BIG BROTHER SPIES ON WHOM? For nearly a half century a primary influence upon all our lives has been the fact that Russia exist as an implacable, unswervable danger to our way of life. Thus we justify confiscatory taxes, mushrooming government spending, various "police actions" in which a good many "policemen" died, and, for a long time, a peacetime draft. And, although they are much less in the public eye, spy satellites. I believe most Americans would be surprised to learn of the enormity of this satellite network, not only in terms of the hardware in space, but also the hardware on earth required to service it, and the large number of people involved in the systems. of course, all of this expenditure of valuable resources is justified by that old bugaboo, Communism. But now that Communism is being discarded - at least in its most obvious and inefficient form - won't this satellite network be allowed to fade away? I d on't think so. In fact, as the idea of one-world government becomes ever closer to reality, the existing satellite systems will fit into the picture so perfectly that one might almost believe that surveillance of our Russian "enemies" was merely a ruse to get the stuff into space in the first place. I am assuming that, gathered under one super-government by means of one-world currency, there might be among us at least a few individuals who feel sufficiently oppressed to attempt to refrain their freedom. A sort of underground, in other words. But Big Brother is watching, and far more efficiently than George Orwell ever dreamed. For almost twenty years now,a satellite names Rhyolite has been able to monitor telephone calls from space. In fact, it can monitor 11,000 such calls simultaneously. Additionally, it can listen in on walkie-talkie communications, and intercept telemetr y signals. Newer satellites of the same type, over twenty-two thousand miles in space, can intercept microwave transmissions and radio traffic. Of course, there are the old plain-Jane photographic type spy satellites, too. Armed with image-enhancement devices, these can give incredible data. For instance, the KH-11 satellite, equipped with something akin to a telescope with flexible mirrors to adapt to the distortions of the atmosphere, can read the license plates of the cars in your driveway! If you happed to leave a copy of this Bulletin in your back yard, the reconnaissance expert who studies the images from this satellite may be able to re ad the society's name from the top of this page. The Lacrosse satellite doesn't use light waves to record images - that would limit its use to clear skies and daylight. Rather, it beams microwaves down to earth, and measures their reflected energy on a grid of thousands of detectors on panels twelve by forty-eight feet! From two hundred and seventy-five miles above the earth, this technology can yield images of objects as small as three feet across, day or night, cloud cover or not. Incidentally, this satellite costs about half a billion - in the sam e league as the B2 bomber. There are critics aplenty of this "Stealth" aircraft, but I've heard no criticism of the stealth satellite. Of course, the aircraft is only useful in bombing enemy targets, whereas the satellite can assist in bringing troublemak ers under control without all that messy nuclear debris and loss of property. So we are free men and women, right? Yes, sure we are. Of course, the government can keep track of our spending via the paper trail we leave with checks and credit cards. When the magnetic stripes are put into our currency, it will even be able to tell the amount of money we're carrying as we pass through detectors, without our even being aware of it. If we attend a seminar on, let us say, "personal freedom," our license plates may be detected from hundreds of miles away, via satellite. Our phone calls can be overheard without the clumsy and detectable addition of a "bug" to our line; and should we become so paranoid as to communicate by walkie-talkie, even that will be heard by Big Brother. Don't even think about ham radio! It is especially galling that all of this is justified by the need for "security". Security for whom? Does the rabbit feel secure, knowing he is watched by the fox? ndred From: The Bulletin of the Monetary Realist Society, July 1990, #120 P.O. Box 31044, St. Louis, Mo. 63131 ox? ndred From: