CyberPunk Books and Short Stories Some books are not truely CyberPunk, but they contain enough Cpunk to warrant mention here. This list is a list of MUST READS from GURPS: CyberPunk The Adolescense of PI - Thomas P Ryan Borderlands, Bordertown - Terri Windling, editor Burning Chrome, Count Zero, Mona Lisa Overdrive, Neuromancer - William Gibson Eclipse, Eclipse Penumbra - John Shirley A Fire in the Sun - George Alec Effinger Schismatrix, Islands in the Net - Bruce Sterling Mirrorshades - Bruce Sterling, editor The Ophiuchi Hotline - John Varley Shockwave Rider, Stand on Zanzibar - John Brunner Software - Rudy Drucker True Names - Vernor Vinge Vacuum Flowers - Michael Swanwick Web of Angels - John M Ford Cobra - Timothy Zahn This list is a list of other works, some true Cpunk, others just related. 1984 - George Orwell Aiki - John Gilbert Alien Speedway - Roger Zelany Alien, Aliens - Alan Dean Foster Alongside Night - J Neil Schulman Angel Station - Walter John Williams The Annals of the Heechee - Frederic Pohl The Artificial Kid - Bruce Sterling Brave New World - Aldous Huxley Catspaw - Joan Vinge City Come a Walkin' - John Shirley A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess Cobra Bargain, Cobra Strike - Timothy Zahn Colonies in Space - T A Heppenheimer Colony - Ben Bova Company Man - Joe Clifford Faust Computer Lib/Dream Machines - Ted Nelson (personal must read, but not Cpunk) The Cybernetic Samurai - Victor Milan Cyteen - C J Cherryh Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (Bladerunner) - Phillip K Dick Dr Adder - K W Jeter Dreams of Flesh and Sand, Dreams of God and Men - W T Quick Eclipse Corona - John Shirley Electric Forest - Tanith Lee Emerald Eyes - Daniel Keys Moran Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury Friday - Robert Heinlein Frontera - Lewis Shiner Future Shock - Alvin Toffler (Non-Fiction) Giant's Star - James Hogan The Glass Hammer - K W Jeter The God Game - Andrew Greeley Gravity's Rainbow - Thomas Pynchon Hardwired - Walter Jon Williams When Harlie Was One - David Gerrold The High Frontier - Gerard K O'Neill (Non-Fiction) The High Road - Ben Bova The Human Use of Human Beings - Norbert Weiner (Non-Fiction) Hunter/Victim - Robert Sheckley In the Drift - Micheal Swanwick The Iron Dream - Norman Spinrad Johnny Zed - John Gregory Betancourt Lacey and His Friends - David Drake Lifeburst - Jack Willamson Little Heroes - Norman Spinrad Lord of Light - Roger Zelazny Marooned in Realtime - Vernor Vinge Masterplay - William F Wu The Matrix - John Quarterman (Non-Fiction) Max Headroom - Steve Roberts Megatrends - John Naisbitt (Non-Fiction) Memory Wire - Robert Charles Wilson Mercedes Nights - Michael D Weaver Millennia - Ben Bova Mindhopper - James B Johnson Mindkiller - Spider Robinson The Mutants are Coming - Isodore Haiblum Oath of Fealty - Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle Outland - Alan Dean Foster Proteus Unbound - Charles Sheffield Psychodrome, Psychodrome II - Simon Hawke RoboCop - Ed Naha Sight of Proteus - Charles Sheffield Sleepwalker's World - Gordon Dickson Silico Sapiens - Joseph Deken Svaha - Charles de Lint The Taking of Satcom Station - Jim Baen and Barney Cohen The Tenth Victim - Robert Sheckley The Third Wave - Alvin Toffler (Non-Fiction) This Cybernetic World - V L Parsegian (Non-Fiction) This Perfect Day - Ira Levin Time Pressure - Spider Robinson Tom Paine Maru - L Neil Smith Tower to the Sky - Philip C Jennings Valentina - Delany and Stiegler Victim Prime - Robert Sheckley Voice of the Whirlwind - Walter Jon Williams Warbots - Harry G Stine Wetware - Rudy Rucker Wild Card Run - Sara Stamey The next list is a list of Comic Books and Graphic Novels Akira American Flagg (important) Appleseed Batman The Dark Night Returns Bubblegum Crisis Cyberpunk Dirty Pair (important) Eagle Electric Warrior Grendel Grey Haywire Johnny Nemo Magazine Judge Dredd (important) Marshal Law Outlanders Shatter Sonic Disruptors Those Annoying Post Brothers Time 2 V for Vendetta Watchmen Zenon Movies and Television The Abyss Akira Alien Aliens Android Blade Runner (important) Brainstorm Brazil cafe Flesh Cherry 2000 A Clockwork Orange Deathwatch Dead End Drive In Eliminators Escape Form New York Futureworld Hands of Steel Liquid Sky Logan's Run Looker Metropolis Max Headroom (important) 1984 Outland Overdrawn at the Memory Bank Parts: THe Clonus Horror The Questor Tapes Radioactive Dreams Repo Man Robocop (important) Rollerball Runaway Saturn 3 Scanners The Six Million Dollar Man 2001: A Space Odyssey The Terminal Man THX 1138 Trancers Tron (important) Videodrome Wired to Kill Westworld Magazines, Electronic Newsletters, and E-mail type stuff 2600 (Non-Fiction) Aboriginal SF Amazing Analog Cybertech (Non-Fiction) Fantasy & Science Fiction The Illuminati BBS (512) 447-4449 Isaac Asimovs's Magazine of Science Fiction Legion of Doom Technical Journal (Non-Fiction) Mondo 2000 (Non-Fiction) Phrack, Inc (Non-Fiction) Reality Hackers (Non-Fiction) TAP (Non-Fiction) USENET: alt.hackers (Non-Fiction) and alt.cyberpunk That is the end of the list for now. If anyone has additions, feel free to add to the list, but please make the fairly easy to tell from the original, because if I ever see this list again, I will Download it, and check out the new stuff. Typed by Nessus Source GURPS: Cyberpunk