06601030301800 6L....T....T....T....T....T....T....T....T....T....T....T.T..T....R € ELVIRA: MISTRESS OF THE DARK CLUE BOOK Table of Contents INTRODUCTION: How To Use This Clue Book ................ 1 PART ONE: The Killbragant Transcript ........................ 2 PART TWO: Walkthrough ...................................... 17 PART THREE: Location of Magic Ingredients .................. 25 PART FOUR: Maps ............................................ 28 Page 1 follows: INTRODUCTION How To Use This Clue Book Part One is for players who don't like to be spoon fed. It focuses on someofthemore difficult puzzles that theaverage player will encounter in Elvira, then offers hintsclues. Some arestraightforwardsomearekindofoblique.Allarepresentedin aninterviewwiththeguynamedBobwhoansweredElvira'scallfor helpand nearly succeeded... until he met an untimely Undeath. This transcript won't give you everything - it will however, help you locate obscure items, or negotiate particularly dangerous areas. In any case, Part One does offer you a way to move forward without forcing us to coddle or condescend, two attitudes which, frankly, disgust us. Part Two walks you to the final solution in a most expedient man- ner. Only the Weird, the Desperate or the Damnedmay use this section.  Elvirahassuggestedthatallothersbe hunted down and publicly flogged. Part Three lists allimportant ingredients availablein the game whereeach one is located. Part Four gives youmaps for all keysections in thegame. Page 2 follows: PART ONE The Killbragant Transcript Interview With a Vampire Bob R. (not his real name) is a sales executive with a Van Nuys telemarketing firm. A veteran of many encounters. Through personal ads. Bob first met Elvira about a year ago. "In the dungeon at Killbragant," he says. "She wore black, as I recall." He agreed to these interviews reluc- tantly, and only after Elvira's intervention. "I'd do anything for her," he confided at one point. "I'd grovel. I'd watch opera." We met Bob four times over the course of the pre-Hallow- een season. Each interview took place only after much covert maneuvering - plane flights, multiple cabs, waiting for messages at pay phones, etc. Bob often expressed a concern about what he called "ectoterrorist reprisal." We met in a host of odd locations. Once settled, Bob was generally amiable and forthcoming. But he also showed glimpses of a demonic, almost schizoid hyperintelligence. He would fidget, slide his watch up & down, spill things. Certain details of his sojourn throughKillbragant clearly unsettled him; his narrative woulddigress, grow convoluted, oblique. At times he even spokein parables,as if incapable of saying The Thing itself,whatever it was. Bob was clearly in the grips of someprimal dread during these instances. (One last note: Accolade was good enough to include a clause in the standard contract which forbade "anyform of biting, sucking, making scary noises, or in any manner placing a condition of bondage upon the will of the interviewer.") Page 3 follows: October 18 (Bear Country Restaurant, Disneyland) ACC: You vampires hang out in interesting places. BOB: Hey, I wasn't a vampire when I started. I was just a guy. I answered Elvira's ad because I needed the cash. I had certain agencies leaning on me. Debts. So maybe my motivation wasn't pure. But then I met her. Saw her assets. I thought. Yeah. It could work. I'm not without a certain paleolithic charm. I've dated biker chicks, with some success. ACC: Point well made. So how did ... this happen? The fang thing? BOB: I did OK in thecastle, but I got careless. I wasn't ready for Emelvira.Now I'm Undead. It's a drag,man. ACC: How so? BOB: I go out with the guys, all I can think about is sucking their necks. It's not too comfortable. We play squash - at night, of course - they say: What happened to golf, Bob? We never see you , man. I tell them sunlight ignites my transmogrified cells. It's like What can I say, guys? I shriek, I turn into dust. They laugh. I say, What do I gotta do, bite someone? They crack up. ACC: They don't believe you. BOB: No. ACC: What about the fangs? BOB: Guess I've always been a little long in the tooth. Page 4 follows: ACC: OK. Well, life must be a lot different since you became a nocturnal creature consumed by an obsessive bloodlust. BOB: English