A arche. [-638730, 1093864] 7. FD (F8-DA) -- A cowboy neon sign. This one you have to fly there in order to see. It is located at the North wall of the organge/brown building, where the entrance is. [-93655, -486745] 8. FD (F8-D8) -- Raised highways, not to scale ?!. (Not too interesting) [-104238, -484690] 9. EF (EA-F2,F3) -- A dam. [-283652, -169174] Also for OFT only: If you create a unit, select the Kurile Islands as your theater, then follow the instructions below, you can select from a list of missions to fly. 1. In the war room, click (and hold briefly) on the guy in the white shirt. You should see "Yes Sir" displayed on the screen (it will disappear when you release the mouse button). 2. Now COMMIT to that campaign. The screen will go black for a second or two and a menu with a list of missions will be displayed on the right side. It looks like every type of mission for that theater. The RF co-ordinate for the Gozilla in Kurile Island is: BF-85,86 (lower lefthand corner)