FINDER'S FEES -- THE EASIEST MONEY YOU'LL EVER MAKE All you need to start is a typewriter, business letterhead & a telephone. It is not uncommon for a professional finder to earn over $100,000 a year. One finder earned $75,000 per month for 5 years. He saw an item in a newsletter offering 10,000 barrels of crude oil per day for 5 years. Putting that seller together with a buyer at a small refinery,he earned a fee of only 25› per barrel, and collected his fee of $75,000 every month for 5 years. How about trading less than $1 in postage and a couple hours easy work for $100. Not a big fee but it was so easy another finder couldn't pass it up. Reading a "collectors" magazine, he came across an ad seeking some college memorabilia from a college near his home. He made some local telephone calls, located the items wanted, wrote a letter, and earned an easy $100. A finder is nothing more than a "matchmaker" for a fee. The professional finder simply matches qualified buyers with qualified sellers for a fee. A finder is not a pre-seller, dealer, representative or agent. Jim Straw, a nationally known publisher and entrepreneur, who has been a professional finder for over 30 years, has written the only course in being a professional finder. Order Finder's Fees - The Easiest Money You'll Ever Make for $100 postpaid from the publishers, Phlander Company, Dept. 70197, P. O. Box 5385, Cleveland TN 37320. It sounds expensive, but as a consultation in print with a man who has made millions as a finder, it is a very inexpensive way to learn from his mistakes. If a product or service can be sold or bought, there is a potential finder's fee just waiting for a finder with the "know-how" to earn it. There are finder's fees to be earned in every small town or big city, in every state and country. All you need to do is match-up the buyers and sellers, put them together, sit-back and collect your fees. And you can start your own finder's fee business for less than it would cost you for a good meal at a fine restaurant. All you really need is a typewriter, business letterhead, and a telephone to get started.