major? (laughs) But let's get to it. You're asking me for hints, clues.OK. I still remember walking into Killbragant. Nice name, I thought. Kind of place Jack the Ripper runs around. ACC: Slaughtering antelope or whatever. BOB: (laughs) Right. So I go in, take a few tentative lefts, rights.This guy steps out. Dressed in a red tunic, got his hand on a sword. I say Where's the Renaissance festival, man? Guy growls and starts slashing me. Hey. Remember this anecdote. It happens about a hundred more times. So anyway, I stab him. He dissolves. Gives me a first clue I'm not dealing with normal Joes. I get the hell out of the castle. I'm running, I'mlooking I wander around the Courtyard. I stumble on some kind of weirdSouvenir Shop. Big Deal, right? Hay.  Horses eat it. So what? Who needshay? ACC: Take a guess. BOB: You got it. Before I get any further, let me drop  some big advice to anyone stuck in Killbragant. It has to do with grabbing stuff. Do it, man. Grab everything. Mix every possible spell & potion you can. You'll be in deep cow sauce if you don't. (building to a feverish pace) And speaking of spells & potions: Save strength potions, etc, for situations where you really need a kick. Keep a lot ofspells at  your disposal. Visit Elvira in the kitchen whenever possible. .  Search all locations for ingredients.- Page 5 follows: Have I made my point? And since I'm giving general advice  here's more. Some goons are brutal. Others might as well be freaking ballerinas. Dispatch your wimpier goons hand-to-hand  Save spells & potions for the real meats. With some opponents, certain spells are more effective than others.  For example, maze creatures are particularly vulnerable to  Palmlight and Fire Wall. The elite guards are tough too ...  but nothing a little Thunderflash or a Sizzling Egge can't handle. And you can blow away Elvira's shrieking handmaidens with a Propitious Surprise or two. One more thing: Don't forget to eat.(slumpsin chair).  Whoa. Somebody call an ambulance. ACC: Impressive. Are you familiar with Molly Bloom's soliloquy? BOB: Who? ACC: It's in Ulysses. (pause) That's a book. BOB: Book? Hey. I'm a sales guy. October 21 (Happy Donuts, South of Market, San Francisco) ACC: I cut myself shaving before I came here. You'renot going to suck my wounds, are you? BOB: No, no. (looking around) Listen,man, you notice any red glowing eyes? On the way in? ACC: No. I did see a couple kids smoking cigarettes through their ears. Page 6 follows: BOB: (shakes his head) Urban America. ACC: Exactly. So where were we? BOB: So. I go in the Souvenir Shop, grab a shield, move on. I'm thinking: Bob. Be a man. Go in the castle. I get to the Armoury. I'm poking around, looking at things, and it hits me: I need a crossbow. I need it bad. I don't know why. After getting the Magic Book from an obvious location, I  head back to the Kitchen. I dig up honey, produce the hay.  Here's hay, I say, and snort like a horse. You know.  Guy humor. Elvira whips up a little Herbal Honey potion. SuddenlywhamIknow everything, I'm a horticultural genius.  I lookat plants, I say: Whoa, that's hibiscus. Goldenrod, man Pansy. ACC: (impressed) Do you still have that ability? BOB: Yeah. But it's not a real great skill at Monday Night Football parties. You know too many flowers, it makes  guys nervous. ACC: Well, I headed out. After some checking upstairs - lot of crossbow bolts laying around - I wandered out to  this Garden Shed (shudders) Not a pretty sight, man.  I grabbed what I could. The Herb Garden itself was nearby,  but I took a few practice shots at a target I found. Then  on to theGarden. Major herbs, man.  Say, what time is it? ACC: About 6 AM. Page 7 follows: BOB: Hmmm. Anyway, I went back inside and was about to head back upstairs, but thought I'd peek in the Living Room first,see if they got a TV, maybe cable. Watch some ESPN, yell. No luck. But I did find this wooden stake and, more importantly, a cup. I wandered back upstairs. It's like: Got a cup, need malted drinkables. (laughs) But there's this vampire in one of the bedrooms. Had to dust her. Literally. ACC: Seems perfunctory. Was she threatening you? BOB: Hey. Nobody told me this was an Inquisition. ACC: Sorry. We retract the question. BOB: Anyway, that's Undeath,man. You make your coffin, you  gotta sleep in it. ACC: What happened