Find your favorite games on the list below:
Use the command line parameter -edit to get into the game in
Edit ("God") mode. Hit SHIFT+Z and then TAB to start the game.
Return to the list.
To see Sam & Max on the map, type SAMNMAX.
To get 10,000,000 pennies type $@! but only three times per game.
If you've been clanking around in some low-budget herc in Sierra's
Metaltech: Battledrome, looking for some way to get a juicy upgrade
to that top-of-the line model, then this cheat is for you!
When you type in your name at the main screen, simply add an asterisk
(*) as the first letter of your name.
You'll find that you have all the money you need to buy the best equipment
for your battles in the arena.
Return to the list.
Betrayal at Krondor
Here are the chapter passwords, potions, and everything else you'll need
to beat the game: On the overhead map, hold down the ALT-Right SHIFT
and ~ (the tilde) for about three seconds, and a chest will appear.
Each chest contains the items needed to finish that chapter, and an option to
heal all characters. Just use the cheat trick, in conjunction with these
level codes, and you can beat every chapter:
- Chapter 1: 6478
- Chapter 2: 9216
- Chapter 3: 7702
- Chapter 4: 2132
- Chapter 5: 5052
- Chapter 6: 0680
- Chapter 7: 0194
- Chapter 8: 4743
- Chapter 9: 9995
To strengthen yourself a bit, here's another trick. On your way to
Elvandar in Chapter 6, there's a well which, when you add Fadamor's
Formula to it, can increase your characters' strengths by three points
-- permanently. To find it, follow the main road to Elvandar. Just
before the road dead-ends, you should find the well (use spyglass
of Ishap). The trick is that when you use the well with the formula,
it takes all of the formula you have with you so that you can only do the
strengthen trick once. But if you leave all but one dose in the bag in
front of the well, use the well, then take another dose from the bag,
you can use the well again. Every time you repeat this process, both
Owyn's and Gorath's strength increases by three.
Return to the list.
To activate the cheat menu in Civenet, type: CTRL A O D B A M F in order --
don't hold down the control button while doing so. The menu enables these
- ScaleIt: Increases production.
- ArmyInfo: See information on other races.
- MoneyAndPower: Gives money and power.
- AllSeeingEye: Reveals the whole map.
- GetRichQuick: Gives you 1,000 coins.
- GetSmartQuick: Gives you a Civilization advance.
- MissileCrisis: Creates a nuclear missile in each city.
- SettlersHo!: Creates a settlers unit in each city.
- NukeStorms: Causes global warming.
- Automode: The computer moves for you.
- Armaggedon: Nukes every city.
Thanks to David Brookes for sending these in.
Return to the list.
Corridor 7
To receive all nine weapons, full life and proximity mines, press and
hold the letters W, A, and X all at the same time.
Note: Your score is set back to zero every time you use this code.
You can also gain access to individual cheats by typing
C7 LEVEL1 DIAGNOSTIC at the DOS prompt when you begin the game.
Then, during play, try these key combinations:
- BackspaceG: Toggles God mode on or off.
- BackspaceW: Warps between levels.
- BackspaceN: Lets you walk through walls.
- BackspaceR: Puts a skull image in front of your character.
- BackspaceI: Increases your score.
Return to the list.
Crusader No Remorse
To enable the cheats type JASSICA16 and you will hear a voice saying
"Crusader: No Remorse" Then by pressing ALT-F10 you'll become
invulnerable, while pressing F10 you'll gain all the items and
Return to the list.
Dark Forces
Just type the following codes during any mission...
- Labug - Bug Mode: This cheat lets you squeeze through narrow
passages and greatly reduces your size when crouching (very helpful in
the garbage crusher).
- Lacds Reveal Map: Use this cheat to get a full map of your
current level and locations of all enemies, objects and doors.
- Ladata Reveal Navigation Counter: Useful in marking the exact
coordinate of items and important corridors.
- Laimlame Invincibility Toggle: God Mode
- Lamaxout: Full ammo, shields, and weapons; plus complete inventoy
of items all maxed out.
