Problem: What should I do in ACT ONE? Hint: Question Ethel. Watch Lillian put on perfume in the bathroom. Push the armoire to discover the secret room; spy on Lillian and Ethel. Spy on Fifi and The Colonel. Look at Dr. Wilbur's bed and doctor bag. Look at the Colonel's cigar. Look at Clarence's cigar. Move the Grandfather clock and the mirror; spy on Rudy and Gloria. Spy on Clarence and Gertrude. Look at the decanter of cognac. Problem: Which tasks need to be completed before proceeding to ACT TWO? Hint: Go into the Colonel's bedroom and see him with Fifi. Downstairs you must see Gertie and Clarence talking in the Parlor. See Rudy and Gloria in the Billiards Room. Later, you must see Gertie asleep in her room Problem: What should I do in ACT TWO? Hint: Look on the floor near Gertie's room; get the hanky. Search every dead body you find. Look at The Colonel's weapon's collection. Move the mirror and the Grandfather Clock to discover secret rooms; spy on Clarence and Wilbur. Question Lillian. Get the soup bone. Toss the bone to the dog. Search the dog house. See Wilbur sitting alone in the Library. Spy on Clarence and Gloria. Problem: Which tasks need to be completed before proceeding to ACT THREE? Hint: See Wilbur and Clarence arguing with each other outside. See Lillian and Celie in the kitchen together. See Wilbur reading alone in the Library. You can also find Gertie's dead body outside the Billiards Room. Problem: What should I do in ACT THREE? Hint: Move the mirror, the Grandfather Clock, and the armoires to discover secret rooms. Find the cane in the secret room. Get the poker in the library. Spy on The Colonel. Search Wilbur's dead body; get the monocle. Examine any piece of evidence you find using the monocle. Watch Lillian play in the Playhouse. Spy on Gloria. Get the crackers from Jeeves' room. Talk to Celie, question her, return her necklace. Get the carrot from Celie's house. Look at Dr. Wilbur's bed, look at his doctor bag. Find the attic key hidden in The Colonel's room. Ride the elevator to the attic, read the newspaper. Look at the clothes in the trunk in the attic. Check this trunk again later in the play. See Rudy and Fifi fight. Problem: Which tasks need to be completed before proceeding to ACT FOUR? Hint: Discover Lillian in her playhouse reading to her dolls. Notice Gloria alone in the Billiards Room. See Rudy and Clarence argue in their guest room. See Rudy and Fifi together. You can also discover Wilbur's dead body in the stable. Problem: What should I do in ACT FOUR? Hint: In the Billiards Room, examine the record and the mud with the monocle. Get the cigar butt in the secret passage. Search Gloria's dead body. See Clarence and Rudy fight. Feed a cracker to Polly the Parrot. See Fifi and Jeeves kiss. Catch Lillian in the Weapon's Cabinet. Problem: Which tasks need to be completed before proceeding to ACT FIVE? Hint: Catch Lillian looking at the Colonel's weapon collection. While exploring outside you must see Rudy, Clarence and Ethel wandering around. You can also discover Gloria's dead body in the Gazebo. Problem: What should I do in ACT FIVE? Hint: Find the rolling pin while exploring the grounds. Examine the boot-print with the monocle. Get the crowbar and the oilcan from the Carriage House. Search Ethel's dead body. Watch Fifi put on make-up. Spy on The Colonel and Lillian. Smell the faint aroma of perfume in the secret room. Notice Rudy eating alone in the Dining Room. Notice Clarence drinking alone at the bar. Notice The Colonel without his wheelchair. Problem: Which tasks need to be completed before proceeding to ACT SIX? Hint: See Lillian with The Colonel in his room. See Rudy eating alone in The Dining Room. See Clarence drinking alone in the Parlor. Go into The Colonel's Room when he's not around. You can also find Ethel's dead body in the Carriage House. Problem: What should I do in ACT SIX? Hint: Search the wastepaper basket in the bathroom. Examine the bottle with the monocle. See Lillian hiding something in her suitcase. Search Jeeves' and Fifi's body. Thoroughly examine the decanter of cognac. See Clarence writing at his desk. Spy on Lillian when she's alone; spy on Clarence. Feed a cracker to Polly. Watch Rudy petting Beauregard. Problem: Which tasks need to be completed before proceeding to ACT SEVEN? Hint: See Lillian hiding her diary in her suitcase. See Clarence writing at his desk. See Rudy outside with Beauregard. Knock at Celie's front door. You can also discover that Jeeves and Fifi have been murdered, upstairs. Problem: What should I do in ACT SEVEN? Hint: Feed a cracker to Polly. Read Clarence's notebook. Search Clarence's body. Read Lillian's diary. Take note of what's missing from The Colonel's weapon's collection. Pray with Celie in the Chapel. Watch Lillian playing in the Playhouse again. Enter the secret underground passageway through the Hedge Garden, discover the dead bodies. Find the next secret passageway. Use the crowbar to pry Ruby's vault open. Unbar the door to get out. Catch Rudy searching Lillian's room. Problem: Which tasks need to be completed before proceeding to ACT EIGHT? Hint: See Lillian in her playhouse again acting very bizarre. Go to the Chapel and pray with Celie. Read Clarence's journal. See Rudy searching Lillian's room. You can also discover Clarence's dead body. Problem: What should I do in ACT EIGHT? Hint: Search Lillian's dead body, find the key. Get the gun and the bullet. Load the gun. Go into the attic through the door at the top of the stairs. Shoot Rudy. Problem: Which tasks need to be completed to finish ACT EIGHT? Hint: Find Lillian's dead body in the Hedge Garden. Hear a fight in the attic.