next? BOB: Well, I wandered around some more, grabbing stuff - bibles, bolts - thenback downstairs. What's that light? October 24 (Hilltop Steak House, Boston) ACC: How's your hand? BOB: What, you wanna see the dust? Hey, next time you see a beam of sunrise creep across the wall, do me a favor - let me know. (fondles stump) I got enough problems trying to shave and exfoliate with no reflection in the mirror. Now this. ACC: Sorry. It was poor time management. Can you remember where you were before you got vapor- ized? Page 8 follows: BOB: Yeah. I remember. ACC: You seem agitated tonight, Bob. At this point our witness brings out steaks. Bob's filet barely cooked; he requested it "lightly singed on both sides." It looks like a slab of flesh floating in a soup of blood - which is, of course, precisely what it is. I can see a tinge oflust in his eyes. Yellowish tips of canine  teeth appear at the corners of his mouth. BOB: (snarls) Rrrrrrrr. ACC: Meat does that to me too. BOB: (seems not to hear) I split for the Kitchen. I need spells. But there's this cook. Psycho, pal. Loon patrol. And she's fairly invincible. But there is a way to waste her. You like irony? (hold up saltshaker)  The most basic cooking condiment anyone can imagine.  Naturally, you won't find it in the Kitchen. The cook put it down where a sprinkle in the eye can do  some good. (forks his blood rare meat) Gruesome? Hey, it's that kindof place. Get used to it. ACC: So there's a cook. BOB: Think of her as something in need of seasoning. (salts his steak) Got it? Now Elvira shows up.She needs a "light." If you have one for her, the results will be pretty good. I'm talking key, man. And that's the point, isn't it? (shouting) That's what you live for. Keys. Get those keys. ACC: Bob - BOB: (banging wrist stump on table) You want another one? Bolt a bird, get a key. But you better find the egg. An amazing egg. Get it? A-maze-ing? Can you Page 9follows: follow this? Get to the center of things. You'd better take a crossbow and magic, or run a lot. Is this too complex for you? Should I hire an inter- preter? (picks up filet with remaining hand, eats) When you find the water, take all items. Now find the nest. But beware the eyes. Let me spell it out: E-Y-E-S. And indeed you must spell them out. Get it? Spell them out? Am I getting too arcane, too esoteric? (hails waitress) Nest. Find. Take all. Including some interesting jewelry - Elvira's "lost" ring. If you build it, he will come. Open the pod  bay doors, HAL. (regains composure) Geez. Have I been, you know ...  raving? ACC: Only in a linear sense. BOB: Am I drooling? (glances where his reflection would be in wineglass) I can never tell. Anyway, next go to the Chapel in the Castle. I'm not a religious guy, but there's a cross there you wouldn't believe . By chance I glance at the ring from the Maze. I look at the cross, the ring, the cross again. I think. Whoa. Next thing I know, I'm facingthe entrance to a secret  underground chamber and ... Picture this: You're facing  a wall. You gotta sneeze. You got no handkerchief.  So you pull this scroll out of the bible you're carrying.  USE it - next thing you know, you're facing some Joe from centuries beyond. There's a crown. You put it where it belongs.There's also a sword. It's holy.  And when something's holy, pal, you don't just file  it under "H". Waitress approaches. WAITRESS: Finished, sir? Page 10 follows: BOB: (gestures to blood on empty plate) Can I get a doggy bag? Waitress leaves. Quickly. ACC: I was reading the profile on you in the October issue of Telemarketing Today. Congratulations. I didn't realize you were so successful. What's your secret? BOB: Ibite necks. ACC: Ah. BOB: A lot of my clients are blood acolytes. I'm their Master.  So they buy from me pretty exclusively. ACC: Wow. The article also mentions your recent divorce - BOB: No comment. ACC: OK. But you talk about Killbragant's battlements - you told them, and I'm quoting here. "They gave me  hell." Could you elaborate on that statement? BOB: Sure. Battlements. What the name implies. Serious fighting. The worst is this Grey Knight - he's an archer - and, well, he has another key. Don't let him get in close. Fight him from a distance with the appropriate weapon. Once you waste him, you'd better note where. Because you won't get the key now, you have  to getit later. Then there's the Dungeon, the Torture Chamber. There's a ringon the floor. That's all I can say on the matter, except this: Touch nothing else. You can come back later for other items. The Burial Chambers in the Catacombs hold a few interesting little tchotchkes  too. But a strict order of progression must be followed.  