00000 00000000 00000 0000 0 ////___\\\\ //////CAPTAIN \\\\\\ ////// CRATONIC \\\\\\ //////// \\\\\\\ /////////// PRESENTS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Foraging for sustenance without the requisite transition metal Exchange media OR How to get free food from vending machines You will need a: some type of squirt bottle that generates a narrow stream b: salt (table). c: a buddy to cover your six! (This is a must in many activities like this, the pseudo paranoid among us are the ones who don't get busted) Mix a concentrated solution of warm salt water up and fill your bottle, then find a vending machine and liberally hose this mixture into the coin slot. I have not personally performed the hosing but i have stumbled onto a machine in a dorm once that had recently had it done and we emptied it, I shit you not, apparently the mechanism is shorted out and the machine just dispenses any item selected again and again. So now boys and girls lets get out there and raise that blood pressure and harden those arteries! :) P.S. I believe that this works best/maybe only on the older machines that use a screw system to dispense. In the future from Captain Cratonic- Beat a smogcheck, how to moderate or get out of speeding tickets ( or not get them in the first place), Thanks to Phucking Phreak Digital Avatar For being some of the first to welcome me into this new environment, IIII CCCaant GGGet EnnnOUGH Of IIt.