- Lantfh: This cheat allows you to teleport to the current map
position one level above or below your current location.
- Lapogo: Disable height checking; allows you to reach those high
precipices and ledges without any cumbersome climbing gear.
- Lapostal: Get all weapons and ammo.
- Larandy: The cheat produces the same effect as the weapon super
charge power-up, giving you an increase in rate of fire from all weapons
for 50 seconds.
- Laredlite: Freezes enemies in their tracks. All enemies take
damage in this mode, but you'll need to toggle it off before it takes
- Laskip: Typing this cheat successfully completes the current
- Launlock: Get all keys, code cards, the broken Dark Trooper gun,
data tape, ice cleats and Phrink metal.
Level Codes:
For those of you stuck in the early levels of the game, the following
cheats will transport you to any level you want. Just type in the cheat
during the game, and you're on your way.
- Lasecbase: Level 1: Secret Base (The Death Star Plans)
- Latalay: Level 2: Talay: Tac Base
- Lasewers: Level 3: Anoat City (The Subterranean Hideout)
- Latestbase: Level 4: Imperial Weapons Research Facility
- Lagromas: Level 5: Gromas Mines
- Ladtention: Level 6: Imperial Detention Center
- Laramshed: Level 7: Ramsees Hed Docking Port
- Larobotics: Level 8: Robotics Construction Facility
- Lanarshada: Level 9: Nar Shaddaa
- Lajabship: Level 10: Jabba's Ship
- Laimpcity: Level 11: Imperial City
- Lafuelstat: Level 12: Fuel Station
- Laexecutor: Level 13: The Executor
- Laarc: Level 14: The Arc Hammer
Return to the list.
In order to get the most out of these cheats, you'll probably want to
reconfigure your keyboard settings so you don't set off any bombs when
you're typing (that deadly 'b' key) or move yourself into danger.
Descent: Shareware
- SCOURGE - WowieZowie Weapons
- MITZI - All Keys!
- RACERX - Invulnerability On/Off!
- GUILE - Cloak On/Off!
- TWILIGHT - Shields Recharged!
- FARMERJOE - Warp to Which Level?
- ASTRAL - Spirit mode (only from v1.4)
Descent: Registered
- GABBAGABBAHEY Cheats enabled
- SCOURGE WowieZowie Weapons
- BIGRED SuperWowieZowie Weapons!
- MITZI All keys
- RACERX Invulnerability on/off
- GUILE Cloak On/Off
- TWILIGHT Shields Recharged
- FARMERJOE Warp to any non-secret level.
- BUGGIN Turbo mode; everything (including
enemies) speeds up.
- BRUIN Extra Life
- BIGRED SuperWowieZowie Weapons (includes ALL weapons)
- FLASH Shows the path to the exit.
- AHIMSA Keeps enemy ships from firing.
- POBOYS Destroys the reactor (version 1.4 only)
- PORGYS MegaWowieZowie Weapons! (version 1.4 only)
- LUNACY The robots speed up (version 1.4 only)
Return to the list.
Descent 2: Demo
- ZINGERMANS - Invulnerability toggle
- MOTHERLODE - Wowie Zowie Weapons
- ALIFALAFEL - Accessories
- EATANGELOS - Homing Weapons (every weapon will home)
- CURRYGOAT - All Keys
- WHAMMAZOOM - Level Warp
- ERICAANNE - Bouncing Weapons
- BITTERSWEET - Psychedelic walls
- PIGFARMER - Use it once and it displays "Hi John!!!" Now reduce the
size of your screen. Use it twice and it displays "Bye John" (?)
Descent 2: Registered
- WHAMMAZOOM Level Warp.
- ERICAANNE Bouncing Weapons.
- MOTHERLODE All weapons, full ammo.
- CURRYGOAT All keys.
- EATANGELOS Homing weapons.
- ZINGERMANS Invulnerability.
- ALIFALAFEL Gives you all accessories.
- GOWINGNUT Makes the Guidebot attack enemies.
