Date: Sat, 25 Jan 1992 15:29:46 EST From: Bennett Crook Subject: File 5--EFF on PRA/Owen bills ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Original message++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Electronic Frontier Foundation strongly disagrees with the Jamie Love/Taxpayer Assets project interpretation of the Paperwork Reduction Act Information Dissemination Sections. We support PRA. It is not perfect legislation but it embodies postive obligation of goverment agencies to disseminate public information in all formats and supports a diversity of information sources. Make no mistake. The TAP/Love Approach sometimes appears to envision the government as the sole producer of government information.This is inconsistent with free flow of information, diversity of sources for government originated information.We dont want goverment to monopolize info as we do not want private sector to do the same. EFF, ACLU, OMB Watch, support PRA. But we also support OWENS BILL!!!! Problem is that owens does little except require agencies to report on dissemination activities. Good. But also amends FOIA (Freedom of Info Act) which is fine but not easy and cannot be considered independent of S 1939, Leahy (DVT, SEn) bill to create Electronic Freedom of Information Act. PRA is in public interest. Owens is in public interest. Electronic Foia in public interest. Lets support them all. J. Berman, EFF Wash Office Director. Downloaded From P-80 International Information Systems 304-744-2253