06-1. Where can I get the Netware APIs?
06-2. Are there alternatives to Netware's APIs?
07-1. How do I secure my server?
07-2. I'm an idiot. Exactly how do hackers get in?
Section 06
Stateside call 1-800-RED-WORD, it's $50 USD, and includes a 2-user license of Netware 4.1. Most brand-name compilers will work, but if you're writing NLMs you'll need Watcom's latest. It's the only one I know of that will do NLM linking.
Visual ManageWare by HiTecSoft (602) 970-1025
This product allows development of NLMs and DOS EXEs using a Visual Basic type development environment. Runtime royalty-free development without C/C++ and without Watcom. However links are included for C/C++ programs. The full SDK including compilers is USD$895.00. Pricey but looks good, I have not used this product.
Here is Teiwaz' edited report on the other -
Here is another source for 'c' libs for Netware. He sells both DOS / Windows style libs. The Small memory model size for DOS, a bit of source is free.
Public Domain Small Mem Model Lib
Adrian Cunnelly - adrian@amcsoft.demon.co.uk
the current price in US Dollars is:
38 Dollars - All model libraries + windows DLL
110 Dollars - Above + Source Code
One thing to keep in mind, most compromises of data occur from an employee of the company, not an outside element. They may wish to access sensitive personnel files, copy and sell company secrets, be disgruntled and wish to cause harm, or break in for kicks or bragging rights. So trust no one.
If the server has a door with a lock, lock it (some larger servers have this) and limit access to the key. This will secure the floppy drive. One paranoid site I know of keeps the monitor and CPU behind glass, so that the keyboard and floppy drive cannot be accessed by the same person at the same time.
If you only load NLMs from the SYS:SYSTEM directory, use the SECURE CONSOLE command to prevent NLMs being loaded from the floppy or other location.
A hacker could load a floppy into the drive and run one of several utility files to gain access to the server. Or they could steal a backup tape or just power off the server! By physically securing the server, you can control who has access to the server room, who has access to the floppy drive, backup tapes, and the System Console. This step alone will eliminate 75% of attack potential.
Compile a list of NLMs and their version numbers, and a list of files from the SYS:LOGIN, SYS:PUBLIC, and SYS:SYSTEM directories.
You should periodically check these files against the originals to ensure none have been altered.
Replacing the files with different ones (like using itsme's LOGIN.EXE instead of Novell's) will give the hacker access to the entire server. It is also possible that the hacker will alter .NCF or Login Scripts to bypass security or to open holes for later attacks.
Also run Security (from the SYS:SYSTEM directory) or GETEQUIV.EXE from the JRB Utilities to determine who has Supervisor access. Look for odd accounts with Supervisor access like GUEST or PRINTER.
It is also a good idea to look at Trustee Assignments and make sure access is at a minimum. Check your run from Security to see if access is too great in any areas, or run TRSTLIST from the JRB Utilities.
Security will turn up some odd errors if SUPER.EXE has been run. If you are not using SUPER.EXE, delete and rebuild any odd accounts with odd errors related to the Bindery, particularly if BINDFIX doesn't fix them yet the account seems to work okay. If a hacker put in a backdoor using SUPER.EXE, they could get in and perhaps leave other ways in.
While this won't work in large shops or shops with forgetful users, consider using the SECUREFX.NLM (or SECUREFX.VAP for 2.x). This sometimes annoying utility displays the following message on the console and to all the users after a security breach:
"Security breach against station
This will also be written to an error log. The following message is also
written the the log and to the console:
"Connection TERMINATED to prevent security compromise"
Also, it implies a machine is logged in somewhere as Supervisor, if it has been
logged in for more than 8 hours chances are it may be unattended.
This forces packet signature to be used. Clients that do not support packet
signature will not be able to access, so they will need to be upgraded if you
have any of these clients.
Remember you cannot "detect" a sniffer in use on the wire.
Do NOT use a switch to limit the RCONSOLE password to just the Supervisor
password. All you have done is set the password equal to the switch. If
you use the line "LOAD REMOTE /P=", Supervisor's password will get in (it
ALWAYS does) and the RCONSOLE password is now "/P=". Since the RCONSOLE
password will be in plain text in the AUTOEXEC.NCF file, to help secure
it try adding a non-printing character or a space to the end of the
And while you can use the encryption techniques outlined in 02-8, your
server is still vulnerable to sniffing the password.
A simple trick you can do is "bait" a potential hacker by keeping a false
AUTOEXEC.NCF file in the SYS:SYSTEM with a false RCONSOLE password (among
other things).
All other .NCF files should be moved to the C: drive as well. Remember, the
.NCF file runs as if the commands it contains are typed from the console,
making their security most important.
We will use this section as an illustrated example of how these
techniques can be used in concert to gain Supe access on the target
server. These techniques show the other thing that really helps
in Netware hacking - a little social engineering.
Assume tech support people are dialing in for after hours support.
