Date: Fri, 04 Dec 92 22:42:00 PDT >From: Eagle.Runner@SOLITUD.FIDONET.ORG(Eagle Runner) Subject: File 3--Message from Solitude - (Re: CuD 4.57) Whew! After reading the CUD-457, which gave a pretty good account of the USSS and property seizures, I didn't know whether to "laugh" at the ridiculous behavior, or "cry", because of what it seems to indicate about the current State of the Union. Obviously, folks at N.S.A., D.I.A., F.B.I., and probably C.I.A., are all becoming rather `paranoid' of the so-called "hacker threat" to national security. I see corruption, abuses of authority, extreme incompetence well-beyond Peter Principle levels in Government, but this is indicative of incredible malfunctioning by decision makers in high places. It isn't likely some low-level USSS person authorized this, without somebody higher up the chain's knowledge. Sounds like we're in for some Dzerzhinski style `hijinks' with regard to the intelligence community in this country, beyond what most American's are ready to believe is really happening. The real danger with this stuff is that, given the relatively large segment of the public that already "fears" the computer, or is "ignorant" of how far or how limited the technology is, it's likely that there won't be a large enough voice of "dissent" over this incident, or other's. It's scary that this Gestapo-like garbage can be condoned in ANY so-called democracy, let alone one with a Constitution and a Bill of Right's, as we have. What next?? Already, I've had my telephone `tapped' without writ or court order, by `corrupt' law-enforcement people here in Arizona, both state and federal, and often wonder when they'll just break the door down, jerk my computer up by the wires, and depart. All it takes is to stand-up and "just say no" to the incredible Orwellian fascism we're living, and boy, you can kiss your Constitutional rights `adios'. I have read a lot of stuff that `sickened' me, but I think with all of the other naivete that I've had jerked off of me like a well worn in security blanket, things of this nature really make me ask myself "why" I served in the military during the Vietnam conflict, only to find out that communism isn't so much a red flag with a hammer and sickle on it, as it is a government that is totalitarian in nature, as ours has certainly become. This `incident' at the mall ought to serve as a wake-up call to every single American with a computer, and perhaps anyone with views contrary to the politically correct ones. I remember reading volumes of books about Germany, post WWI, and incredibly enough, this nation is increasingly looking a lot like the Germany I'd read about, from about 1934, onwards. Ronald Reagan and George Bush must've copied their scripts straight out of Mein Kampf. Anyway, I didn't want to rant and rave about how bad-off we are, but sit at the computer tonight, asking myself how much longer it will be before we find ourselves sitting around, computer-less, absolutely no guarantee whatsoever that our telephones, if we still have them, aren't tapped, and that any dissenting comment we might make, about any governmental entity, might ultimately be used as an excuse, as the term "hacker" has, to "threaten," "intimidate" and without due process, confiscate our property? It is perhaps time for you to think seriously about getting this story a lot wider dissemination into the press, s the rest of the nation can, if it isn't lobotomized yet, realize that something went horribly "wrong" in Washington, D.C. on the 7th of ((November)), and that nothing less than a full-blown accounting for it by the D.O.J. and F.B.I ought to be mandated by the public. Thanks for your time, and I hope that if there ever was a time when the alert lags ought to be flown, this was one of them. ------------------------------ Downloaded From P-80 International Information Systems 304-744-2253