- HELPVISHNU Makes more Guidebots.
- PIGFARMER If you use a reduced window, strange heads appear
in the border.
- BITTERSWEET Makes the screen warp kind of strangely.
- GODZILLA You can kill robots just by bumping into them.
- FREESPACE Level warp.
- SPANIARD Kills all robots first time, then the boss robot, then
poor Guidebot, if you type it a third time.
- ALMIGHTY Invulnerability.
- ROCKRGRL Full automap.
- LPNLIZARD Gives you homing weapons.
To access the highest video resolutioncs (1024x768 and 1280x1024), use the command line:
descent2 -superhires
Return to the list.
Doom and Doom II
To use any of these codes, simply type it during the game. If
you make a mistake, just retype the code.
- iddqd God Mode
- idfa Ammo & weapons
- idkfa Ammo, keys & weapons.
- idclip Clipping mode on. Walk through walls!
Toggle this mode back off to pick
up items or use switches and doors. This one only works with Doom II.
Type idspispopd instead for Doom I.
- idchoppers Get the chainsaw (and a cryptic message).
- iddt With the AutoMap showing, cycles between normal
map, full revealed map,
and a full map showing the objects and enemies.
- idbeholds Get berserker pack.
- idbeholdv Get temporary invulnerability.
- idbeholdi Get temporary invisibility.
- idbeholda Get full AutoMap.
- idbeholdr Get antiradiation suit.
- idbeholdl Get light-amplification visor.
- idclevFollowed by episode and level number, warps
to that level.
- idmypos Display coordinates and heading.
Return to the list.
Duke Nukem 3D
Shareware version.
- dnallen -- says a message.
- dnclip -- walk through walls (very unstable).
- dncosmo -- another message.
- dnhyper -- steroids effect.
- dnbeta -- yet another message.
- dnskill# -- set skill level.
- dncoords -- shows your coordinates.
- dnrate -- displays the frame rate.
- dnitems -- gives you power-ups.
- dnkeys -- all keys.
- dndebug -- displays debug info.
- dninventory -- all power-ups.
- dnweapons -- all weapons and full ammo.
- dnmonsters -- toggles the monsters off.
- dncashman -- throws money when you hit the use key.
- dnview -- external Duke view (same as F7).
- dnscotty## -- level warp (episode, two-digit level number).
To warp to level 7 in episode 1, you would
type dnscotty107. It is important to include the zeroes.
- dnstuff -- all weapons, keys and power-ups.
- dnshowmap -- shows entire map.
- dncornholio -- God mode and unlimited jetpack.
- dnkroz -- same as Cornholio, but easier to type.
Return to the list.
Earthworm Jim
- ITSAWONDERFUL Gives you an extra life.
- HATMAN Turns Jim into Hatman, just like Pitfall.
- ONANDONANDON Maximum number of game continues.
- POPQUIZHOTSHOT Gives you 1000 bullets.
- SLAUTHERHOUSE Access the first five levels of the game.
Return to the list.
Fury 3
TRYMEON -- god mode
GIVITIUP-- all weapons
URDUSTD -- turbo
JUMPNIT -- warp to next level
WORMITx -- warp to level x
SSMOKIN -- turbo mode
TUFENUF -- gives you shields
PACKIN1 -- servo ammo.
PACKIN2 -- isokinetic ammo.
PACKIN3 -- rapidfire laser ammo.
PACKIN4 -- DOM ammo.
PACKIN5 -- viper ammo.
PACKIN6 -- baryon ammo.
PACKIN7 -- superbombs.
Return to the list.
- RAVEN - Full health
- OMNI - Full map
- ALLAHMODE - God mode
- BEAVIS - Skips ahead to 100 points from level finish
- GULLIVER - Midget mode: turns all your enemies small
- KMFDM - Full ammo
- BELFAST - Kill all enemies
Return to the list.
- Quicken: The same as God Mode in Doom. It's the path to
- Massacre: Kills everything on the level.
- Skel: Get keys.
- Rambo: Get full health armor, and weapons recharge.
