DOOM How To v1.1 by Steve Huskisson Game Palace BBS (305)587-4258 1) Introduction 2) Acknowledgements 3) Game Palace BBS 4) Codes (Invincibility, Unlimited Ammo, etc.) 5) Command Lines 6) PWADS (Addon Levels) 7) LMP (Record and Playback Your Own Demos) 8) Check These Out! 9) Where To Call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Introduction This is a short text file I put together for the purpose of quick access to codes, addon levels, and LMP demos. There are some other premium text files and helpful things to make your DOOMing experience more exciting which are listed below! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acknowledgements DOOM is a trademark of id Software, (thanks guys for allowing us to do so much with a great game!) The "Official" DOOM FAQ is written by Hank Leukart All the DOOMers out there that make these awesome levels, sound files, graphics files, editors, FAQs, Dehacks, Dmadds, LMP's, utilities, etc. Keep up the great work and THANKS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game Palace bbs Game Palace started on 04/07/94 as a small bbs for users to obtain the latest patches and upgrades available for PC Games. I personally got tired of calling long distance to get the latest patch or upgrade and figured a bbs would help. I have never ran a bbs prior to this and I just got my first modem in December of 1993. (Yes, I'm a newbie!) As a DOOM addict, I figured why not cater to this awesome game. There were alot files out and more coming! I started by adding one file area for DOOM on the board, but that wasn't enough. I now have 30 file areas devoted to DOOM and DOOM II. We gained users from all over the U.S., Canada, Japan, Europe, England, etc. In 2 months! The demand for DOOM had increased so much, I had to delete alot of other files to make room on my hard drive. Unfortunately, I only have one computer so I don't get to play as much as I would like to. Right now as of this writing, we have over 1,300 WADS and 260+ megs of DOOM files online. Since we get so many new DOOM files daily, I created a "DOOMlist" which contains all the DOOM files on Game Palace bbs. This is updated nightly! It is called "DOOMLIST.ZIP" There is also 9 different conferences devoted to DOOM! Use them for help, reviewing levels, editing levels, modem connections, coolest frags, DOOM stories, DOOM II stuff, etc., etc.! Official id Software distribution site #1743 Game Palace bbs is also an official distribution site to some of the hottest WADS created: Aliens-TC Trinity Cheese Forest** Hallspro Test2kil Elements Mudrox13 Dandd and many more Game Palace is located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida (USA) (305)587-4258 I am the Sysop there and I can also be reached on Internet at: (Internet) or (America Online) or 74654,2562 (CompuServe) Long distance users are given immediate access to the bbs and files! There are no upload/download ratios and the bbs is FREE! If you love PC Gaming, then check out Game Palace's sister bbs, Tech Source! Tech Source is the ultimate one-stop place for PC Gaming patches, upgrades, hints, tips, solutions, etc! Tech Source also has complete Internet access to Usenet groups including as well as PC & Home Video Gaming conferences. You can also download Usenet group packets for OFFLINE reading! Tech Source is also Official Apogee distribution site #1740! TECH SOURCE BBS (Brett Gordon - Sysop) (305)742-7331 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes (Invincibility, Ammo, etc.) There are certain keys you can use to gain access to some wonderful things in DOOM. Type these while playing the game. Here they are: IDDQD Degreelessness mode (Invincible) IDKFA Very Happy Ammo (Full stock of weapons & ammo) IDBEHOLD (follow it by S, V, I, R, A, L) S----Strength (Beserk mode) V----Invunerability I----Partial Invicibility R----Radiation Suit A----Auto Map L----Light Amplifiers IDCHOPPERS Gives you the Chainsaw IDCLEV Warp (followed by Episode and Level) IDDT Map Mode (Enter it while viewing map) IDMYPOS X, Y Coordinates IDSPISPOPD No clipping (Walk through walls) IDCLIP (DOOM II) No clipping (Walk through walls) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command Lines There are command lines within DOOM that can be used when intially running the game. For more information on exactly what all of these