Date: 16 Apr 92 20:38:51 EDT From: Gordon Meyer <72307.1502@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: File 3--Medical Data Base (WSJ) IBM LINK TO PHYSICIAN COMPUTER NETWORK RAISES SOME QUESTIONS (paraphrased from th Wall Street Journal, 2/27/92) Unknown to the patients, every week or two a company dials into physicians' PCs and fishes out all their confidential files. With plans to reach 15,000 physicians within the next four years, the company, Physician Computer Network Inc., thinks its swelling database of patient records could become a commercial treasure. Fears about the sale of medical records are causing some physicians and pharmacists to resist the collectors' surveillance efforts. Others are pushing for legislation, noting that privacy law covers videotape rentals and cable-TV selections, but not most medical records. Physicians Computer Network has an impressive list of investors. Among them is IBM, which owns a 23% stake. Another holder, with 4.7% stake, is Macmillan Inc., part of the Maxwell electronic-information conglomerate. Downloaded From P-80 International Information Systems 304-744-2253