- Engage: Level warp. Type "engage" and then
the number of the
level you wish to warp to.
- Kitty: This will let you walk through walls just
like idclip
for Doom II--just be sure to turn it off when yu want to pick up an item
or activate a switch.
- Cockadoodledoo: We're not going to say
what this one does, but
you'll certainly get a laugh when you try it out.
Return to the list.
Heroes of Might and Magic
Only one known code for this one, New World Computing's mighty strategy game,
based in the world of their popular roleplaying games.
101495 will reveal the whole map.
Return to the list.
Use these mystic formulae to punish the monsters:
These are for the full retail version of the game.
- satan -- invulnerable
- deliverance -- turns you into a pig
- butcher -- kills all the monsters
- clubmed -- maximum health
- NRA -- full weapons, mana and armour
- indiana -- full inventory
- locksmith -- gives you all the keys
- sherlock -- gives you all the puzzle items
- casper -- no clipping (like IDCLIP)
- shadowcaster# -- change class # is a number:
0 for Warrior, 1 for Cleric, 2 for Wizard
- where -- gives map coordinates
- ticker -- displays frame rate
- mapsco -- toggles map detail in map mode
- mrjones -- displays version number
- noise -- sound information.
- visit## -- Warps to level 01-31 or level 41
Cheats won't work at hardest difficulty level or in multiplayer.
These cheats are for the demo version:
- BGOKEY - God mode
- CRHINEHART - All weapons
- BRAFFEL - Get 25 of artifacts
- SGURNO - 100% health
- RJOHNSON - No clipping (walk through walls)
- JSUMWALT - X and Y coordinates
- EBIESSMAN - Turn yourself into a pig!
- REVEAL - While in mapmode toggles full map, full map with
enemies/items, and normal map
- TMOORE - Get items
- BPELLETIER## - Warp to level ##
- CSTIKA - Massacre enemies
- PLIPO - Change player class (0 for fighter; 1 for cleric; 2 for mage)
Return to the list.
The Hive
There's only one known cheat for this one.
Use the name TORYO at the startup screen, and you'll have access to
all twenty missions immediately.
Return to the list.
Jazz Jackrabbit
In order to enable these cheats, you'll need to pause the game by
pressing the "P" key, then hit the Backspace key before you type in the
code for the cheat you want to enable. Also, in some versions of Jazz
Jackrabbit, you have to add the letters "DD" before each cheat.
- Sable: Turn Jazz red and get a big speed increase.
- Cstrike: Gives you a flying surfboard.
- Bad: Gives you the escort bird.
- Doom: Makes the enemies tougher.
- Ken: Exit to DOS.
- Hooker: Collect a gem.
- Mark: Kills Jazz.
- Apogee: 16 color version that runs at half the speed.
- Lamer: Skip the current level.
- Hocus: Teleport around the current level.
- Bouf: Become invincible.
- Gunhed: Get all weapons plus 100 rounds of ammunition for
Return to the list.
Magic Carpet
To enable the cheats for Magic Carpet I
First, you need to bring your carpet to a complete stop (or simply
type the cheat at the
beginning of a level), and type "I". You'll be presented with a
prompt under the status
bar for you to type in a message. To activate the cheats type
"ratty". Now all you need
to do is use the following key combinations to make you the most powerful
wizard around.
Alt+F1 gives you all the spells.
Alt+F2 gives you more mana.
Alt+F6 complete healing.
Alt+F7 kills all creatures on the level.
Shift+C completes the level.
To jump from one level to another, type CARPET at the prompt
followed by the level number
(1-50), and you're off!
For Magic Carpet 2, type "windy" at the prompt to enable the
cheats. The Alt+Function keys work the same as in the original.
Return to the list.
Mechwarrior 2
To enable the cheats, hold down the Ctl+Alt+Shift keys and type in the code
you want to use.
- Blorb Enables complete Invulnerability
- CIA Unlimited ammo for weapons
- Mightymouse Unlimited jump jet fuel
- Dorcs Allows you to meet the makers of Mechwarrior 2
- Enola Gay Destroys all targets in the mission (type quickly)
- Flygirl Adds jump jet capability to any mech.