lines mean, pick up "The 'Official' DOOM FAQ" by Hank Leukart. At the DOOM directory type: "DOOM -devparm These can be several followed by eachother for various effects such as warping, recording a demo, respawning monsters, or taking .PCX screenshots. -config Reads alternate configuration file -deathmatch Starts NetDoom in Deathmatch mode -debugfile Dumps debugging into debug.txt -devparm Developers mode -episode Starts on Episode 1,2, or 3 -file Allows usage of PWAD -left Sets up a network terminal for the "left view" -loadgame Starts from save game # 0-5 -net Starts NetDoom with 1-4 players -noblit Speeds up game on some systems -nodraw Speeds up game on some systems -nojoy Does not use joystick -nomonsters Starts games without monsters -nomouse Does not use mouse -nomusic No background music -nosfx No sound effects -nosound No sound at all -playdemo Playback a recorded demo -record Record a demo til you die or finish -recordfrom <0-5>Records from a saved game -respawn Cause enemies to respawn in Non-Nightmare game -right Sets up NetDoom terminal for "right view" -skill Starts on skill level 1-5 -timedemo Caculates screen redraw times in demo -wart Adds an external PWAD file to filelist -warp Warp to any Episode and Level ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PWADS (Addon external levels) PWADS are external levels made by people with level editors. These PWADS ("Patch" WADS) are inserted with the command line "-file" and allow you to play a new level! For complete information on PWADS, check out "The 'official' DOOM FAQ" by Hank Leukart or "DOOMWAD" by Steve Huskisson. "DOOMWAD" is available at Game Palace BBS. Hank's FAQ is available on bbs's all over and on Internet ftp sites. (See below) To run a PWAD file, make sure the new level is in your DOOM directory and from there type: "DOOM -file " Where the xxxx is, substitute with the name of the PWAD, and include the .WAD extension. An example would be: "DOOM -file cool.wad" You can combine PWADS in one line. There are also sound files on PWADS that are ran the same way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LMP (Demos) An .lmp file is a recording of a game of DOOM, either single player or a deathmatch game. You can even make a recording of your favorite PWAD file. These are fun to sit back and watch, as your friends dueled on Deathmatch, or if you need to know where secret rooms are! To record a demo type at the DOOM directory: DOOM -devparm -record Do not include the .lmp. To record your favorite PWAD type at the DOOM directory: DOOM -file -devparm -record To play back the demo type at the DOOM directory: DOOM -devparm -playdemo or DOOM -file -devparm -playdemo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Check These Out! Here are some great products to try out with DOOM. All can be found on Game Palace bbs or other fine boards and Internet ftp sites. The "Official" DOOM FAQ by Hank Leukart (5.8 is current right now) The Unofficial DOOM Specs by Matt Fell (1.3 is current right now) There are dozens of level editors, sound editors, save game files, cheats, etc. that allow so much to be done with DOOM. Most are listed in the FAQ's and are also available on Internet ftp sites, Game Palace bbs, and other fine boards. (see below for list) "The Official DOOM Survivor's Strategies & Secrets" by Jonathan Mendoza (at book stores everywhere) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Where To Call Here are some places to find some awesome DOOM stuff! Game Palace bbs (305)587-4258 Currently over 1,300 wads and 260+megs of DOOM with more coming daily! DOOM Room Bulletin with latest information from id Software and the DOOM community. 9 different DOOM conferences! Free board with NO ratios and first call access, including long distance! Download "DOOMLIST.ZIP" for updated/daily listing of all DOOM files. *This does not include whats on various CD Roms that are online that contain DOOM files. Software Creations (508)368-7036 8N1 bbs (407)438-1568 DOOMania bbs (317)662-8842 Internet ftp sites: < /pub/doom > < /pub/games/id/doom > < /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/games/DOOM > You may distribute this file on any electronic format. BBS, CD, Diskette, etc. as long as this file has not been altered from it's original form. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------