(The third MEAN18 unprotect, for the current (11/87) EGA version) The current EGA version of MEAN18 (11/87) uses a more sophisticated means of copy protection than previous versions, but, as with most protection schemes, it is rather easy to break if you know what you are looking for. We do! To perform this unprotect, you will need the Norton Utilities or another file oriented editor. Load GOLF.EXE into the editor, and search for the following byte pattern: E9 C9 00 BB F1 01 If you do not find this pattern, go no further; your version of MEAN18 is not compatible with this unprotect. Replace the bytes shown above with the following byte pattern: EB 7F 90 BB F1 01 Write out the altered file. GOLF.EXE is now unprotected, and will run off floppy or hard disk without the need for the key disk. It is hard to believe that after going to the trouble of protecting the two main programs that comprise MEAN18, they'd be silly enough to use the identical scheme for both, down to the byte locations, but they WERE that silly! ARCH.EXE may be unprotected in EXACTLY the same fashion. Search for the same byte pattern shown for GOLF.EXE, and replace it with the same replacement byte pattern given above. Write out the altered file.