- Icanthackit Ends the mission successfully.
- Tinkerbell Unlocks the camera from your 'mech.
- Xray Gives the same effect as image enhancement with the added
ability to see through objects.
- Hangaround Allows you to continue exploring a mission after time runs out.
- Gankem Destroys targeted 'Mech.
Ghost Bear Cheats
CTL+ALT+SHIFT and type:
KENT - invulerability
CLARK - x-ray vision
PUTZ - mission over
DORCS - shows the guys
PALEX - kill targeted mech
BURR - heat tracking off
KABOOM - kills all mechs
DRONE - FREE eye mode
JUMBO - jets on any Mech
CRILLION - unlimited jet juice
MERLOCK - Time expansion toggle
SPEEDYGONZALES - Time compression
VOYEUR - Mini Camera
TIK - collision spheres
Return to the list.
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
There are codes that make you stronger and codes that let you walk
through walls, but it's pretty rare that a code will bring a smile to
your face. This one for NovaStorm certainly falls into that category.
During the first level of NovaStorm (full version) if you type the word
"tomatoes" you'll be treated to a few new levels, enemies,
bosses, sounds--and some very unusual music.
Return to the list.
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure
- FRAMERATE -- displays the framerate, (okay, okay, who cares but it can
be a quickway to compare a couple of machines or configurations.)
- HATMAN -- turns Harry Jr. Into a stick figure. Type it again to undo.
- LETSDOTHETIMEWARP -- Access the secret Atari 2600 level.
- IDBUYTHATFORADOLLAR -- Gives you access to all levels.
- IDDQD -- Shows developers and a message.
- MEOWMEOWLIKEMEOWMAN -- Gives you nine lives.
- PUMPYOUUP -- Reloads weapons.
- EATMOREBRAN -- Gives you nine continues.
- FIVEEASYPIECES -- Access the first five levels.
Return to the list.
Quake shareware
You need to type these cheats in the console. Activate the console by hitting the tilde ~ key.
You can also type vid_mode # where # is a number 0 to 9 to change screen resolutions.
- GOD - God mode.
- IMPULSE 9 - Gives all weapons.
- IMPULSE 255 - Gives you Quad Damage.
- MAP E1M? - Level warp. Replace the ? with a value between 1-8.
- NOCLIP - No clipping mode.
- FLY - fly around use the "d" and "c" keys to move up or down.
- NOTARGET - Monsters won't target you unless you attack.
- REGISTERED 1 - Tricks the SW into thinking it is the Full version, allowing all weapons
in multi-player mode. Does not let you get into registered levels.
- GIVE - Gives you weapon #.
- GIVE S # - Gives you # Shells.
- GIVE N # - Gives you # Nails.
- GIVE R # - Gives you # Rockets.
- GIVE C # - Gives you # Cells.
- GIVE H # - Gives you Health #.
Return to the list.
Quest for Glory 2: Trial by Fire
Here's a trick for the classic game, Quest for Glory 2: Trial by Fire by
Sierra On-Line. This trick enables you to get all the money you desire.
You'll lose all the money near the end of the game, but spend all you
want until them. All you do is visit the Dervish at the desert oasis.
Get some of his beard off the tree. Return to Shapier and go to the Magic
Shop. Sell the Beard to the shop keeper for money. You can repeat this
as many times as you want, without getting more beard.
Return to the list.
Radix: Beyond the Void
Many of the cheats work only with version 1.1. This is a Descent
style game, in case you were wondering.
- NSOPTA Full weapons, shields and energy.
- NSBAGWAN Turns on Ultra Shields.
- NSBJIPP Turns on manuevering jets.
- NSDIEBESTERDS Weapons fire at a faster rate.
- NSE Full energy.
- NSOPTL Lighting turned on.
Return to the list.