All I can say here is: Find the iron key first.  In another chamber, you'll find a coffin.. Page 11 follows: bereft of proper contents. Remedy this. Note: Do not open the other coffinin this room until, one, you have the iron key, and two, you've make sure the well-rope is in the "down" position. ACC: But what about the monster withthe stone? BOB: Slay him. Take the stone. (cackles) Or maybe you'd like to FAX him a proposal. ACC: So now you can open the other, closed coffin. Whathappens? BOB: Well, the room will flood. Swim until you find a place to go up - i.e., the bottom of the Well. It's a good idea to then actually swim up at this point, because last time I checked, humans are still air- breathing mammals. OK, now you go down again, and just swim, baby. Here's where you need that iron key ... and here's also why you should have noted where you slew the Grey Knight. If you did your homework, the Knight's key is yours. Return to the Well and go up. You know, it suddenly strikes me that I'm being much too literal. Geez, I might as well draw you a map. ACC: Could you? [Editor's Note: See Part Four: Maps]  October 27 (Moose Call Tavern, Kalispell, Montana) ACC: OK, the recorder's on. Let me say for the record that we're the only people in here who are not wearing hip boots. Page 12follows: BOB: (unfolds sheet of paper) They're good people. Mountain people. They accept you for what you are. ACC: And what's that? BOB: A weenie. (laughs) ACC: No, I mean, what is that paper? BOB: Oh. I wrote a little story. I think it will clear up things. You know, answer questions. Create context.  (begins to read) We were in a supermarket when Carl first turned into a werewolf. It was night, of course. We were stumbling through PRODUCE. Carl was hefting a cantaloupe and felt a bristling on the back of his neck.Aaaaa. A  caterpillar or something, he said.But when he jabbed  his hand under his collar, brown fetid fur literally  burst out. It was no slow movie transformation. He more or less exploded into wolf. I said, Carl.You won't believe this but you look like a werewolf to me right now. He looked at his hands. I am a werewolf, he said. I thought. Now what? Carl was bulging through his clothes. He smelled horrible. We made for the doors. In the  car, Carl let out a gruesome howl. I looked at him  and said,Whoa, dude.He looked back with wide, yellowish,  baleful eyes.He said,I need a nap.I said, Slump down  a little, will you? Here. Put on this hat . Page 13 follows: I handed him my Nebraska Cornhusker Football cap. He had to unsnap the plastic band to get it over his wolf  ears.I'm pretty hungry for meat, he said.Suddenly we  were illuminated by flashing lights. I pulled over  and watched the rear view mirror.The backlit police officer approached. He leaned to the window and said. Your driver's license.I pulled it out. I suppose you  want to search the car for contraband, I said. The cop looked around me at Carl, who was by now hibernat- ing. He said: That's the hairiest guy I've ever seen. He's not always like that, I said.The cop scribbled on  a ticket, then handed it to me with my license. Keep your nose clean, he said. Eat more salads. Vote. I thanked him and sped off. At the first light, I  glanced down at the ticket. The note read: Go to Foundry.  Find crucible. Melt silver cross in crucible. Dip cross- bow bolt. I got the gory gist, but it seemed premature. I mean, I was beginning to think of Carl as something like a pet. But then he woke up. Agrrrdgdaaaah! he said, drooling with an uncontrollable hunger for flesh.I said, You gotta see this castle,  Carl.I headed to Killbragant. On the way Carl hung  out of the car, howling and swiping at pedestrians. ACC: (after a long pause) That's it? BOB: What do you mean, "That's it?" Page 14 follows: ACC: I don't get it. Is there a moral or something? Like, what does it mean? BOB: Hey, I'm a vampire. I don't have to give explana- tions. What, you want morals from a guy who sucks