P.H.I.R.M. NEWSLETTER FIRST ISSU E TO SCAN MAN OF P-80 SYSTEMS: THANKS FOR BEING THERE BIG GUY TABLE OF CONTENTS ART. # SUBJECT MATERIAL AU THOR ------- ------------------------------ ------------ --- ...1 Introduction to P.H.I.R.M. Blade Runner ...2 Chilton Creditmatic [revised] RYCHE ...3 Passing The Polygraph Blade Runner ...4 Product News Sir Gamelord 06/31/86 05:00 HRS Introduction to P.H.I.R.M. This file was first displaye d on the Hub of the Phreak World P-80 SYSTEMS -+=From BLADE RUNNER=+- The P.H.I.R.M. was founded to serve the Information Sciencti sts and Telecommunications Hobbyists community. It has, at vario us times incurred the ill will of political parties in the Hack ing Phreaking community but is now recovering from the oboloquy heaped upon it, and we hope to prove it to be a worthwhi le addition to your information library. The purpose of thi s work is not so much to appease the curisoty of non-member s, but to familiarize all with the purposes and work of t he P.H.I.R.M. P.H.I.R.M. literally translates to Phreaking & Hacking information Resourse Media, but there is a more Esoteric translation for those actively involved in the projects and interests of the pride. We, in an attempt to futh er intelligent exchange of ideas and opprutunity, have created a n enviornment where technicians with varied backgrounds may un ite with the interests of common goals. Whether ones enthu siasm is for Technical Writing, Speech Recognition & Synthesis , Electronics, Programming, Telecommunications or other NONDESTRUCTIVE Industries or Applications we meet all wi th imperial encouragement and respect. P.H .I.R.M. Oriented Sub-bases Many local & extra-state BBS Sy stems contain P.H.I.R.M. sub-bases for the purpose of keeping me mbers apprised of recent developments in projects in which they have vital interests and are accesible only by valid technicians , administrators and or project directors. This measure was ta ken for the following reasons: A. To assure participa nts that their work would not be comprimised. B. So that P.H.I.R.M. members lists and information should not be obtained by those with malevolent intent. C. So that P.H.I.R.M. project activists may share a common database with respect to their chosen project or specialization. FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS As Dallas becomes more involved in National Defense and Communications Technologies we will con centrate more on the new wave of Operating Systems and Computer Based Intelligence that will be required to support the advance s that are being made. In an effort to keep everyone, members an non-members up to date on these matters we invite you cal l and participate in the endeavors of the following P.H.I.R.M. a ssociated Bulliten Board Systems: THE WORL DS GRAVE ELITE 214-956-9499 Primary Login=DOOMSDAY THEIVES UN DERGROUND ELITE 214-357-6446 SATCOM IV - P.H.I.R.M. 214 -221-4216 Thank you for your interests! We Look forward to your comments! BLADE RUNNER (PRESID ENT) P.H.I.R.M. -=:> Chilton Corp. Credimatic <:=- -=:] By: Ryche [:=- 5/30/86 This is the complete version of Hackin g Chilton. There is another one that is floating around thats not as complete. If you see it anywhere please ask the sysop to kill it and put this one in its place. The Chilton Corp. is a major credit firm located on Greenville Ave. in Dallas. Her e is where alot of the companies that you apply for credit, check you and your neighbors credit records. Unlike other cr edit systems such as TRW and CBI. This one contains the record s for people with good credit and doesnt wipe out some of the n umbers of the cards themselves. All information is complet e and includes full numbers as well as the bank that issued it, limit, payments due, payments late, their SSN, current & former address, and also their current and former employer. A ll you need to know to access these things is the full name, and address of your "victim". Now, before I get into the full aspects of how to use the Chilton I would like to state one th ing: The information found inside this system puts forth the o portunity for credit card fraud. I do not, and will not endor se the use of this system for these or other similar purpose s. I am only writing this to inform others about how such comp anies and firms check up on your credit. Now, how to hack the Chilton. Well, the Chilton system is located in Dallas an d the direct dialup (300/100) is 214-xxx-xxxx. Be in half dup lex and hit return about 10 times until it starts to echo you r returns. There is a command to connect with E-mail that you must put in before echoing return. By echoing the return key your signifying that you want the credit system. I wont go into E-mail since there is nothing of special interest there in th e first place. If you are interested in it, try variations of /x** (x=A,B,C,etc.). All input is in upper case mind you. Back to the credit part, once you echo return, you can type: DTS Ct rl-s if you really need to see the date and time or you can s imply start hacking. By this, I mean: SIP/4char. Ctrl-s This is the Sign In Password command followed by a 4 character alpha nu meric password, all caps as I said before. You can safely attempt this twice without anyone knowing your there. Afte r the third failed attempt the company printer activates itse lf by printing "Login Attempt Failed". This is not a wise thing to have printed out while your trying to hack into it since th ere is always someone there. If you try twice and fail, hit Ctrl -d, call back echo, and try again. You can keep doing this as long as you wish since there is no other monitoring device than that printer I mentioned before. And since this only acti vates when you fail to login correct you can safely say ther e is little if no danger of your discovery. I would sugge st going through a diverter though since Chilton does have access to tracing equipment. About the passwords, as far as I know, there are 3 different classes of them with varying pri veledges, these are: 1-User/Employee 