Rebel Assault
After the animated LucasArts logo, move your joystick UP and press FIRE,
move the joystick DOWN and press FIRE, then move the joystick LEFT and
press FIRE, then move the joystick RIGHT and press FIRE. You'll hear a
telephone ringing and a voice answering "LucasArts," which lets you know
that the cheat mode is active. Here's where the fun begins, because you'll
be able to jump to any chapter in the game without having to write down
all those silly codes!
To go anywhere in the game, type the number of the chapter you want to
play. The chapters are number 1-9 for chapters 1-9, and A-F for chapters
10-15. Also by pressing the "+" key on the numeric keypad, you'll reset
your damage to zero, and pressing "ESC" will let you move to the next
cutscreen. Hope these cheats help Rebels everywhere!
Return to the list.
Rise of the Triad
ROTT is our winner for game with the most cheat codes (not counting
level codes). To use these codes, just type them in during a game
(remember to type the
first code, "Dipstick," to enable the cheats).
- Dipstick: Enable/Disable Cheat Codes
- Shootme: Bulletproof Armor
- Burnme: Asbestos Armor
- Chojin: Woundless With Weapons
- Booze: Drunk Missile
- Bones: FlameWall
- Toosad: God Mode (Temporary Invulnerability)
- Flyboy: Mercury Mode
- Badtrip: Shrooms Mode
- Boing: Elasto Mode
- Speed: Enable Autorun
- Panic: Restart to normal, full health, no modes, keys or guns
- Whack: Whack Yourself
- 86me: Kill Character
- Dimon: Light Diminishing On
- Dimoff: Light Diminishing Off
- Goto: Go To Another Level
- Goobers: Restart Current Level
- Gogates: Exit to DOS
- Goarch: Exit Current Level
- London: Fog On
- Nodnol: Fog Off
- Shineon: Light Sourcing On
- Shineoff: Light Sourcing Off
- Lungdung: Gas Mask
- Sixtoys: Items Aplenty
- Huntpack: Outfit Player (Bulletproof Armor, Keys, HeatSeeker)
- Johnwoo: Double Pistols
- Plugme: MP40 Machine Gun
- Vanilla: Bazooka
- Firebomb: Firebomb
- Hottimes: Heatseeker
- Seeya: Hand of God (Permanent God Mode)
- Ride: Missile Camera On/Off
- Where: Toggles Coordinate Display On/Off
Return to the list.
Type these in at the menu screens.
- VTELO -- All normal tracks available.
- INVER -- Reversed tracks available.
- MONTY -- Obstacle graphics are changed.
- JOINT -- More obstacle graphics.
- CLOCK -- Turn off that clock.
- TAZOR -- Makes the bullet car available.
- UPDOW -- Turns graphics upside down.
- MIRRO -- Mirror mode.
- ABURN -- Other cars become Bullet Cars. Careful, you can't
undo this without a reinstallation or backing up the
choice.dat file.
Return to the list.
Star Rangers
- JAVA -- enables cheats.
- SHAZAM -- invincibility.
- CAMEO -- Warp Tunnel autopilot.
- VITAMINZ -- Full fuel and ammo.
- SCOTTY -- Infinite warp.
- ISEEU -- View all enemies on the Map.
- ZOOMERZ -- time acceleration.
- BOGONS -- shows design team.
- BOXES -- Target boxes.
- DUST -- Fly through ships and objects.
- SHIFT+F12 -- low res mode.
- VOIZIS -- finish mission.
- VOIZIF -- fails mission.
Return to the list.
- GPS -- shows position.
- SPIN## -- changes music.
- OMNIPOTENT -- God mode.
- BOOMSTIX -- all weapons.
- JIMMY -- gets you some keys.
- PUMPUP -- get Powers.
- GRIPPER -- no sliding.
- ELVIS -- no clipping mode.
- RIFT## -- Level Warp 01-32.
- STONECOLD -- Kills all monsters on a level.
- DONNYTRUMP -- Gives you 300 gold.
- LEGO -- Gives you another sigil piece.
