Short Wave Frequency Allocations Uploaded by THE RESEARCHER This is a list of short wave bands as allocated by the FCC. I have found it useful as a general quide when exploring the short wave spectrum. 540-1600 Standard Broadacast Band 1600-1800 Utilities 1800-2000 160 Meter Amateur Band 2000-2150 Costal Fixed 2150-2300 Costal 2300-2505 120 Meter Broadcasting Band 2505-2850 Fixed 2850-3155 Aeronautical 3155-3200 Fixed 3200-3400 90 Meter Broadcasting Band 3400-3500 Aeronautical 3500-4000 80 Meter Amateur Band 4000-4230 Fixed 4230-4440 Coastal 4440-4650 Fixed 4650-4750 Aeronautical 4750-5060 60 Meter Broadcasting Band 5060-5450 Fixed 5450-5730 Aeronautical 5730-5950 Fixed 5950-6200 49 Meter Broadcasting Band 6200-6525 Coastal 6525-6765 Aeronautical 6765-7000 Fixed 7000-7300 40 Meter Amateur - 41 Meter Int. Broadcasting 7300-8495 Fixed 8495-8815 Costal 8815-9040 Aeronautical 9040-9500 Fixed 9500-9775 31 Meter International Broadcasting Band 9775-9995 Fixed 9995-10100 Aeronautical 10100-11175 Fixed 11175-11400 Aeronautical 11400-11700 Fixed 11700-11975 25 Meter International Broadcasting Band 11975-12689 Fixed 12689-13200 Coastal 13200-13360 Aeronautical 13360-14000 Fixed 14000-14335 20 Meter Amateur Band 14335-14940 Fixed 14940-15100 Aeronautical 15100-15450 19 Meter International Broadcasting Band 15450-16917 Fixed 16917-17360 Coastal 17360-17700 Fixed 17700-17900 16 Meter International Broadcasting Band 17900-18030 Aeronautical 18030-19990 Fixed 19990-20010 20010-21000 Fixed 21000-21450 15 Meter Amateur Band 21450-21750 13 Meter International Broadcasting Band 21750-21850 Fixed 21850-22000 Aeronautical 22000-22720 Coastal 22720-23200 Fixed 23200-23350 Aeronautical 23350-25600 Fixed 25600-26100 11 Meter International Broadcasting Band 26100-28000 Fixed (Also CB in U.S. and Canada) 28000-29700 10 Meter Amateur Band 29700-30000 Fixed Signal Strength (S) 1--Faint; signals barely perceptible 2--Very weak signals 3--Weak signals 4--Fair signals 5--Fairly good signals 6--Good signals 7--Moderately strong signals 8--Strong signals 9--Extremely strong signals RST Method of Signal Reports 1--Unreadable 2--Barely readable; occassional words distinguishable 3--Readable with considerable difficulty 4--Readable with practically no difficulty 5--Perfictly readable DOWNLOADED FROM P-80 SYSTEMS