necks? You want meaning? (tosses paper to floor) This is art. It doesn't need meaning. October 31, Halloween Eve(Black Angel Cemetery,  Council Bluffs, Iowa) ACC: I'm not too comfortable here, Bob. BOB: (amused) Hey, Chill. You're with me, man. That counts for something around here. (looks into eyes of interviewer) Are you getting sleepyyet? Sleepy? Sleepy? ACC: Hey. BOB: Just kidding, man. ACC: Well, let's get to business. We've come to the last session. You've been quoted in the media as saying,  "There's a certain percussive rush that only an artillery  fusillade can give you." Can you be more specific? BOB: Sure. It goes back to that last day at Killbragant. I'm wandering the parapets, mooning around, feeling  depressed. But then I step in the Third Tower and ...  well, youknow what's in there. I burned to light  that cannon wick. Yeah, sure, fire's scarce in  Killbragant. And when you do find it (in an obvious  enough place - a hearth kind of place),how the hell  do you take it? I spent a lot of time Page 15 follows: running around slaying things before i flashed on the answer. Torture Chamber. An instrument - Bob is interrupted at this point by a howling cacophony  at a nearby crypt. Despite Bob's hopes andmy fears,  it is merely a catfight. After regaining some composure,  we continue. BOB: What was I saying? ACC: I don't remember. I sort of don't care about any- thing at this point. BOB: Relax. You have immunity. Even the spirit world respects the role of the media. ACC: Let's move quickly, shall we? Where's the Fifth Key? BOB: OK. OK. Anything to keep you from mewling again. The key's behind a key in the Stable. Which stone? If my buddy Carl were here today, he'd tell you. Of course, he might also rend you into twitch- ing gobbets of meat. Werewolves are funny guys. If you don't know how to get one off your back yet, you weren't paying attention to art in Montana.  There is now only one key left to obtain. The Captain of  the Guard ... yeah, the toughest motherbiter of them all.  You're gonna need armor,pal- but first suck up all the  strength you can. Drop unnecessary items. Enter Captain's Room and weaken him before you go hand-to-hand. Then take the bulletin off the guy's bulletin board. Guess what shows up? ACC: Great. So now you have all they keys? BOB: Bingo. Now you need to find the chest, and -  Weird fluttering noises distract us. Page 16 follows: BOB: (looking around) Uh  ... I can't tell you exactly where, but - (makes hand  gestures that indicatesa recently destroyed structure of some kind) - you get the idea. In the chest you'll find what you need. Take it ... but don't use it yet. ACC: And then Elvira BOB: Elvira. Go to the Catacombs and keep a good eye on thefloor. Remember that stone you took from the monster? It's a key. Use it, my friend.  Use it and pray. ACC: That's it? BOB: Yeah. And may the Force be with you. ACC: (paging through notes) In other publications, you've been quoted as saying: "If you meet Elvira's handmaidens, they can only be destroyed by magic." BOB: No comment. ACC: You spoke voluminously of your encounterwith Elvira.  You seemed to indicate that - BOB: I've got nothing to say about Elvira. ACC: But what about the Holy Sword of the Crusader? BOB: (holds up five fingers) The smart man will play all the angles. ACC: And thecontents of the chest? BOB: Use one, then the other. But isn't that a bit obvi- ous? ACC: OK, then. One last thing. Do you have any advice for those who might perhaps, like you, fail Elvira and be cast into Undeath as bloodsucking creatures of  the night? Page 17 follows: BOB: Yeah I do. It's this: Telemarketing is the wave of the future. (laughs hideously) Or maybe holography,  I don't know. ACC: Thanks, Bob. You've been a good sport. Listen,  how do we get out of here? BOB: (sprouts wings) We? PART TWO Walkthrough Ok, we realize that Bob can be oblique to say the least.  Sothis section charts the most direct path to the "solution" for Elvira. The path takes you from room to room, listing what you must do in the most efficient "chronological" order. Solutions are hidden under the weird red ectoplasm that Elvira smeared on the pages. Just slide the enclosed Magic Viewer slowly down over the involves quantum physics and theexact weight of protons, the solutions will appear.  