- TOPO -- Full Map Toggle (use when looking at map)
- DOTS -- FPS Ticker
- SCOOT# -- Teleport to map spot
- STUFF -- Invincibility, all weapons and keys, and a telporter beacon
- IBGOD -- Invincibility
- GUNS -- All weapons
- LISTIT -- Accessories
- OPEN -- All keys
- STIC -- Stealth Boots
- MONEY -- Money and Toughness
- KELLEM -- Kill all enemies on level
- SPIRIT -- No Clipping mode
- GOTO## -- Warp to level ## (32-34)
- MOVEME# -- Teleport to Map spot
- IDDT -- Full Map toggle (use when looking at map)
- ILIVE -- Auto use health toggle (Same as pressing F5)
- AIBRAIN -- AI toggle
- IDMYPOS -- Display co-ordinates
- IDMUS## -- Change music to track ## (01-10)
- TIC -- Devparm Toggle
Return to the list.
Super Stardust
The following codes should be entered as passwords on the title screen.
- NOBRAKES -- Full engine power.
- HARDGAME -- Makes the game harder .
- DNUMUAHCS -- Ten times more energy, but only one life.
- DIEALIENDIE -- All weapons on full power.
- JJRULES -- Thirty-five lives, all weapons on full power.
- WARHEAD -- Makes missiles detonate when they hit a target.
- ELITEMASTER -- Weapons are ten times more powerful.
- PETSKUMODE -- Enables reverse gear.
Return to the list.
Rename your team one of the following names (depending on which cheat
your want to enable) and you'll be all set.
- Nuk Them: Select any country on the map.
- To the Top: Try it and see.
- Rob a Bank: Gives money.
- Cooper Team: Get money and items.
- Watch the Clock: Speeds up the clock
allowing for faster research completion.
Return to the list.
Terminal Velocity
To access the cheats simply type in the code during gameplay.
- TRIFIR0Temporary Invincibility.
- TRIFIR1 Reloads PAC.
- TRIFIR2 Reloads ION.
- TRIFIR3 Reloads RTL.
- TRIFIR4 Reloads MAM.
- TRIFIR5 Reloads SAD.
- TRIFIR6 Reloads SWT.
- TRIFIR7 Reloads DAM.
- TRIFIR8 Recharges afterburner fuel.
- TRIFIR9 Invisibility.
- TRIFIR10 Full Invincibility.
- TRIGODS God mode plus weapons powerup.
- TRINEXT Jumps to the next level.
- TRISHLD Restores shields to full strength.
- TRSCOPE Oscilloscope.
- TRIHOVR Combat hovering.
- TRFRAME Frames-per-second.
- TRIWARP# Warps to level number you type in at #.
- TRIBURN Super afterburner booster.
- 3DREALM Weapon power-ups.
Return to the list.
Terminator: Future Shock
- BANDAID -- Replenishes power and armor.
- FIREPOWER -- Gives you all the game's weapons.
- SUPERUZI -- Gives you a super uzi with 9999 ammo.
- NEXTMISSION -- Transports you to next mission.
- TURBO -- activates turbo mode.
- ICANTSEE -- infrared sight.
- GARBLE -- Lets you see the cheats as you type them.
- WHOAMI -- Displays your coordinates
Return to the list.
Total Mayhem
To activate, CTL+SHIFT+CHEAT from the base screen.
- CTL+C: Gives 1,000 credits.
- CTL+A: Allows buying all weapons (use on base screen)
- CTL+N: Level Skip (use on base screen)
- CTL+P: Move unit to cursor (use in game)
- CTL+I: Invincible (use in game)
- CTL+R: Shield Restore (use in game)
- CTL+M: Monster toggle (use in game)
Return to the list.
To enable these cheat codes, hit enter, type one of the codes, and then
hit enter again. First use the Corwin Master Code to enable the others.
CORWIN OF AMBER enables the use of the codes below:
- THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE Makes all of your soldiers invincible
to everything except catapults, and can kill an enemy in one hit.
- HUMAN# Warp to any human mission. Replace # with the number of
the mission you want to warp to.
