This text file contains secrets I have found In Duke. I have been fairly vague as to there exact whereabouts and contents, so that I dont spoil the surprises for you. Level 1 Secrets 1. At the beginning of the level - jump onto the crate, then the building ledge and then the ledge in front of the billboard. RPG can be found here. 2. Jump from this ledge onto the ledge of the next building and then through one of the windows. In here is a bachelor pad. 3. In this bachelor pad, click on the poster at the far end to reveal Steriods. 4. There is a second bachelor pad, immediately above a palm tree near to the theatres front entrance. 5. In the theatre, by the counter there is a cash register. Click on it to reveal an alcove near the ceiling to your right. 6. In the projection room, if you jump on top of the projector, a door will open revealing an alien and RPG. 7. There is a second secret room in the projection room next to the fire extinguisher. It can also be reached via the vent in the bathroom. 8. Once you have opened the curtains to the screen, Fire a hole in the movie screen to reveal another room. 9. If you jump onto the bin by the lift to the arcade and then press the space bar, a secret alcove will open. 10. Next to the exit, if you have a jetpack you can reach another secret room but beware of the automatic guns. 11. In the arcade by clicking on the duke nukem video game, a holoduke is revealed in an alcove. 12. Use an rpg to blow open the side of the airshaft in the bathroom to reveal another holoduke. Level 2 Secrets 1. In the bookstore, one of the bookcases will open tho reveal goodies. 2. In the corner, ontop of the bookcases behind the counter is a secret door with a holoduke. 3. Between the bookstore and the elevator is a dark corridor with a small side passage. 4. In the bookstore bathroom , if you click on the hand-dryer a small recess will open between the basins and toilets. 5. Once you have blown up the building, you can enter a sewer via a manhole cover . This sewer can also be reached by using the toilet in the dance-club bathroom. 6. In the dance-hall itself, if you jump onto a bench to youre left, then a door will briefly open behind the dancing girls to your far right on the stage. 7. On the right hand side of the dance-hall there is a vent that can be blown open. 8. Behind the curtains, to the dance floor are two ledges. The one to youre left holds a pair of night vision goggles. 9. In the attic just before the exit is a lit section on your left. Press the space bar to open a secret room. Level 3 Secrets 1. Behind the electric chair is a small area containing a shotgun. 2. In the church stand by the far wall, and fire at a switch by the altar. A platform will now raise with you on it. Shoot the dead priest for a healing atom. 3. In front of the altar is a stone slab, press this and shoot out the windows to reveal a room behind the altar. 4. In the first jail cell, you can move the bed to reveal a small recess with an a rpg. 5. In the area between the prison and the sub, you can climb onto the far wall where the gun turrets are. Click on the ledge above the locked gatesto reveal a corridor with healing atoms. 6. Above the red key in the turret area, is a bit of wall which can be shot open to reveal a room which leads back into the prison cells. 7/8. Once the map ledge has been opened next to the hologram room there are two recesses above you one to your left and one to the right with items in them. 9. The locked gates that lead to the sub - on the sub side of these gates, you can jump onto the right ledge to open a secret alcove. 10. In the sub itself, at the far end there is a secret door that l eads to the engine room. Level 4 Secrets 1. Walk through the fire burning ontop of the sub, which causes a small recess to open inside the sub, near the top. 2. Near the sub is a cave with two octobrains. kill them, then blow open the cave wall, follow the tunnel, then swim upwards into a cave. 3. By the ledge where you get the blue key, blow up the gun turret to your right, run and jump into the cave where it was. A wall on the left will then open. 4. Once you open the blue door, you can open a secret door on the right leading to an elevator that itself leads to the room of aliens you can see from the outside. 5. When on the conveyor in the processing area, you go past a slime pit, crawl into the slime and open the wall to your left. 6. Near the top of the conveyor is a computer room. Click on the blue circuit box which will open the two cylinders. The left cylinder has healing atoms. 7. Outside when you jump into the darkened cave, go to the back and jump on a small ledge to get items. 8. Close to the previous secret theres is a place with as security monitor.In the section of wall between the security monitor & orange cylinder is a small crawlspace. Inside is ammo and scuba gear. 9. Close to the previous secret theres is an area where you can blow open a Rock wall outside to find a small cave. 10. Blow the wall of this small cave open to find a healing atom. 11. Blow open the last wall to reveal a shortcut back to the sub. 12. A weak spot in the wall can be blown up to reveal a transporter. Use the teleporter to beam to a room with aliens and ammo. 13. By the entrance to the sewers near the end of the level. Blow away the fan above the entrance to the sewer to reveal a room with healing atoms. 14. Near the exit in the sewer is a wall. That can be blown up to reveal a switch that takes you to the secret level 6. Level 5 Secrets 1. In the wall, before you reach the fire pit area, there is a secret door with steriods behind it. 2. Below the rope bridge, in teh north east of the map there is a place where you can jump into a fire pit to be teleported to the locked room by the rope bridge. By a ledge are some healing atoms. 3. In the same room as the fire pit, jump to a ledge with RPG ammo. 4. After climbing up along the laval falls, there is a weak spot in the wall that can blown open. It opens a long passage. 5. Press the switch at the top of the lava falls to open a passageway. Follow it to a cave with a fire, healing atoms & dancing girls. 6. On the wall by the entrance to the spaceship, there is a secret door to a small plateau. Level 6 Secrets 1. Near the beginning before the first forcefield, there is a slime pond. At the bottom of the pond is a grate that you can swim through. 2. In the room with the pillars, there is a fan in the ceiling above part of the ramp. Blow it open, use youre jetpack to reach a secret area. 3. In the control room by the large doors, a section of wall can be opened. 4. Near the end of the level before the sewers, the computer monitors can be opened to reveal healing atoms.