Date: Mon, 16 Nov 92 11:17:32 EST >From: Rich=Gautier%SETA%DRC@S1.DRC.COM Subject: File 3--Re: CPSR Platform and You Questions, Anyone? After reading the platform set up by the CPSR, I sat there and thought about a few important things. Like, What can _I_ do about these things? How can _I_ make a difference with regard to these ideas? Who's going to pay for all this lobbying and change? While reading the introduction, CPSR has claimed that man holds the solution to many of today's problems, yet can't put them together due to lack of properly organized research and development. In today's society, money gets things done for the people who have it. In our case, the people who have it are(is?) the government. In order to get it OUT of the government, and into our hands (who better?), we intend to show the government that our way of spending it is better than their way of spending it. After all, it's our money, right? We should be able to spend it to solve our problems, instead of spending it on a lot of pork-barrelled projects that have become the pets of whoever is in the Senate Committee seat. However, how can we do this? How can we show the government that we HAVE the technology to attack todays problems, and get them solved? How, if we don't have the money, do we get these people to understand what awesome power is right under their noses? Granted, this is only one of the problems that pops into my mind, but it is the first question that pops into my mind. What can individuals do to further the knowledge of computing power? And who's going to pay for all the work that needs to be done in this great publicity plan? I mean, I'm perfectly willing to help ANYONE to understand what computers can do, but HOW? Is there an organizer? Is there a PLAN? Is there a path for the followers, rather than just a path for the leaders? ------------------------------ Downloaded From P-80 International Information Systems 304-744-2253