2-Permanent/Secretary 3-In put Output The first one is just to look and pull credit report s. These passwords go dead every Sunday night at 11:00pm or so. The new ones are good from Monday to Sunday night. Even though y our pass is good for one week, there are limited times you can use this. The credit system is only accessible at these times: Mon-Fri: 8:00am to 11:00pm, Sat: 8:00am to 9:00pm, and Sun:8: 00am to 6:00pm The second class is the same as the first exce pt that these only change whenever someone leaves the co mpany. These were originally supposed to be set up for the s ecretaries so that if they ever need quick access they could w/o having to go down to the Credit Dept. every week for a new pass word. The third is one I have never gotten..yet. It has the a billity to alter a persons credit reports for one month. At t he first of the month the system updates all reports and changes your alterations to the credit reports. Doing this though would warrant going through a diverter since your fucking with someones life now. Once you have hacked a pass and it accepts the entry it will display the warning: ****WARNING! UNATHORI ZED ACCESS OF THIS SYSTEM IS A FEDERAL CRIME!**** or some o ther such bullshit. Ignore it and go on. After this you should be left to input something. This is where you enter eithe r In Houston Mode, System Mode or Reporting Mode. In House Mo de will give you the reports for the people living in Dal las/Fort Worth and surrounding counties. System Mode is g ood for surrounding states that include: Massachussettes, Illinois, Louisiana, Missouri, Arkansas, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, some of New Jersey, and a few others I cant remember. Guess you'll have to experiment. Reporting is a mode used for g etting transcripts of a persons reports and would require you to input a companies authorization number. So for this phile le ts stick to In House and System. Get your victims stats ready a nd enter a mode: In House: I/NH Ctrl-s System: I/S Ctrl-s Afte r that its time to pull records. Type in: I/N-Last Name/F -First Name/L-Street Name/Z-Zip Code/** Ctrl-s If you dont know his street name, use 'A' and it will go into a global search ro utine until it finds name that match or are at least 80% simil ar to the one you used. Although the Zip Code is not needed and can be left out, it does narrow the search field down co nsiderably. Once it finds the name, it will show you his Name, SSN, Current Address, Employer, and former ones if th ere are any. Right after his name you will see a ID number. S orta like: #100-xxxxx Write this down as it is your key to getti ng his reports. After it finishes listing what it has on him its time to see the full story. Type N/100-xxxxx/M/D Ctrl-s What it will display now is: his whole credit history. When you first pulled his ID number you might have seen he had two names but with a variance like middle name or a mispelled address. Pull both of them as they are just an error in whoever put the reports in. I would suggest capturing this so that you can re ference back to it w/o having to access the system every time. T here are other ways to get into Chilton through Tymenet but I h ave no idea of the procedures for this and it is a waste of time. If you happen to get the name and address of an employee o f the company forget the idea of pulling his stats, Chilton d oesnt allow employee records to be in there. One very good ide a put forth not too long ago was the possibility of going thr ough the phone book and picking names at random. You could find out where they worked and if by chance they worked for something like a TI Computer Operator or something of value t o the hacmPworld you could try and bullshit a pass or access t o something even more exciting. Credit Reports and the other in formation I presented here could be used for many purposes othe r than what I have covered here. I do not care what you do with the information but be advised I will not take any res ponsibillity for the readers actions. < >>>> Ryche <<<<> The Zen of Passing The Dreaded Po lygraph Test By Blade Runner There arises a time in the life of most Phreaks Hackers and believe i t or not, non-resistance type people when they find themselves apprehensive about, or in the electronic clutches of the Lie Det ector or Polygraph Machine. Supposedly this device can help certified polygraph operators determine whether or not a individual being monitored is telling the truth or is being no t so truthful, nevertheless, I can tell you that there are times when the machine will work and there are times when it will not , and maybe few things that will help you along in the process o f passing the dreaded Lie Detector Test. The Polygraph can only tell the operator things about changes that are takin g place in your body as he/she has come to understand it. The Polygraph machine measures: o Blood Pressure o Respiratory Motion o Pulse Rate o Galvanic Skin Resistance It is th ese measurements that usually give the deception away to the operator. When you enter into the session area you will be asked to sit down in a rather uncomfortable chair and will then have some instrumentation attached to your body. A. Two small cups that slip over the fingers to measure pulse B. A s mall chain type device across the palm to measure ski n resistance. C. A Blood Pressure Band. D. A Device that enc ircles the chest to measure resiratory movement. Af ter the operator is sure that you are as uncomfortable or as com fortable as you will be,he will begin the test by asking you a few questions that should give him an obviously normal patter n to watch for on his paper tape recorder, I.E. "IS YOUR NAME, Pud Head?", "Have you ever drank a Coke?", "Do you live at xxx xx, nnnnnn Ave?" The next thing for him to do is to pop off on e of the questions that should be pertinent to your passin g or failing the test, this pattern will continue for 20 to 30 questions. What happens is that the Operator scribes th e question number at the top of