Call up and pose as a vendor of security products and ask for
tech support person. Called this person posing as a local company
looking for references, ask about remote dial-in products. Call
operator of company and ask for help desk number. Call help desk
after hours and ask for dial-in number, posing as the tech support
person. Explain home machine has crashed and you've lost number.
Dial in using the proper remote software and try simple logins
and passwords for dial-in software if required. If you can't get
in call help desk especially if others such as end users use dial-in.
Upload alternate LOGIN.EXE and PROP.EXE, and edit AUTOEXEC.BAT
to run the alternate LOGIN.EXE locally. Rename PROP.EXE to IBMNBIO.COM
and make it hidden.
Before editing AUTOEXEC.BAT change the date and time of the PC
so that the date/time stamp reflects the original before the edit.
Dial back in later, rename PROP.EXE and run it to get Accounts
and passwords.
Summary - Any keystroke capture program could produce the same
results as the alternate LOGIN.EXE and PROP.EXE, but you end up
with a Supe equivalent account.
Load a DOS-based packet sniffer, call the sys admin and report
a FATAL DIRECTORY ERROR when trying to access the server. He predictively
will use RCONSOLE to look at the server and his packet conversation
can be captured. He will find nothing wrong (of course).
Study the capture and use the RCON.FAQ to obtain the RCONSOLE
password. Log in as GUEST, create a SYSTEM subdirectory in the
home directory (or any directory on SYS:). Root map a drive to
the new SYSTEM, copy RCONSOLE.* to it, and run RCONSOLE. Once
in try to unload CONLOG and upload BURGLAR.NLM to the real SYS:SYSTEM.
Created a Supe user (i.e. NEWUSER) and then typed CLS to clear
the server console screen.
Log in as NEWUSER. Erase BURGLAR.NLM, new SYSTEM directory and
its contents.
Run PURGE in those directories. Turn off Accounting if on. Give
GUEST Supe rights. Set toggle with SUPER.EXE for NEWUSER. Run
FILER and note SYS:ETC\CONSOLE.LOG (if CONLOG was loaded) owner
and create date, as well as SYS:SYSTEM\SYS$ERR.LOG owner and create
date. Edit SYS:ETC\CONSOLE.LOG and remove BURGLAR.NLM activity,
including RCONSOLE activity. Edit and remove
RCONSOLE activity from SYS:SYSTEM\SYS$ERR.LOG as well. After saving
files, run FILER and restore owner and dates if needed. Run PURGE
in their directories.
Logout and login as GUEST and set SUPER.EXE toggle. Remove NEWUSER
Supe rights and logout. Login as NEWUSER with SUPER.EXE and remove
GUEST Supe rights. Finally logout and login as GUEST with SUPER.EXE
and turn on Accounting if it was on.
Summary - You have created a backdoor into the system that will
not show up as somthing unusual in the Accounting log. Login as
GUEST using SUPER.EXE and turn off Accounting. Logout and back
in as NEWUSER with SUPER.EXE, do what you need to do (covering
file alterations with Filer), and logout. Log back in as GUEST
and turn on Accounting. The NET$ACCT.DAT file shows only GUEST
logging in followed by GUEST logging out.
Turn on Accounting
Once Accounting is turned on, you can track every login and logout to the
server, including failed attempts.Don't Use the Supervisor Account
Leaving the Supervisor logged in is an invitation to disaster. If packet
signature is not being used, someone could use HACK.EXE and gain access to the
server as Supervisor. HACK spoofs packets to make them look like they came from
the Supervisor to add Supe equivalence to other users.Use Packet Signature
To prevent packet spoofing (i.e. HACK.EXE) enforce packet signature. Add the
following line to your AUTOEXEC.NCF -Use RCONSOLE Sparingly (or not at all)
When using RCONSOLE you are subject to a packet sniffer getting the packets
and getting the password. While this is normally above the average user's
expertise, DOS-based programs that put the network interface card into
promiscuous mode and capture every packet on the wire are readily available
on the Internet. The encryption method is not foolproof.Move all .NCF files to a more secure location (3.x and above)
Put your AUTOEXEC.NCF file in the same location as the SERVER.EXE file. If a
server is compromised in that access to the SYS:SYSTEM directory is available
to an unauthorized user, you will at least have protected the AUTOEXEC.NCF
file.Use the Lock File Server Console option in Monitor (3.x and above)
Even if the RCONSOLE password is discovered, the Supe password is discovered,
or physical access is gained, a hard to guess password on the console will
stop someone from accessing the console.Add EXIT to the end of the System Login Script
By adding the EXIT command as the last line in the System Login Script,
you can control to a degree what the user is doing. This eliminates the
potential for personal Login Script attacks, as described in section 03-6.Upgrade to Netware 4.1
Besides making a ton of Novell sales and marketing people very happy, you
will defeat most of the techniques described in this faq. Most well-known
hacks are for 3.11. If you don't want to make the leap to NDS and 4.1, at
least get current and go to 3.12.07-2. I'm an idiot. Exactly how
do hackers get in?
Exploitation #1
Exploitation #2