NOTE: Decisions concerning (1) how to collect magic  ingredients and (2) when to use them are left to you.  For general guidelines see Bob's advice on pages 4  and 5 in Part One. Choose spells wisely. Page 18 follows: Souvenir Shop Proceed to the Souvenir Shop. Collect some hay from outside the stable on the way. At the Souvenir Shop,  takethe large (not the small) shield andUSE it. Once  activated, the shield will remain inuse until it is  dropped or replaced with a largershield. Armoury Enter the castle and go to the Armoury. Obtain aweapon. (A sword is best) Also take thecrossbow. Library Go to the Library. Take the magic book. Kitchen Go to the Kitchen. Take honey from the pantry. Mix honey and hay to make the Herbal Honey spell. USE spell. (It allows you to recognize all herbs in the Gardens) Upstairs Bedrooms Go upstairs and search bedrooms for crossbowbolts. Don't  go into the Vampire's room yet. Garden Shed Go to Garden Shed and collect key, hammer andsilver cross. Also, collect magic ingredients (poppy maggots, etc) both there and along the way . Page 19 follows: Herb Garden Leave Garden Shed and go to Herb Garden, collecting ingredients (mushrooms, etc) along the way. En route to Herb Garden, take opportunity to improve bow skills by using Archery Target until "message of improvement" is received. You will have to fight to enter Garden. Open the Gardengate with the key you found in the Garden Shed. Living Room Return to castle and enter Living Room to get stake - and of course, more ingredients (fern, etc). Upstairs (Vampire's Room) Go upstairs and enter the Vampire's Room. USE stake and then obtainvampire's dust and crossbow bolts. Upstairs (Blue Bedroom) Go into Blue Bedroom.Search drawers to find a bible. In the bible is a prayer scroll. (Note about Upstairs. You'll find more crossbow bolts in some of the other rooms.) Kitchen Return to the Kitchen and MIX as many spells as possible. If the cook is there, she must be de- stroyed. You need salt to do this, salt is found in the Torture Chamber . When the cook is dead, Elvirawill take her place  in the kitchen. At this point, turnto face the  dumbwaiter. Give Elvira a Glowing Pridespell, then  wait for her to get the FIRST KEY for you. Page 20 follows: Meadow (Outside Herb Garden) Go to Meadow and kill Falcon with crossbow. Take the SECOND KEY, the feather and retrieve your crossbow bolt. Maze:Enter the maze and obtain bird's egg. Make way towardscenter of maze. Do not enter into hand-to-hand  combat withmaze creatures. Either use the crossbow or magic spells tofight them  otherwise, avoid them altogether. Find thelily pond in  the center of the maze, and take all items. Now find the nest, which is nearby. Maze creatures are sneaky, notorious thieves. Take back any items that might have been stolen from you en route - they will be in the nest. You'll also find Elvira's lost ring in the nest. If there are "eyes" in the nest when you arrive,  casta spell on the nest to destroy remaining creatures. Chapel Make your way back downstairs to the Chapel.Insert  Elvira's ring in the cross. Take the prayerbook with  the Manticore Hide inside. Underground Chamber Enter the Chamber under the altar in the Chapel.Face the  Crusader Wall and USE the prayer scroll.Put crown on  crusader's head and take the holysword. USE the holy  sword. Page 21 follows: Battlements Go up to the battlements and fight until you meet the Grey Knight (an archer) who has another key. Fire a crossbow bolt at him. He will fall over the battlements into the moat below. (Note thislocation.) You'll need to find him later in the moat.) (If necessary: Return to castle to replenish magic spells and/or make up new ones.) Dungeon Enter the Dungeon. Searchfor magic ingredients (earwigs, caterpillars, etc.) in the jail cells.  