the section of paper tape tha t contains your psychophysical reactions to the questions t hat he/she asks. Needless to say that they also write down your answer to the question. When the your recorded psychophysical responses vary from normal, the operator becomes suspicious. The PSI responses are a direct product of your brains a ctivity and can be controlled in varying degrees as d emonstrated by Yogins and Adepts and practitioners of t he Eastern Arts. What we must do is borrow from the East. Under normal condition our brains direct the body's acti vities without our conscious aid. What we must do before and while we are in the polygraph chair is develop a state of rela xation so intense that we find ourselves able to not resp onding emotionally when we need to decieve. Normally we bec ome apprehensive when decieving an authority figure, our blo od pressure rises somewhat, pulse rate increases, our breathing shallows and quickens. This information would g ive us away to a polygraph operator. The way to arrest these PSI reactions is to relax. This is not as easy as it may soun d so herein I will detail a drugless, & safe but effective way to accomplish this. Lowereing the heart rate, blood pressur e and body temperature is something that we have been told is not under our conscious control. To this we at P.H.I.R.M. say HORSEFEATHERS! We do it all the time, and here is how. Fin d a warm and comfortable room where you will not be disturb ed for at least 15 minutes and be sure that you have this ti me to dedicate to this exersise only. Lie down on a comfort able surface on your back with your arms at your sides. Get as comfortable as you may and give yourself time to become sensiti ve to any tensions in your body. Breathing through the nostri ls, inhale steadily, first filling the lower part of the lungs, which is accomplished by bringing into play the diaphra m. Then fill the middle part of the lungs, pushing out the low er ribs breastbone and chest. Then fill the higher portion o f the lungs, protruding the upper chest, thus lifting the chest and the upper six or seven pairs of ribs. In the final m ovement, the lower part of the abdomen will be slightly drawn in, which gives the lungs support and also helps fill th e highest part of the lungs. Timing in this exersise is essenti al. During the inspiration you shoul inhale to a quiet and ge ntle 8 count..... Retain the breath for a 4 count.... Exhale slo wly, holding the chest in position, and drawing the abdome n in a little and lifting it upward slowly as the air leaves the lungs during another 8 count. Let the lungs remain purged for a 4 count then relax the abdomen. In relaxing the abdomen you next breath has begun. Varying the cycle and rate of T HE BREATH can have varied effects on the body. This time w e want to slow all body function, therefore I recommend th at you pursue this exersise gently, slowly and with patience. If the cycles that I have suggested are uncomfortable for you then use 6/3 being to apply every that I have outlined here. If all goes well you will notice your heart rate d ecreasing. You may also notice he room geting chilly which m eans that your body is not producing as much heat, or - and t his has happened to me- you may wake up an hour later. After p racticing this exercise everyday for a few days you will find t hat it takes less time to slip into this relaxed state and t hat you can even do it sitting in a chair or even under p ressure. All you have to do is remember to use it to control y our reactions to phenomenon. I have passed a polygraph usin g this method so I know it works for me , however, I would appreciate any feed back regarding your reactions to this method of controlling body functions. END* BLADE RUNNER The Motorola KDT-800 By Sir Gamelord Sysop of The Worlds Grave Elite The Mortorola KDT-8 00 is a new terminal system from Mortorola. It goes beyon d the normal terminal system in that it can be accses without ph one lines. It uses radio to transmit data. The terminal itsel f has a radio transcever built in to send and recive data fro m the host computer. The terminal also has a 300bps modem built in for transmission out of range of the host's radio transmi sons. Technical Specs --------------- The transcever built into the KDT- 80 0 runs at 4800bps. It transmits at 806-821 MHz, and recives at 851-866MHz. It is a 4 watt transmitter, so it can transmit abo ut 5 miles. The built in 300bps modem is just a stand ard Bell103 compatible full duplex modem. It has no auto-answer or dial, so you have to manually pick up the phone and dial the number. Also, the KDT-800 has a serial and parralell interf ace. The serial runs at 300-9600bps, and the parralell is just a RS-232. The Network ----------- To make these terminals work, there h as to be a host network set up. The network consists of base sta tion, a network control proccesor, and the host computer. The b ase stations are the actual trancevers for the host, and the network control proccesor is a multiplexer type device. Uses & Methods of Hacking ------------------------- Right now there are not too many of these installed in the country, but soon many major campani es will have them. Mostly the companies that will use this net work would be a comapny who needs the portability gien by the se terminals. This would include credit corperations, the pho ne company, or any other company who works alot in the field. The best way I have found to get into these companies is t o sca 806 through 866 on the FM band, if they are there, you will find them. From there, you can hook into them (I won't go into detail of that now). The advantage of this is that they are going to have no security what so ever on the radio nodes because they don't think people will try to break into them. This file written for the P.H.I.R.M. Newsletter #1 By Sir Gamelord Sysop of THE WO RLD'S GRAVE ELITE Call for the newest releases of the PHIRM Newsletter. ***** *END,* ** *** ULI*^U *GU99I5R ijT +kR-.]tY(.H.I.R.M. ne wsletter (D R T) (K M):