-- R E F E R E N C E M A T E R I A L S -- BOOKS, REPORTS & TAPES BY IRWIN SCHIFF BOOKS and REPORTS: ================== The Great Income Tax Hoax, by Irwin Schiff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was the publication of this book in March, 1985 that caused the author's arrest in April of 1985. It contains the most comprehensive analysis of the income tax ever written, and uniquely explains why the income tax was declared unconstitutional in 1895, why the 16th Amendment was passed, and how that Amendment (which "amended" nothing) has been totally ignored by the government. The book thoroughly details the historic and constitutional development of the income tax from its earliest direct taxing roots, through the income tax passed during the Civil War, to its modern counterpart. It contains the only accurate description of the legal meaning of "income" ever to appear in print. In reviewing this book for the Copley News Service, Ralph de Toledano stated: "Puts to shame our economists, our legal profession, our great law schools, the federal judiciary, and the Justice Department ... should be in every university library and on the bookshelves of every senator and congressman." The book reveals how the Supreme Court has so emasculated the Constitution as to render that document practically meaningless today. Numerous tactics for frustrating the IRS and combatting its illegal procedures are presented. Extensive appendix material also provides an eye-opening understanding of the illegal nature of *all* U.S. coin and currency. Must reading. An indispensible companion to 'The Federal Mafia'. Hardcover, 568 pages, index. @17.95 How Anyone Can Stop Paying Income Taxes, by Irwin Schiff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Published in 1982, this book became an instant best seller which sold out of its first printing of 30,000 in nine weeks. It was directly responsible for the many punitive provisions that were added to the Internal Revenue Code in 1983, as the government sought to prevent, punish and intimidate the public from using the lawful procedures presented in the book for stopping the voluntary payment of income taxes. While the book is more limited in scope than is 'The Federal Mafia', and while it duplicates a good deal of the material, it is still extremely readable and covers some aspects of the income tax and the author's battle against it, that were not covered in that book. It will also be helpful to those who want a more complete and thorough understanding of the subject. Hardcover, 179 pages, while supplies last. @10.00 The Social Security Swindle -- How Anyone Can Drop Out, by Irwin Schiff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A comprehensive and extremely readable expose' of Social Security, the *biggest chain-letter* of them all. The book thoroughly refutes every actuarial, economic and social claim ever made for this socialistic scam, and reveals the absurdity of any belief that future Social Security "surpluses" will be able to pay future claims. The continual misrepresentations by the government, of the real Ponzi-like nature of this scam, is fully documented. The fraudulent basis upon which the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of this swindle (after it had been correctly held as being unconstitutional by the First Circuit Court of Appeals) is alone worth the price. Hardcover, 256 pages. @13.00 The Biggest Con: How The Government Is Fleecing You, by Irwin Schiff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Over 100,000 copies of Schiff's first book, an economic classic, are in print. The book will give you a thorough understanding of economics and is guaranteed to make you an expert on the subject -- *even if you read nothing else*! It will convince you that most American "economists" don't know what they are talking about -- which is why this country is in such deep economic and financial trouble. It provides irrefutable proof of how the federal government has been continually undermining the American economy and forcing a lower standard of living on us all. While the book covers many complex topics (such as: why all U.S. coin and currency is counterfeit, how the U.S. declared bankruptcy in 1971, how the government *hides* and *doesn't report* 90 percent of its debts, and the absurdity of its gross national product statistics), it does so in the humorous and entertaining style of Irwin Schiff. "The single most important book on the status of this nation I have ever read," said Howard Ruff, editor of The Ruff Times. Softcover, 359 pages, index. @8.00 How An Economy Grows And Why It Doesn't ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by Irwin Schiff with illustrations by Vic Lockman ------------------------------------------------- Now there is *no excuse* for *anyone* not knowing the subject of economics. It should not take you more than 45 minutes to read this 108-page, fully illustrated book which will provide you with a thorough understanding of why some economies grow, and others do not. Although the book deals with complex economic issues, such as: where capital comes from and how it is wasted and destroyed; the *sole* cause of inflation and why governments produce it; where credit comes from and how governments waste it; the basis of profit and how it benefits everyone -- it does so in a way that any junior high school student will understand. Many an "economics" major will not have learned in four years what this book can teach any teenager in under an hour. Never again be intimidated by the mumbo-jumbo of economic "experts." Softcover. @7.00 The Kingdom of Moltz, by Irwin Schiff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A delightful tale of our monetary system written and fully illustrated so even a child of 10 can understand it. Primarily a tale about inflation -- where it comes from and why we have it. "I laughed so hard I cried. Schiff's book is the greatest thing since sliced bread," commented Dr. Camille Castornia, economics professor at St. John's University. Softcover. (Currently out of print) @5.00 -- when it becomes available The Schiff Audio Report ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Schiff Audio Report consists of a series of six 60-minute cassette tapes designed to be sent out over a six to 12-month period. These tapes will enable the author to update the material in 'The Federal Mafia'. In addition, the first two tapes of the first series focus on the eight most important aspects of the income tax (and how the government illegally collects it), so that subscribers will achieve a solid grasp of these fundamentals and become powerful and effective advocates of this subject. This can be achieved while you drive around in your car. In addition, these initial tapes expose a number of fallacies which are misleading many in the tax movement, and interfering with their understanding of this subject. This series will correct the situation. @65.00 The Federal Mafia: How It Illegally Imposes and Unlawfully Collects Income Taxes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by Irwin Schiff --------------- See the posting titled 'Federal Mafia' by Pendracon for an informative introduction to this book. @23.00 ====================================================================== These books will usually NOT be found in local bookstores. 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