------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Art of Shoplifting By: Charisma Part I: The Basics - Bookstores (porno magazines) without a security system Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for anyone that goes out and tries to rob a store using the methods described in this text file. This file is just for people to read. If someone decides to blame me for getting caught trying to shoplift using the methods here I will hire Kenneth Starr and start to dig into your past and start up a whole scandal over your abusive sexual molesting parents. I am just using my right to the 1st ammendment! Remember SHOPLIFTING IS ILLIGAL!! (Blah Blah Blah) Shoplifting Porno Magazines What you will need: A brain, eyes, ears, baggy clothes optional- a friend (may be hard to get for you loners) Instructions: I do not recommend that you do this if you are either noisy, uncoridnated, crack easily while being questioned if you screw up, or go around looking like a street bum. OK, this is what you do. Walk into the store that you want to rip off. Check around to see if the store has any Video cameras, magnetic strip detectors, or nosy personel. Most of you should know what a video camera looks like (unless you live in the 3rd world, which makes me wonder how you got a computer to read this file) so I won't get into that. Magnetic Strip detectors are those big bulky rectangular shaped things that are next to the main enterance. You can tell if personel are nosy if they look at you when you walk in or ask you if you need any help. Nosey personell are the easiest to get off your back, just go up and ask THEM for help. Ask them for a book that you are 100% sure they do not have. If they do hve the book bluff your way out of it by asking them if they can hold it for you for a couple of days. DO NOT say you do not have the money to buy it beacause they will act even nosier when you start looking around for books when you don't have any money to buy it. When they say they don't have it act as polite as possible, and get down to work. Go to the magazine section and start looking at magazines. Inch your way to the Porno section. When at the Porno section pick up the Porno magazine of your choice and go to the Children's section. In the children's section you can stuff the Porno mag down your pants. If you want more porno (or a Newsweek) go back to the Magazine section and repeat the steps in the childrens section. This method works best when you have a friend with you so he can check you to see if the magazine shows through your clothes. Leave the store immidiatly after you rip it off. DO NOT TAKE THE MAGAZINE OUT OF YOUR PANTS UNTILL YOU GET HOME. I don't know how to stress this more. A store owner followed me down the street once because he suspected me of stealing from him. He stopped me and asked me a couple of questions while examining me visually for any sign of abnormalities in my clothing. He didn't, but it was a CLOSE call. Also if a store owner stops you on your way out and tells you to put back the magazine you stole pretend you don't know what he is talking about. Then to the following three things. 1. DENY 2. DENY 3. DENY He cannot search you unless he has a warant or unless he has a video or a witness showing or telling that you did. He will have to let you go!! When I was obsessed with shoplifting I got away with five whole magazines from one shoplift!! In the next Issue of The Art of Shoplifting........................Stealing from candy stores Written by: CharismaŠ 3/6/98