Date: 13 Dec 92 14:00:21 EST >From: Gordon Meyer <72307.1502@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: File 3--Police Hackers / Computer Privacy Survey (Cu News) According to news reports, up to 45 members (since 1989) of the Los Angeles Police Department have been disciplined for using for unauthorized use of police databases. They have been freely digging up information on everyone from potential baby sitters to local celebrities. There are reportedly some cases of using the databases to file false insurance claims as well. For more information see Karen M. Carriol's "Was Police Search Warranted? Information Week. Nov 23 1992 pg 79 ============= Privacy vs Computers Survey. Equifax's June '92 update to their "Consumers in the Information Age" study shows some interesting survey results. Of the 1200+ people surveyed, 80% said that computers improved the overall quality of life, but nearly 70% agree that present uses of computers threaten their personal privacy. Other results include: - Just over 75% worry that consumers have lost all control over how businesses use and circulate personal information. - About half see no signs of improving this, saying that protection of individual consumer data will weaken over the next ten years. - Almost 70% agree that if privacy is to be preserved, the use of computers must be sharply restricted in the future. For more information refer to: "The Databases That Knew Too Much", Information Week. 12/7/92 pg 22 ------------------------------ Downloaded From P-80 International Information Systems 304-744-2253