Copyright: 3:48PM 4/22/95 This is a message I had received about the DOOM Codes. *******Special thanks to Brian Rowan, who sent me this message******* Stephen, Okay, you got my curiosity up -- what's the network code for Doom?? I thought it was removed from the game but...I guess not! By the way, I liked the in-depth descriptions of all the codes you put in your file. However, there's a couple clarifications I'd like to make and some inside information for you: 1. You left out one Doom II code. IDMUSxx changes the music, where 'xx' is the level number on which the music you want is heard (it works like the IDCLEV code). 2. The IDFA code gives you ALL WEAPONS, AMMO, but _NOT_ the keys. You had it the other way around in your file. Think of it this way: No 'K', no keys! 3. Do you know what SPISPOPD stands for? "Smashing Pumpkins Into Small Piles Of Putrid Debris". Weird, huh? There's a story behind this one; John Romero explains: "While designing maps, sometimes (!) we made mistakes with switches and triggers and inadvertently closed ourselves off from the rest of the map, so we created the IDSPISPOPD cheat code so we could walk through all the walls and out of our dilemma. Why did we name it SPISPOPD? Well, this is a little story that goes back many months ago, when the USENET newsgroup was positively going nuts waiting for Doom's release. Many of the people on the newsgroup were tired of talking about Doom for almost a year, so they invented something _even cooler_ that they could talk about, namely, the fictitous game SPISPOPD, or "Smashing Pumpkins Into Small Piles Of Putrid Debris." They invented all kinds of awesome things this game would do (using chainsaws on pumpkins) and who would be publishing it (Ego Software). They even created a FAQ (frequently asked questions) for it! Then-someone actually wrote the game! It wasn't anywhere near as ambitious as the spec, but it was fun and is actually on the Internet Top 100 games list. So, we included its name as an inside joke to all the Doom players on the Internet." 4. Did you know that the "DQD" in the IDDQD code stands for Delta-Q-Delta, some kind of weird organization one of the id Software guys was in? Here's the full story behind that one, in John Romero's words: "We created the IDDQD cheat mode so we could watch the attack frames of an attacker, so we didn't get killed while analyzing. Why DQD? Well, one of id's programmers, Dave Taylor, was part of a three-person group called Delta-Q-Delta. They named themselves DQD because they were the fraternity of guys who would Quit their college classes before getting F's." 5. Did you know that when the IDDT full map mode is on, the white arrow representing the player has the letters "ddt" on it in green? Again, I have a John Romero quote to explain this one: "When the Automap was being programmed, we needed to see if the special codes we put on the map line segments were correct, so we needed a cheat to display all a map's lines. This code is IDDT because Dave Taylor's signature is DDT with an arrow through it. In the Automap, type IDDT twice and you will see all the things that can be seen in a map and your player will be an arrow with DDT over it!" Whew! :) Hope you find this information interesting, I know I did. And I still would like to know what the network cheat code is. Thanks! B.J. Blazkowicz 73552,3423 Well That't it! In case you were wondering, My other file is DOOMCDS.TXT, which I have uploaded to the modemgames forum and the ACTION games forum. It is either called: ALL THE CODES YOU WANT-Deeply detailed OR DOOM CODES-Deeply Detailed OR Something like that :) Please send Comments, Questions etc to Stephen Bozzone at 76463,1405... DOOM, DOOM2 and any other affiliates are trademarks of ID software. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!