Enter theTorture Chamber and lift the ring on the  floor. Touchnothing else. Take the bones and the  THIRD KEY. Catacombs Enter the Catacombs and explore the various Burial Chambers. Find the coffin containing the iron key. and take the key. In another chamber find the empty coffin and put bones in it. Note: The other coffin in this same room is the entrance to the moat - but do not open this coffin until you have the iron key. Torture Chamber Return to Torture Chamber. Take the tongs. Well Room Go to the Well Room. Check to make sure the wellrope is  in the "Down" position. Page 22 follows: Catacombs Make way back to catacombs. If you meet themonster with  the stone, slay him and take thestone. Enter the Burial  Chamber whereyou left thebones.Now you can open the  other coffin. The room willflood. Swim down and then  swim until you find aplace to swim up (i.e., the  up arrow is highlighted). This is the bottom of the Well. Swim up for air or you will drown. Swim down again, then to the grill at the other end of the tunnel. Unlock the grill. Enter the moat. (find the slain Grey Knight and obtain FOURTH KEY. Return to bottom of well and go up. Take the moss from the Well. Foundry Go to Foundry. Findthe crucible in the wooden box, and take it. Place silver cross in crucible, then place crucible in fire to melt the cross. Dip acrossbow  bolt in the molten silver. Kitchen Go back to the Kitchen and USE tongs to take hot coal from fire. Then make way immediately to the Third Tower. Third Tower Light cannon wick with coal. It will fire, blasting the Fourth Tower to smithereens. Page 23 follows: Stable Go to Stable. Kill werewolf with silver bolt and obtain FIFTH KEY from behind stone in last stall. (The stone with the ring.) There is now only one key left to obtain. This you must take from the Captain of the Guard. Armoury Go to Armouryand get armor. (CONSUMEstrength potions  before you put it on, or you maybe left immobile.)  Drop unnecessry items CONSUME dexterity potions.  Enter Captain's Roomand attack the captain with magic  to reduce hiseffectiveness. Use any magic that increases  yourhit points - Palmlight, Fingerlight, Demon's Brew, anything to weaken him. Then defeat him in hand-to-hand  combat. Take bulletin off Captain's bulletin board then  take the SIXTH KEY. YOU SHOULD NOW HAVE ALL THE KEYS. Destroyed Tower (Fourth Tower) Go to the destroyed tower ... the one you blew awaywith  the cannon. You will find a chest. Open thechest using  the keys in the correct order. (This canbe determined by  examining each key.) In thechest you'll find a dagger and  a scroll. Take them(but do not use them yet.) Page 24 follows: Catacombs Go to the Catacombs and find the stone impression on the  floor (located at the "Y" juncture in thepassageway)  where you can insert the stone keyobtained from the monster  This will open a secretpassageway. Enter the passageway  but be sureyou've taken all available health potions first!  (You wantto boost your LIF quotient: a good potion for  this isWooden Heart.) If you meet Emelda'shandmaidens,  they can only be destroyed by magic. At the end of the corridor, Emelda will confrontyou.  If you do nothing, she will drain your LifeForce. To kill her, place the crusader's sword in thepentangle, then  USE the scroll you found in thechest. Finally, stab  Emelda with the dagger. THE GAME IS NOW WON, AND ELVIRA WILL REWARDYOU WITH A  DISPLAY OF GRATITUDE. Page 25 follows: PART THREE Location of Magic Ingredients This section lists, in alphabetical order, all magic  ingredients and their locations in Elvira, Mistress  of the Dark. INGREDIENT LOCATION Absinthe Bar Aconite  Herb Garden Algae Center of Maze Beetles Dungeon Belladonna Garden Path Bird's Feather  Falcon Bleeding Heart Flower Herb Garden Bird's Egg Maze Black Lotus Center of Maze Blood Lily Center of Maze Bloodroot Herb Garden Centipedes Dungeon Dandelion Herb Garden Dogwood Garden Path Dragon's Blood BurialChamber (hole in skullabovedoor) Earwigs Dungeon Elderberries Herb Garden Fern Living Room Page 26 follows: INGREDIENT LOCATION Flame Flower Backyard Path Firethorn Backyard Path Four Leaf Clover Backyard Path Hawthorn Backyard Path Hay Outside Stables Hellabore Herb Garden Honey Pantry Horsehair Stables Ivy Battlements Laudnum Bathroom (Hole in Wall) Lily Center of Maze Lily Leaf Center of Maze Maiden Tree Leaves Backyard Path Maggot Garden Shed(Dead Gardener's throat) Manticore Hide Chapel(Prayer Book) Mistletoe Backyard Path Monsters Living Room Moss Well Mushrooms Backyard Path Nettles Maze Nightshade Backyard Path (by Shed) Page 27 follows: INGREDIENT LOCATION Parsley Herb Garden Plantain Herb Garden Poppy Outside Herb Garden Red Wine Kitchen (Pantry) Rose Herb Garden Spider Webs Dungeon Thistle Maze Vampire's Dust Vampire's Room (left after vampire killed) White Wine Kitchen (Pantry) Witch Hazel Herb Garden SKID ROW