- ORC# Warp to any orc mission. Replace # with the number of the
mission you want to warp to.
- HURRY UP GUYS Speeds up construction and research.
- EYE OF NEWT Gets all magic spells available to your team.
- IRON FORGE Get the best weapon and shield strength.
- SALLY SHEARS Get full map (a help).
- POT OF GOLD Get 10,000 more gold and 5,000 more lumber.
- IDES OF MARCH Takes you to the final sequence.
- YOURS TRULY Takes you to the victory sequence.
- CRUSHING DEFEAT Takes you to the failure sequence.
Return to the list.
Warcraft 2
To enable the cheats hit enter while in the game, then type one of
the codes, and hit "enter" again. In multiplayer games, the cheats
effect both sides.
- UNITE THE CLANS Takes you to the scenario's victory sequence.
- YOU PITIFUL WORM Takes you to the scenario's loss sequence.
- IT IS A GOOD DAY TO DIE Gives players Godlike powers.
- GLITTERING PRIZES Adds gold, lumber and oil.
- VALDEZ Adds oil.
- HATCHET, AXE AND SAW Accelerates producion of lumber.
- EVERY LITTLE THING SHE DOES Upgrades player's magic.
- DECK ME OUT Upgrades units.
- ON SCREEN Shows whole map.
- MAKE IT SO All upgrades and construction happens faster.
- THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE Takes you to finale sequence.
- NEVER A WINNER Makes victory impossible.
- TIGERLILY Enables Scenario Jump
- ORC# or HUMAN# Jumps to mission number (Put a Number in #).
Return to the list.
Use these codes as your player name.
- SUPERMAN -- Makes your car invulnerable.
- CUPWON -- See the end of championship sequence.
- CINEMA -- Play in widescreen.
- FORMULA1 -- Access alternate cars.
- MREPRISE -- Access to the bonus set of tracks.
- MRFROSTY -- Tracks become very slippery.
- WARGATE -- Cars warp.
Return to the list.
Wing Commander I, II, III & IV
When you type in the startup command for either game (WC or WC2)
add a space then type "Origin -k" Make sure you use a
capital `O' or the cheat won't work. You'll be able to fly against
wave after wave of Kilrathi without taking damage, and destroy any
targeted ship (including the big capital ships!) at will by pressing
CTRL and DEL at the same time.
Wing Commander III is similar. You use the command line wc3 -mitchell
and then while in combat CTL-W will kill a locked on enemy, and
CTL-ALT-W will destroy all enemies in the radar map.
For Wing IV, use the command line wc4 -chicken. These controls should
work: CTRL+W to destroy targeted enemy, CTRL+ALT+W to destroy all
enemies on radar, and ALT+O to become invulnerable.
Return to the list.
First type backspace. Then type:
scooter -- for all weapons
mommy -- for all magic
wango -- for all keys
Witchaven II
First type backspace. Then type:
marketing -- God Mode.
weapons -- all weapons.
health -- restores health.
armor -- restores armor.
strength -- gets you the STR powerup.
potions -- gives all potions.
spells -- get all spells.
keys -- gets all keys.
invis -- invisibility.
level## for level warping. i.e. level01, level14 etc.
Return to the list.
Wolfenstein 3D
You need to start the game with a command line parameter:
for version 1.0 type wolf3d -next
for version 1.1 type wolf3d -goobers
Once in the game, you need to activate the cheats:
for version 1.0 press CTRL+ALT+ENTER
for version 1.1 press LSHIFT+ALT+BSPACE
Now you can use these cheat codes:
TAB+G -- God Mode
TAB+I -- Add Item
TAB+H -- Self-Mutilation
TAB+N -- No Clipping Mode
TAB+P -- Pauses Game
TAB+Q -- Exits
TAB+W -- Turbo mode
TAB+X -- Adds Extra Stuff
TAB+E -- Finishes Level
M+L+I -- Weapons, ammo and invulnerable
Return to the list.
Type BAABAA at the weapons options screen and have access to new,
devastating super-weapons.
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